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  1. isam

    Alert Box

    hello, i have error : String.format is not a function
  2. isam

    Alert Box

    Hello i have error : String.format is not a function
  3. Great job !But Could you upload it?Thank you!
  4. Great job !But Could you upload it?Thank you!
  5. hello , i use uniGMap component V 1.4.8 it is greate job thanks ... but when i wan create marker i get exeption Acces violation at adresse 040BE4E ... this is my code : procedure TF_Gmap.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var lng , lat : real; begin DTM.Vehicule.First; lat := 0; lng := 0; while Not DTM.Vehicule.Eof do begin with MarkersEx[DTM.VehiculeRECORDID.Value] do begin id := DTM.VehiculeRECORDID.Value; Latitude := 36.733924 - lat; Longitude := 3.274754 + lng; labelAnchor.X := 50; labelAnchor.Y := 50; labelClass := 'myLabel'; labelContent := DTM.VehiculeALIAS.Text; labelAnchor.X := 50; labelAnchor.Y := 50; clickable := true; /// a enlevé draggable := True; /// a enlevé labelInBackground := False; labelVisible := True; labelStyle := '{ opacity: 0.50 , color: "green" , width: "150px" }'; icon := '/files/images/45.png'; end; UniGMap1.AddMarkerEx(MarkersEx[DTM.VehiculeRECORDID.Value], True); lat := 0.36271281838859; lng := 0.003004074096709; DTM.Vehicule.Next; end; end;
  6. Hello i have test this ...but i have error message Sgcwebsocket is not defined ??? help please
  7. Hello, is it possible to have an UniStringGrid with combobox in cell? Please i need help
  8. Thanks Delphi Developer .. it works perfectly
  9. Hello , how i can change UniStringGrid RowHeights and ColWidths value i try this for I := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount -1 do begin for j := 0 to 6 do begin StringGrid1.Cells[i,j] := ''; StringGrid1.ColWidths[j] := 70; StringGrid1.RowHeights := 70; end; end; but i have error " Config option: hideheiders:True<br/> ............ is not allowed in ajax request or js .... use equivalent puclic propreity ... please i nedd help thanks
  10. Very good job but can we use local images for markers ? please!
  11. Very good job but can we load the marker from local path?
  12. Hello, I use Unigui trial, and I use a Ativex component (CZKEM) for the fingerprint, everything works fine, only some events as ... "Onfinger", "OnOnrollfinger" yet others play events like "Onconned" and "OnDisconnect" works perfectly: This is for example the the DLL functions that work: procedure CZKEMDisConnected (Sender: TObject); procedure CZKEMConnected (Sender: TObject); This is for example the functions of the DLL not work: procedure CZKEMEnrollFinger(ASender: TObject; EnrollNumber, FingerIndex, ActionResult, TemplateLength: Integer); CZKEMFinger procedure (Sender: TObject); And part of unit activex control: unit zkeuemkeeper_TLB; {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // L'unité doit être compilée sans pointeur à type contrôlé. {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} {$WRITEABLECONST ON} {$VARPROPSETTER ON} {$ALIGN 4} interface uses Winapi.Windows, System.Classes, System.Variants, System.Win.StdVCL, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.OleCtrls, Vcl.OleServer, Winapi.ActiveX; const // Versions mineure et majeure de la bibliothèque de types zkeuemkeeperMajorVersion = 1; zkeuemkeeperMinorVersion = 0; LIBID_zkeuemkeeper: TGUID = '{EE9EED34-E159-408E-8490-B720A5E632C7}'; DIID__IZKEUEMEvents: TGUID = '{CE83B580-5D32-4C65-B44E-BEDC750CDFA8}'; IID_IZKEUEM: TGUID = '{103F4206-E43D-4FC9-BAB0-331CFFE4D25B}'; CLASS_CZKEUEM: TGUID = '{00753A19-BD51-419B-9269-2DABE57EB61F}'; type _IZKEUEMEvents = dispinterface; IZKEUEM = interface; IZKEUEMDisp = dispinterface; CZKEUEM = IZKEUEM; // *********************************************************************// // Déclaration de structures, d'unions et d'alias. // *********************************************************************// PShortint1 = ^Shortint; {*} PInteger1 = ^Integer; {*} PByte1 = ^Byte; {*} PWordBool1 = ^WordBool; {*} _IZKEUEMEvents = dispinterface ['{CE83B580-5D32-4C65-B44E-BEDC750CDFA8}'] procedure OnEnrollFinger(EnrollNumber: Integer; FingerIndex: Integer; ActionResult: Integer; TemplateLength: Integer); dispid 3; procedure OnConnected; dispid 6; procedure OnDisConnected; dispid 7; procedure OnFinger; dispid 8; TCZKEUEM = class(TOleControl) private FOnEnrollFinger: TCZKEUEMOnEnrollFinger; FOnConnected: TNotifyEvent; FOnDisConnected: TNotifyEvent; FOnFinger: TNotifyEvent; property OnEnrollFinger: TCZKEUEMOnEnrollFinger read FOnEnrollFinger write FOnEnrollFinger; property OnConnected: TNotifyEvent read FOnConnected write FOnConnected; property OnDisConnected: TNotifyEvent read FOnDisConnected write FOnDisConnected; property OnFinger: TNotifyEvent read FOnFinger write FOnFinger; end.
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