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Everything posted by mterceno

  1. Hi all, Did you have already to setup un reverse proxy with an UniGUI application ? I try this setup but I receive always this message from uniGui App : Loading... The current configuration is : server { listen 80; server_name; location /portal/ { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; #proxy_set_header Host; proxy_pass; #proxy_ssl_server_name on; } This returned message tell me that it's Unigui App returns this. So, the redirection seems work fine. But, why i have this message from unigui app ? Thank you,
  2. Hi all, Is it possible to synchronously call a similar function "ajaxRequest" ? For example, if a TuniForm has a few TUniEdit, I would like that when enter(focus) in second (event), the client call the server method via ajaxRequest() and the client stays waiting as long as the call of ajaxRequest is not terminated. In this case f.e., impossible to press tab to focus in next TUniEdit. Do you think that possible ? Thank you
  3. Hi it works !!! I have found also other solution with that : UniDBGrid.ClientEvents.UniEvents: function store.afterCreate(sender) { sender.getSorters().add(new Ext.util.Sorter({property: "0", direction: "ASC"})); sender.sortOnLoad = true; } But your code is more pretty. Thank you,
  4. Hi all, I have looking for a long time a solution to define a default column sort but nothing. Currently, when I activate the sort in a UniDBGrid, none column s sorted when the Dataset opens (no icon - arrow - in title). I must click on columns header to see this sort icon. How can I to show this icon on the first column directly at first data load ? At initialisation => no sort When I click on title PS: I have found this solution but I must call this code after all clients objects / data are rendered. This solution is not good. DBGrid reloads the data and tries to sort it while the data is already sorted in that order => no look good ! UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.store.sorters.clear()'); UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.store.sorters.add(new Ext.util.Sorter({property: "0", direction: "ASC"}))'); Thank you for your help.
  5. Could you please check with this testcase : - Click the first record - Push Bottom arrow key while 15 sec. - Release the key => You should see the component UniDBEdit refresh himself while somes seconds Do you have this effect ?
  6. Sorry, we use the components Woll2Woll. I attached the new demo with simple DataSource Regards, Demo.zip
  7. Please find a simple example in attachment. I use a ClientDataset. The ClientDataSet contains really more 190 columns but I show only 5 persistents fields. More there visibles fields, more there lags... ExtJS native is more fluid with big DBGridList, why uniGUI is more slowly ? http://examples.sencha.com/extjs/5.1.0/examples/kitchensink/#big-data-grid Best regards, demo_basic_ClientDataSet.zip
  8. Hello, I'm trying to create a sample App with a DBGrid linked to DataSource1 linked to Query and UniDBEdit linked to the same DataSource1. After running the application, when I scroll in DBGrid, UniDBEdit is refreshed with a significant lag compared to DBGrid (see video). How can I optimize this behavior and make it more fluid? Best regards, 2018-06-12 at 09-57-27.zip
  9. Thank you for your help. Your example works, but it stretches the background and the effect is not good. I think I can inspire on this example
  10. My resolution screen is 2560 x 1440 but the problem appears when a browser window is not in full screen. When you resize the window, you should see the problem with Firefox. I attach a video demo(To the left is Opera / Right is Firefox) 2017-04-21 at 14-28-34.zip
  11. I put in attachment a new project with this example.... LoginBackground.zip
  12. Hi all, I can't to resolve the following problem. I set a login background in my application et the rendering in Firefox is not good. I attach a print screen which compares the rendering between Opera & Firefox. Chrome & Edge work like Opera. The background size is not same in Firefox. It seems repeat himself... Do you have an idea to solve this problem ? Best regards
  13. Hi, I can now get the JSName of the PopupMenu but I must call before "UniSession.Synchronize();" after that, I create the JS event Click : UniSession.Synchronize(); UniMenuButton.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( 'click=function click(sender, eOpts){debugger;'+ 'alert("test");' + TXPopupMenu(UniMenu).GetMenuControl.JSName+'el.show();'+ '}'); With the Synchronize call, the Click event is never fired ! Without Synchronize, the alert("test") is fired well. Very strange.... Do you have any advices to avoid a call to UniSession.Synchronize(); Thank you for your help,
  14. Hi all, I try to open the PopupMenu from "client side" event but the Object TUniPopupMenu doesn't contains the property JSName. So without the client name, it impossible to implement this functionality. Do you have any idea to open the menu in JS code ? Best regards,
  15. Hi GerhardV, I create in Delphi code an event "client side" for a quick response : UniSpeedButtonLauncher.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('onmouseup=function mouseup(sender, eOpts) {'+ YourFormName.WebForm.JSName+'.el.setVisible(true)'+ // or el.setVisible(false) '}'); Best regards,
  16. Yes, I add the following JS code on ExtEvents of the form. function window.afterlayout(sender, layout, eOpts) { Ext.get(sender.id).el.setVisible(false); } I don't know if the good solution but it works fine in my case. Best regards,
  17. Hi, OK. So must I understand that desired behavior is not possible ? In fact this form is a kind of Main Menu. To avoid a long time loading at the first call, I thought create it at a MainFormCreate...but the form is shown Currently I show this form in changing the top value. To hide I set the top to 3000px but it's not very pretty Do you have another idea that could suit me ? Thank you.
  18. Hello all, I would like create a form but I wouldn't this form shown directly. I set the property visible to False but the form is still showed. Do you have a solution to create a form without showing it ? Thank you
  19. Hi all, When the user select a tab on client interface, the property Activetab & ActiveTabIndex of the object TUnimTabPanel remains the same at the compilation time. If I implement the event OnChange of TabPanel (with code or no code), that works ! => (very strange.) But when I close the frame, I have an error message on client side : Event:activeitemchange. Object O50 doesn't found in session object list.... How I can bypass this error on close frame ? Best regards,
  20. Hello, Thank you for your answer. The CSS code works fine only for the column height. It remains a problème with this HTML tag : <div class="x-container x-grid-header-container x-dock-item x-docked-top x-sized" id="ext-headercontainer-1" style="height: 65px !important;"> I tried to add this css code but it doesn't work . .x-container .x-grid-header-container .x-dock-item . x-docked-top .x-sized{ height: 30px !important; } Do you have any idea to modify the height for these classes (.x-container .x-grid-header-container)? Best regards,
  21. Hi all, I can't modify these properties with CustomCSS. I tried with several examples but it doesn't work ! Only solution for the moment is implement an client event but I don't know the property to set for the Header/Column height: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.itemHeight = 35; } PS: A CSS code is much appreciate to avoid to define this event for each dbgrid on my app Thank you for your help.
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