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Everything posted by sagt3k

  1. Hello to all. I would like to reproduce the example EXT JS like this "http://cdn.sencha.com/ext-4.1.1a-gpl/examples/grid/live-search-grid.html" in a control Unihtmlframe? How can I do? Could someone help me? Possibly using HTML and JAVA script directly on the control UniHtmlFrame Thanks
  2. I am a newbie in ajax. Could you attach a small example in HTML (ajax) with two buttons that call a function with parameters, and therefore the consideration unigui code that handles ajax calls to unigui? Thanks
  3. Merry Christmas from Italy
  4. Could someone clarify this doubt? What is the future of UNIGUI on Delphi XE3? Can I purchase the professional version of Delphi XE3 and then I may use UNIGUI?
  5. We must buy "Delphi XE3 Professional New User ESD". The question is, when UNIGUI will be available on XE3?
  6. My company is planning to buy DELPHI. As for XE3, I understand from the site embarcadero it is the only option to buy. It seems to me however also understand that the purchase of the XE3 will also have a license XE2, Delphi 7 etc.. If you buy XE3, why use XE2 ???. Regarding DELPHI PROFESSIONAL, I can also use UNIGUI?
  7. It is our intention to buy DELPHI XE3 and we plan to develop WEB based applications that we will use with UNIGUI. When will be ready a demo version or final version to be used with XE3? But we need a certain date, our customers are very interested in our applications only web based. However, we would like to purchase the XE3 PROFESSIONAL, UNIGUI will be compatible with this version?
  8. We may have an example implementation?, I have the same problem when I use the commands ADO.next, ADO.last, ADO.prior, etc.
  9. Hello, I want to know if it was possible by using a UNIGUI form, a smatphone and a browser, create a form page / frame where I can acquire data from the GPS directly by the device with some API (for example) and then be able to save the lat./long. on a database? Thanks
  10. I had thought about creating a table that is updated by different threads. You could use the SessionID as a key. And a timer that goes for every xx seconds, a control record to see in what state are the threads, then put into a listbox the same status.
  11. Thanks for the advice, so how do I refresh a label in a loop?
  12. I often work on a database as a data matrix, and then to use nested loops that take time. During the running I use labels and make Application.ProcessMessages to display the updated label. On using UniGUI on the web, the labels are not updated until end the loop. How can I fix this? During these cycles, I'd use other button to make other function on form, for example, always using Application.ProcessMessages, but that does not work. How can I fix this?
  13. There seems to be a problem when in UniScreenMask.AttachedControl assign a control at runtime and when I assign a dynamically control. While still works well if AttachedControl is assigned to a control existing at design-ide. It's a bug or I'm wrong in something? Thanks
  14. If it helps, this is the code I use without problems UNIGUI + FASTREPORT Var Report:TFrxReport; frxDataset:TfrxDBDataset; PDFExport:TfrxPDFexport; Begin Try frxDataset:=TfrxDBDataset.Create(Nil); frxDataset.DataSet:=UniMainModule.DatasetQuery; frxDataset.Name:='frxDataset'; Report:=TFrxReport.Create(Nil); Report.DataSet:=frxDataset; Report.DataSetName:='frxDataset'; Report.LoadFromFile(ReportsPath+'\report.fr3'); Report.PrepareReport(True); except End; FileName:='xyz.pdf'; PDFExport:=TfrxPDFexport.Create(Nil); PDFExport.FileName:=TempPath+'\'+FileName; PDFExport.ShowDialog:=False; PDFExport.ShowProgress:=False; Report.Export(PDFExport); UniLabel10.Visible:=True; UniLabel10.Caption:='<a href="'+FileName+'" target=new>"Download Report!!"</a>'; End;
  15. OK, This is the heart of the current thread, which allows the start of the script and assign objects. For now I am busy with porting UNIGUI whole project, I will keep you informed as soon as I ported the script. procedure TScriptThread.Execute; Var Error:Boolean; begin CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsClassesRTTI1:=TfsClassesRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsGraphicsRTTI1:=TfsGraphicsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsFormsRTTI1:=TfsFormsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsExtCtrlsRTTI1:=TfsExtCtrlsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDialogsRTTI1:=TfsDialogsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsMenusRTTI1:=TfsMenusRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsADORTTI1:=TfsADORTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDBRTTI1:=TfsDBRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsDBCtrlsRTTI1:=TfsDBCtrlsRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsChartRTTI1:=TfsChartRTTI.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsScript1:=TfsScript.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsPascal1:=TfsPascal.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsCPP1:=TfsCPP.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsJScript1:=TfsJScript.