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    Kirchberg, Sachsen, DE

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  1. For example in 'UnimFormShow' of Mobile Form.
  2. This solution did not help me: sender.element.dom.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); But this one works good: UniSession.AddJS('$("input").attr("autocomplete", "off");');
  3. ADSISearch.pas for Delphi works good for Unigui.
  4. Using TUniQuery + TUniDBGrid returns same result. So, looks like problem is not connected with Devexpress
  5. Hello, I have a strange TUniDbGrid behaviour : Devexpress (TVirtualTable or TMSQuery)+ TUniDBGrid. When dataset has ONLY one record and this record selected in Grid, dataset return EOF. Any ideas ? Thanks in advance ! Ilia Kaurov Version Unigui
  6. My problem is that user start input data into record and input is lost when he click on another record. Some kind of AutoPost for each field could be useful also. Win8, Unigui v.
  7. Hello, question is how to prevent moving to another record when RowEditor in edit state? Sencha controls it using "Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing" property "clicksToMoveEditor". How could I set this property runtime ? Thanks in advance!
  8. Nope, sadly not. What I'd like to implement is: 1. Open dialog form 2. Close dialog form and immediately call RowEditor for UniDbGrid. Target is to avoid user dblclick on row to start editing. Best regards
  9. Hello, is it possible programmatically call row editor (RowEditor := true) on selected row. Thanks in advance, Ilia
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