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Everything posted by Ario.Paxaz

  1. After installation, a shortcut will be created and there is no need to write the address and the whole page can be seen Full Screen.
  2. I don't know if this address works outside of Iran or not. https://www.nahayatnegar.com/online Please go to the address from your mobile phone
  3. I already googled it, but I didn't get the answer. The point is that those apps that I have create shortcuts after the first run from the website. And they always run full screen, so I can never see the address.
  4. I have banking apps on my mobile that work on the web and have shortcuts.
  5. I mean writing an app written with Uni mobile.
  6. HI How to put a shortcut on the screen for a mobile app in Android? Regards.
  7. Hello No, you need to configure SSL. Regards.
  8. Hello, I use the zxing library. Thanks.
  9. Unfortunately, I do not know JavaScript. Please advise if possible. Regards.
  10. How can I adjust the position of the camera? Regards.
  11. Hi, The qrcodecap work in desktop perfectly. But mobileqrcodecap don't work in mobile ,it dont detect the camera. Regards.
  12. Hello I got a sample that works on desktop but doesn't recognize the camera on mobile. What should change? Regards. mobileqrcodecap.rar qrcodecap.rar
  13. Hi Thanks a lot Sherzod ,The result was this. Regards. DesktopBarCodReader.rar
  14. Hi The TestCase. Regards. DesktopBarCodReader.rar
  15. Hi, thanks for your replay, But I had found this from DFM file and done it. <audio id="player" height="0px" src="files/beep-digital.mp3" style="display:none"></audio> <div> <video id="video" width="100%" height="100%" style="border: 1px solid gray"></video> </div> <div id="sourceSelectPanel" style="display:none"> <label for="sourceSelect">Change video source:</label> <select id="sourceSelect" style="max-width:400px"> </select> </div>
  16. Hi Sherzood I found my error and the example is running. But when run the sample and click on start or reset button,the below error shows. I use it for Desktop. My licence is for Desktop,and I can´t run your sample. I open your sample by notepad.Probably I have not set a properties. Regards.
  17. I try it ,But Has this Error. O1F._ael=document.getElementById("player");O1F._ael.load();O1F.oldResultText="";let selectedDeviceId; const codeReader = new ZXing.BrowserMultiFormatReader(); codeReader.getVideoInputDevices() .then((videoInputDevices) => { const sourceSelect = document.getElementById("sourceSelect"); selectedDeviceId = videoInputDevices[0].deviceId; if (videoInputDevices.length >= 1) { videoInputDevices.forEach((element) => { const sourceOption = document.createElement("option"); sourceOption.text = element.label; sourceOption.value = element.deviceId; sourceSelect.appendChild(sourceOption); }); sourceSelect.onchange = () => { selectedDeviceId = sourceSelect.value; }; const sourceSelectPanel = document.getElementById("sourceSelectPanel"); sourceSelectPanel.style.display = "block"; } document.getElementById("O17_id").addEventListener("click", () => { codeReader.decodeFromVideoDevice(selectedDeviceId, "video", (result, err) => { if (result&&result.text!=O1F.oldResultText) { window.ajaxRequest(O1F, "getResult", ["result="+result.text]);O1F.oldResultText=result.text; } if (err && !(err instanceof ZXing.NotFoundException)) { } }); }); document.getElementById("O1B_id").addEventListener("click", () => { codeReader.reset(); ajaxRequest(O1F, "getResult", ["result="+""]); }) }) .catch((err) => { alert(err) }); Regards.
  18. Hi Can I use BarCodeScannerZxing Sample For Desktop? Regards.
  19. Hi How to solve this problem(http tampering)?
  20. Hi In VCL I use this command If ColorDialog.Execute Then Result := IntToStr(ColorDialog.Color); for get color that user selected. How do it in UniGui? Regards.
  21. Can you see my site now? Can you guide me which IIS part to check? Regards.
  22. Hi This certificate does not display this problem on all sub domains except this sub domain.(https://bi2.irand*.ir) The other sub domain are (https://bi3.irand*.ir,https://bi4.irand*.ir,....).
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