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsBasic1:=TfsBasic.Create(TForm(ChildForm)); fsScript1.SyntaxType:=LangScript; fsScript1.OnRunLine:=fsScript1RunLine; ErrorList:=TStringList.Create; StrToPrintMsg:='Compiling ...'; Self.Synchronize(PrintMsg); MsgList:=TStringList.Create; CicliIstruz:=0; Try fsScript1.Clear; fsScript1.AddRTTI; fsScript1.AddClass(TForm, 'TForm'); fsScript1.AddClass(TApplication, 'TApplication'); fsScript1.AddClass(TWinControl,'TWinControl'); fsScript1.AddClass(TPanel,'TPanel'); fsScript1.AddClass(TEdit,'TEdit'); fsScript1.AddClass(TCustomADODataset,'TCustomADODataset'); fsScript1.AddClass(TADODataset,'TADODataset'); fsScript1.AddClass(TCustomEdit,'TCustomEdit'); fsScript1.AddObject('Self',Self); fsScript1.AddObject('Application',Application); fsScript1.AddObject('MainForm', TForm(Engine.MainForm)); fsScript1.AddObject('ChildForm', TForm(ChildForm)); if MainPanel<>Nil then fsScript1.AddObject('MainPanel',MainPanel); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ApplicationProcessMessages;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ClearMsg',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure ClearOut',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetInstrCycle:Int64;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetTickCount:Longint;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetThreadID:Integer;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('function GetThreadSession:String;',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Pause(Str:String);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Print(Str:Variant);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure PrintMsg(Str:Variant);',CallMethod); fsScript1.AddMethod('procedure Sleep(time:integer);',CallMethod); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try If @thScriptAddObject<>Nil then thScriptAddObject(Self); except End; fsScript1.Lines.Text:=TextScript; StrStatus:='Running|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); Error:=False; fsScript1.Run; except on E: Exception do Begin Error:=True; ErrorList.Add(LastLine1+' : '+E.Message); StrStatus:='Error|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; end; Try if fsScript1.ErrorMsg<>'' then Begin Error:=True; ErrorList.Add(fsScript1.ErrorMsg+' - '+fsScript1.ErrorPos+' - '+fsScript1.ErrorUnit); StrStatus:='Error|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; except End; Try if (Messages<>Nil) and (ErrorList.Text<>'') then Messages.Lines.Add(ErrorList.Text); except End; if Error=False then StrStatus:='End|'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',Now); Self.Synchronize(UpdateScriptThread); End; Self.Synchronize(EndScriptThread); CoUninitialize; Try fsScript1.Terminate except End; end; PS: Please format your code before posting - Farshad
  16. At present am maintaining an engine that works on a classic project delphi. For several months I'm trying to port the entire project to UNIGUI unverse with great difficulty . However, I anticipate that the script can work in multi-thread on which I create in the form of TFrame then applying scripts that fetch from database. This allows me to change the logic of the program in real time. The program at the end is just a shell. Thank you for your interest, however, thought that working on the web is one of the most effective and quick to do maintenance projects to clients.
  17. Hi, I use objects for many years as Fast-Script to write code at run-time, saved on database and always be modified in real-time. I wonder if I can have an object at run-time on UNIGUI able to modify the form and then be able to apply code at run-time with objects as Fast-Script or RemObjects Pascal Script. I think it can be very useful to manage a quick maintenance of our software over the Web without changing the application .exe. What do you think?
  18. No I'm using version 0.87 with DELPHI XE2 never update. The problem is that I'm working with a PC that is not my office and have not done the updates of DELPHI XE2, so I can't install version 0.88 because of the need to update. Personally I have my licensed version of Delphi 7, but UNIGUI not work with this Anyway, now I know why it did not work. Thanks, thanks you.
  19. Sorry about before, now attached the complete project. Let me explain, I developed a big management software in delphi and I would make the project a web. UniGui is perfect. So, I have a database where I created the tables PROFILE, USER, and MENU. Can I assign profiles to the USER and PROFILE MENU. In real time, while the user is working, the software is to analyze the profile and in the case is to add or remove menu items without having to shut down or restart the MainForm. It would be possible to change the database and edit the menu in real time, of course, any form or by closing the open frame. uniguimenu.zip
  20. with the attached file is better ... unisample.zip
  21. Yes , I have tried it... however, in attached the project, in vcl_session it's OK, but in web_session does not work !!! For me it is very important to convert a large project with unigui, and change the menu depending on the user profile is vital !! Thanks
  22. It does not work !! in 'vcl_session' thenlast menu item is visible and in 'web_session' appears this error 'List index out of bounds (1)'
  23. I use this code to reset mainmenu in 'vcl_session' works fine: For I: = 0 to MainMenu.Items.Count-1 do MainMenu.Items .Clear; MainMenu.Items.Clear; but 'web_session' no. How do I can reset mainmenu? Thanks
  24. Hey ... thanks works great! It seems that you still know your secrets! But given that I have at the same time and in the same form to load different menus, how can I reset the menu and bring it to reset? Not enough to do. Free and recreate it (MainMenu)? Could you help me? Thanks !!!
  25. ApplMainForm is the name of my main Form. ImageIndex would still appear to have a problem. Thanks for the resolution of bugs. I think, for us developers unigui is the final solution of web applications for Delphi. So also in our interest to help develop it. Thanks
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