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Everything posted by Mediv

  1. Hi Farshad. Can I make a coloring of the grid, the first line - white, the next - gray, etc. as indicated in the following example: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.1/examples/grid/array-grid.html I was watching your example CellDraw, there is an appeal to the server, I would like to do it on the client side. Thank you.
  2. Mediv

    Form Icon

    Added an icon like you said, and it is possible to change the icon in the link.
  3. Mediv

    Form Icon

    Hi Farshad. On icons, can I change the icon in the address bar? Thank you.
  4. Mediv

    build 943

    Thanks, I'll keep in mind. This error only in delphi 2007 or xe2 will also? In the near future we plan to compile the project under delphi xe2.
  5. Mediv

    build 943

    build 943. Well, I decided to have a problem changing the settings on my computer, the main thing that works as expected. Thanks for your help.
  6. Mediv

    build 943

    I changed the settings on my computer and everything was fine display.
  7. Mediv

    build 943

    DBLookup demo with the property set DisplayFormat = 0.00 for the field TaxRate, look, if you will show everything is normal, then the problem with the settings. DBLookup.zip
  8. Mediv

    build 943

    I took your demo DBLookup. I put DisplayFormat = 0.00 for the field and was rounding TaxRate data, try, I can send your project If you are usin needed.
  9. Mediv

    build 943

    I'll try to do it on your example DBLookup, but only tomorrow.
  10. Mediv

    build 943

    Chrome 18.0.1025.142 beta-m, delphi 2007
  11. Mediv

    build 943

    Field type Float
  12. Mediv

    build 943

    Settings on the computer - 12 pic DisplayFormat empty - 11,13 pic DisplayFormat not empty - 14,15 pic If pointing DisplayFormat, it is rounding the data.
  13. Mediv

    build 943

    Hi Farshad. In the build is 927 for the installation Query Component -> Fields Editor -> DisplayFormat = 0.00, a value of zero in the grid displayed as 0.00, after upgrading to build 943 had to remove the formatting so that the value of 1153.23 was displayed, as 1.153, but the value of zero is now displayed as 0, and wanted to be like 0.00 How can I do this? Thank you.
  14. Mediv

    RUN UniScreenMask

    I can not use Sleep(...), because I do not know how many time code will run inside the Begin ... end. Will there be future functionality that allows the mask to start and stop anywhere in your code? UniScreenMask.run .... UniScreenMask.stop. Thank you.
  15. Hi all, Can someone tell me how to run the Event procedure TFrameSocProtect.StreetEditKeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited; if key = 13 then begin .... code end; end; UniScreenMask run until the end of the code inside the begin ... end. Thank you.
  16. Mediv

    Bild 943

    The point on the scale, changing the scale of the running application in the browser cntr + or cntr-changed at rendering components. The scale remains visible in the browser cache.
  17. Mediv

    Bild 943

    Apparently the problem was in the computer, launch the application on other computer everything is fine drawn.
  18. Mediv

    Bild 943

    Hello Farshad. Updated to build 943, delphi 2007, Google Chrome 17.0.963.79 m. There were problems with the drawing of the components: tabs, buttons, toolbutton. Please tell me the problem is the library? build 921 delphi 2007, Google Chrome 17.0.963.79 m components are drawn correctly. Thank you.
  19. Mediv

    Click Hyperlink

    I'm probably not quite correct to explain my problem, UniLabelClick event is triggered, but the transition occurs at the link before work out the code in UniLabelClick. I need to before you open a new window in your browser to execute code in UniLabelClick
  20. Mediv

    Click Hyperlink

    Not Work, and OnMouseDown too.
  21. Mediv

    Click Hyperlink

    Hi, How to trigger execution of a procedure at the time of clicking on the hyperlink, so that the procedure worked, first, and then jump to the link. Thanks.
  22. Mediv


    Разобрался, через CustomCss, кнопка появилась, спасибо за помощь.
  23. Mediv


    Можешь кинуть пример исп-ия css?? Я так понимаю нужно использовать UniServerModule.CustomFiles, там нужно указать пусть до сценария?? или сам код написать? Спасибо.
  24. Mediv


    Yes, need to open a new window in your browser.
  25. Mediv


    There is a project that is running on the server, users refer to it from the outside, the task of pressing a button on the report form and open a user's browser. The problem is that you can not use ShellApi unit, because when I call the hyperlink, the report will open on the server not the client, which is logical, Prompt startup options for the hyperlink. Thank you. Есть проект который крутиться на серваке, к нему обращаются пользователи снаружи, задача по нажатию на кнопку формировать отчет и открывать у пользователя в браузере, если есть плагин откроет страницу, нет - скачает и сохранит. Проблема в том что нельзя использовать ShellApi unit, потому что когда я вызываю гиперсылку, то отчет открывается на серваке а не на клиенте, что логично, Подскажите варианты запуска гиперссылки по кнопке. Спасибо.
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