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Everything posted by GerhardV

  1. Link is dead (http://db.kontora.ua/qr.zip) anybody has a copy of it to share please?
  2. Thank you sir! It seems the links are dead...anybody have the source for it?
  3. Is anybody aware of a component, or is it possible with a uniGUI mobile app to scan/read a barcode? Thanks.
  4. Here is a modified version of Delphi Developer's solution which scales the number of lines dynamically...obviously there is only so much space to fit eventually. function resize(sender, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts) { var me = sender.btnInnerEl; var tm = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(); var lineHeight = parseInt(me.getStyle("line-height")); var textWidth = tm.getSize(sender.text).width; if (textWidth >= width + 25) { me.setStyle("line-height", lineHeight / Math.ceil(textWidth/width) + "px"); me.setStyle("white-space", "normal"); } else { me.setStyle("white-space", "nowrap"); }; }
  5. What Delphi Developer advised does work, I have tested it...see attachment.
  6. Michael, do you set any z-index or bring to front maybe? Ignore that..I had the code in the "UniFormReady" event but moved it to the "UniFormCreate" event...now it is showing up.
  7. Can you perhaps elaborate on how you show and hide this form in your app once it is created?
  8. You can also do it like this. CustomCSS: .x-panel-round { padding: 3px; border-width: 3px !important; border-radius: 10px; } BorderStyle = ubsSolid for the panel. UniEvents: beforeinit function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls="x-panel-round"; }
  9. CustomCSS: .x-panel-shadow { box-shadow: 0 0px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-color: #D9D9D9 !important; } .x-panel-shadow-round { border-radius: 10px; } UniEvents: Beforeinit: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls="x-panel-shadow x-panel-shadow-round"; } BorderStyle = ubsNone for the panel. Result attached.
  10. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8211-delphi-102-tokyo-is-released/
  11. Any REST client should give you the ability to add header values. Here is an example where I read one of the header values in TUniServerModule. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand(ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); var dm : TdmReportData; begin if ARequestInfo.URI='/report/finsummary' then begin dm := TdmReportData.Create(nil); try dm.qryReport.Connection := dm.FDConnection; AResponseInfo.ContentText := dm.GenerateReportPDF(repFinSummary, '') + ' header [user] = ' + ARequestInfo.RawHeaders.Values['user']; AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200; AResponseInfo.WriteContent; Handled := True; finally dm.Free; end; end; end;
  12. Is there something similar for TUniMainMenu?
  13. Maybe don't do the "as TUniDBCheckBox" where you execute FindComponent....but do a sanity check if the component "is TUniDBcheckBox" first. var i: Integer; c: TComponent; <<---- use TComponent here begin for i := 1 to 20 do begin c := FindComponent('somename' + i.toString); if (c <> nil) and (c is TUniDBCheckBox) then <<---- sanity check here begin if (c as TUniDBCheckBox).checked then <<---- cast here dosomething; end; end; end;
  14. Just make a prototype and use the Stress tool that comes with uniGUI to test it.
  15. Hi Farshad: Is it possible to add this enhancement to the UniGUI library please? See link below. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8130-center-clearbutton-for-tuniedit/ Thank you.
  16. Thank you...does the trick. @Farshad can we add the functionality to the uniGUI library?
  17. Not yet...still work in progress.
  18. You would need to change the CSS and/or images for the specific theme. Or create your own theme by starting of with one of the existing themes and modify it to your liking. Search the forum for themes.
  19. I am working on a new theme...based on the Neptune theme.
  20. I have some TUniEdits that have a height greater than that of the standard size. The ClearButton is not vertically centered, see attachment. The ClearButton has a element style="right: 7px; top: 1px" in the div tag. It also has margin-top: 4px in the clearbutton.css file but I cannot change the CSS as that will affect all ClearButtons. I checked the TUniEdit source code but there is only one property to set it visible, and it seems that it is declared in TUniFormControl which we don't have the source code for. Is there a way to set the position? Or even better - Can wee perhaps expose properties to set its position? Or can we maybe have it aligned vertically centered?
  21. If you don't want the main form to be shown as a form (meaning you don't care to see the window frame) then you can set the MainFormDisplayMode property of TUniServerModule to mfPage. Another option is to have the main form set as describe above which contains a panel whose Layout property is set to "fit" and then have a second form which act as the main form and whose Parent property is set to the panel on the real main form. See demo project attached. In this example I have set the BodyPadding of the panel to 10 to show the yellowish color of the panel who is the parent. MainFormResize.zip
  22. Farshad, I was wondering, will uniGUI be able to be compiled for Linux in Berlin1.2? In other words, will we be able to run a uniGUI server on Linux? Regards, Gerhard
  23. Hehe...nope...had a great laugh at myself now! Tx.
  24. Thanks, no I have checked for that only, it is assigned to only one button, even created a separate popup menu to be sure. Will investigate some more.
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