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Everything posted by gpaulino

  1. Hola agmoro7622 Muchisimas gracias me esta funcionando de maravilla.
  2. Hola agmoro7622, Gracias por responder pero no Encuentro el evento OnGetText en el unidbgrid que estoy usando... OK Ya lo encontre, voy a probar y te dejo saber gracias..
  3. Hello to All. I need help, now I have a DBgried which I'll run a registry list, these reference regristros aran to document types such as. doc,. xls and. PDF. All I want is to be able to paint the icon that records represenre for example, if a pdf put pdf icon, and so with the others. can you help me please ... Example of an image.
  4. Hola Javi, disculpame por tardar en responder si me sale bien con icono y todo solamente me lleve de lo quedice el enlace del post anterior y listo.
  5. Hola a Todos. Necesito ayuda, actualmente tengo un DBgried el cual me estara manejando un listado de registro, estos regristros aran referencia a tipos de documentos como .doc,.xls y .PDF. Los que quiero es que poder pintar los registros con icono que lo represenre por ejemplo, si es un pdf poner el icono de pdf, y asi con los demas. me pueden ayudar por favor... Ejemplo de una imagen.
  6. Muchas Gracias Javi , ya lo probe y por ahora me esta funiconando de maravilla.
  7. Hola Estoy tratando de validar un edit con los unigui pero la validacion la quiero como se hace en extjs, esto se puede hacer con los unigui???
  9. gpaulino


    Hola a todos Guillermo Paulino desde Rep. Dominicana.
  10. Hello I need to know if there is any way to install add an ISAPI application unigui in apache but under Ubuntu and I have everything set as the manual says but it does not work if someone could explain I'm doing wrong here my settings. AddHandler isapi-handler. Dll <Directory "/media/3CDDB0DF58675C58_/Raiz/compartido_VT/WebNomina"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow, deny Allow from all </ Directory> Alias ​​/ WebNomina "/ media/3CDDB0DF58675C58_/Raiz/compartido_VT/WebNomina" I can not add the line: # LoadModule isapi_module modules / mod_isapi.so that is incompatible, the apache fails.
  11. Felicitacion te quedo estupendo el projecto. sigue asi.
  12. as I can run a. exe file from a button with unigui Ayuda Por Favor....
  13. I try so also guiding me an example that brings unigui, called the DownloadDemo and still download it but I siguie opening the server.
  14. ok, I have my application mounted on a network, go to one of the pc that are in the network and entered by the browser to the application, I have a button on it which when I give I should click a file call. bat and run it, clear the archivo.bat this in all client pc in a specific route. according to my web application logic should seek the path where the client PC and run it, but instead the application is what you do I run this remotely on the server to server and when I see the open archivo.bat . I need that I run which is in the client PC and not found in the server .. muchasimas thanks beforehand
  15. ok, I have my application mounted on a network, go to one of the pc that are in the network and entered by the browser to the application, I have a button on it which when I give I should click a file call. bat and run it, clear the archivo.bat this in all client pc in a specific route. according to my web application logic should seek the path where the client PC and run it, but instead the application is what you do I run this remotely on the server to server and when I see the open archivo.bat . I need that I run which is in the client PC and not found in the server .. muchasimas thanks beforehand
  16. if not possible or not but it's going Farshad Mohajeri friend, and not how to fix it I've tried everything I put normal code I'm using some of them good. ShellExecute (Handle, 'Open', PChar ('iexplorer'), nil, nil, SW_SHOW); when I run it instead of open up the explorer of the PC client visualize where my application made ​​unigui, the explorer opens my server I am working with windows 7 and XP.
  17. I'm trying to run an external application of unigui and this I run the application on the server but not from the remote pc. what I need is to run an application on any client pc that I open in the same pc client and do not open on the server. I can help with this please .....
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