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  1. Hi Ok I've solved it. Looks like the problem occurs when you create the Fastreport components dynamically. If you don't do that it seems to work fine. Thanks for all you help and suggestions.
  2. Hi no sorry Exp.Showprogress := false doesn't solve the problem. I have noticed that the sample freport thats included with UNIGUI suffers from the same problem. If you select Customer Information as a Report and ALFKI as a Report ID and let it create a PDF. When you run it on a second computer choose the same report but a different Report ID example WOLZA the pdf will display ALFKI. Tim
  3. sorry here is my code again. for some reason i deleted the part where I created the report. Still have the same problem procedure TFmPrintOut.PrepareAndShow(Report: TfrxReport; Exp: TfrxPDFExport); var AUrl : string; begin Report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; Report.ShowProgress := False; Report.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; Report.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; Report.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; Report.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; Exp.Background := True; Exp.ShowProgress := true; Exp.ShowDialog := false; Exp.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); Exp.DefaultPath := ''; Report.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; Report.PrepareReport; Report.Export(Exp); UniURLFrame1.URL := AUrl; end; procedure TFmPrintOut.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); var FRp : TfrxReport; FXp : TfrxPDFExport; begin try FRp := TfrxReport.Create(nil); FXp := TfrxPDFExport.Create(nil); try DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filtered := false; DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filter := '[PUPIL CODE] = '+quotedstr(DmPlcPupils.QuPupilListPupilCode.AsString); DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filtered := true; FRp.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+'\reports\PupilPlcAll.fr3'); PrepareAndShow(FRp, FXp); finally FRp.Free; FXp.Free; end; finally end; end;
  4. Hi Thanks for the replies yes dmreport is my datamodule
  5. Hi I'm having a little problem using Fastreports in an UniGui application. Firstly I filter the dataset using a unique code based on the pupil i want to print out. Then I export the Fastreport results as a PDF. On the first networked computer I run the report for PupilA and I get a Pdf with PupilA information on it. On a second networked computer I run the report for PupilB but the resulting Pdf shows me PupilA s information instead of PupilB. (this only happens if I still have PupilA details still on the first computers screen). Im not refreshing FastReports somewhere along the line. My code is here procedure TFmPrintOut.PrepareAndShow(Report: TfrxReport; Exp: TfrxPDFExport); var AUrl : string; begin Report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; Report.ShowProgress := False; Report.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; Report.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; Report.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; Report.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; Exp.Background := True; Exp.ShowProgress := true; Exp.ShowDialog := false; Exp.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); Exp.DefaultPath := ''; Report.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; Report.PrepareReport; Report.Export(Exp); UniURLFrame1.URL := AUrl; end; procedure TFmPrintOut.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); var FRp : TfrxReport; FXp : TfrxPDFExport; begin try FXp := TfrxPDFExport.Create(nil); try DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filtered := false; DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filter := '[PUPIL CODE] = '+quotedstr(DmPlcPupils.QuPupilListPupilCode.AsString); DmReports.QuPlcByPupil.filtered := true; FRp.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+'\reports\PupilPlcAll.fr3'); PrepareAndShow(FRp, FXp); finally FRp.Free; FXp.Free; end; finally end; end; Any ideas on what Im doing wrong? Thanks for all your help
  6. Hi Thanks for that. still can't get it to work. Im going to try it on a 3rd server and see how far I get. Again thanks for you help.
  7. Hi Ive got a webapp that is started Includes URL Parameters in it Example https://SSLSERVERIIS7/Applications/webapp.dll/?PARAM01=TEST?PARAM02=1 This comes up with a message SSLSERVERIIS7 Says: %1 could not be found This server has a ssl cert installed. I have another webserver set up with IIS7 but not with a SSL Certificate installed and the app works fine with those parameters. What am I missing on my SSL Server? Thanks for any help
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