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  1. kaki

    TUniPanel animation

    procedure TFCompras_Dashboard.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TUniPanel.Create(self) do begin Name:='test_sss'; Parent:=panelPadre; Caption:='Test label'; JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0')]); JSInterface.JSCall('getEl().fadeIn', [JSControl.JSObject('duration: 1500')]); end; end; With this code it works perfect! but you would have to do it from a procedure, without clicking a button. I'm going to try using some event of the frame
  2. kaki

    TUniPanel animation

    Well, I'll explain: I create panels at runtime, and I need to possibly have the diffusion effect, as I have read on this forum about fadeIn and fadeOut.
  3. kaki

    TUniPanel animation

    The piece of code is part of a procedure. If I write it in the click event of a TuniButton it works, but at the same time it creates the panel without animation.
  4. kaki

    TUniPanel animation

    with TUniPanel.Create(self) do begin Name:='test_sss'; Parent:=panelPadre; Caption:='Test label'; UniSession.AddJS(JSName + '.el.fadeIn({duration: 1000})'); end; It's just an example where I create a dashboard at runtime. I have captured it from forum examples
  5. kaki

    TUniPanel animation

    Unigui version
  6. Hello, I'm trying to make a simple animation that I've seen in some examples on the forum: I use the following instruction UniSession.AddJS(UniPanel1.JSName + '.el.fadeIn({duration: 1000})'); but it doesn't work for me, I get the following error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fadeIn') Thank,
  7. Done, it works automatically by not focusing the line. Thank you!
  8. Sorry, not to open another thread, same procedure for certain rows there is the possibility of disabling the dblclick event
  9. Thanks, I'm checking the beforeselect method. a question, how can I validate a field of the model, I do it this way but it doesn't work for me function beforeselect(sender, record, index, eOpts) { if ( record.EmpNo == 5 ) { return false; }; }
  10. Ok, I'll try it. I have a grid (TUniDBGRID), what I need is to insert some rows that are like a header, which will be defined with a field of the dataset, for example Type=0, under the headers there are other editable records, that's why the initial question , if it's possible for those header records to lose focus and look like panels or something. I hope I have explained myself. Thank you!
  11. Thanks for the answer, for now I can disable the line, but not the focus. Keep investigating.
  12. Hello, I need certain rows of a TUniDBGrid component to not be able to be selected or focused. Is this possible ? unigui version:
  13. kaki

    Layout table

    Thank for reply I have downloaded that project from the forum, I was just testing the responsive options that it brings and that question arose
  14. kaki

    Layout table

    Unigui version: uni-
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