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khuemmeler last won the day on February 28 2019

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  1. @Sherzod Hi, all downloads are not available and all examples (in the installation directory\demo) refer to unidbgrid. I need an example for up/down sorting for all columns of an unistringgrid. I use official registered version UniGui - Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance! Klaus
  2. Dear Fred,

    I'm very interested about your thread

    uniGUI DOES Digital Signing (signature) for Mobile 

    But the download link is no longer available. Can you renew it, please?

    Or send me the example?

    Best regards


  3. Works much better now 😅 Thanks a lot for the superfast help! Klaus
  4. Hi Sherzod, Version is: Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1554 Using TUnimPanel without modification shows four calendars (Default-1 (red), Default-2 (blue) ...). If I add one or more calenders using the IDE (Property Editor for UnimCalendarPanel1, Calendars, Add...) or if I do this programmatically var c : TUniCalendarItem; begin // UnimCalendarPanel1.Calendars.Clear; c := UnimCalendarPanel1.Calendars.Add; c.Title := 'TestCal'; c.CalendarId := 1; c.Color := clLime; c.Description := 'Appointments'; there is no calendar displayed and it's also not possible (means not being displayed) to add events to the new calendar. And I'm wondering about the fact, that the calendars.count is zero for the 4 default calendars, but count is correct, if I add the calendars in the above way. So I hope to get a code-snipped which shows me how to add calendars the right way. Best regards Klaus
  5. Hello all, when I create new calendars in the IDE or add the calendars dynamically in the program, no single calendar appears in the calendar overview (calendar panel - top left menu). However, UnimCalendarPanel1.Calendars.Count shows the correct number of the added calendars. If I don't change anything on UnimCalendarPanel, the 4 default calendars are shown in the overview. But UnimCalendarPanel1.Calendars.Count shows 0 calendars. Changing the title of a default calendar generates a runtime error. What am I doing wrong? Is there a code snippet that shows adding a calendar? Many greetings Klaus
  6. Solved by using this code-snippet: function MakeDriveMapping(DriveLetter: string; DirectoryPath: string; Username: string; Password: string; RestoreAtLogon: Boolean): DWORD; var NetResource: TNetResource; dwFlags: DWORD; begin with NetResource do begin dwType := RESOURCETYPE_DISK; lpLocalName := PChar(DriveLetter); lpRemoteName := PChar(DirectoryPath); lpProvider := nil; end; if (RestoreAtLogon) then dwFlags := CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE else dwFlags := 0; Result := WNetAddConnection2(NetResource, PChar(Password), PChar(Username), dwFlags); end;
  7. It's a standalone Windows-Service. But the login account can't be the same account, which has rights for the share. A persistant mapping seems not to work inside the service.
  8. Hi all, I need to save some XML-Files to a network-share, like \\servername\sharename , which has also login credentials. This must be done within a unigui service application. Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance! Regards Klaus
  9. ++1 Legend (52) started on AppleII UCSD Pascal in 1982, some versions of Turbo Pascal and then Delphi... I saw them all and also the very first pages of the internet... Awesome times;-)
  10. Hi, is it possible to set the webserver port on program start, e.g. by reading from a config file? Best regards Klaus
  11. Hi, after setting date and time: How can I read the time information? Best regards!
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