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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by bolossis

  1. How to we get the selected value or itemindex of the selected InputOption?
  2. Hi is it possible to change the UniMainModule Background Picture at runtime? Every user will have his own background picture and the picture can be loaded only after Mainform is created Thanks in advance
  3. Is it possible to deselect an item in UniTreeMenu programmatically ?
  4. Hi, after updating to UniGuiVersion UniDbGrid Rowselect does not have effect; Even if Rowselect is enabled or not, single cell selecting is still allowed! Thanks
  5. Hi at the download page the file FMSoft_uniGUI_Proffesional_1.10.0.1465.exe is missing Just for information :P
  6. Hi, i have update today from to and figure out that all the images css has changed The images is not aligned in the button but get cropped Any help how to fix this without changing all the classic theme css file??? Thanks in advance
  7. bolossis

    mouse position

    A management page of users. But i need only the xy values of the cursor on the UniUrlFrame. I don't need any parameters passed from ajax request Also using build 1425
  8. bolossis

    mouse position

    Actually i try to popup a menu in a UniUrlFrame. But i cant get the coordinates Any Help?
  9. Does anyone know how i can remove the border from a uniComboBox? For example on a UniEdit i can set the BorderStyle to "ubsNone" but how on UniComboBox? I tried almost all examples from the Forum but nothing works Thanks in advance
  10. Yes this was my error!!! I solved this by reinstalling Delphi, after that like you say open Delphi first, checked the library paths and then install unigui again. Thanks a lot
  11. Hi, i have make a fresh install of Windows 10, after that installed Delphi Seattle, started the software and then i'm trying to install unigui, the latest build (1425). I try to install everything exactly in the same order with your installation instructions, but i get all the time this error bellow I never has a problem with the same version so i don't understand what i;m doing wrong [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_R2019.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'designide' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] uSynEdit_D2019.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'uSynEdit_R2019' not found I have attached screenshots from the errors and the library paths. Hope you can help me out Thanks in advance
  12. How can i execute a UniPopUpMenu on UniStringGrid?? I found your example but this works only for UniDbGrid procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1CellContextClick(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; X, Y: Integer); begin PopupMenu1.Popup(X,Y); end;
  13. The latest released one --> uni-
  14. Hi, there maybe a problem with both grids ( UniDBGrid and UniStringGrid ). When on any grid a fixed row exists then its always in front of everything. Example project and pics are attached Also another question please. On a UniStringGrid how can i just on a single click edit the cell and select its content? I mean there is no option like ClicksToEdit Thanks in advance Test UniGui.rar
  15. An important question. Can i do show checkboxes like in the example here only for specific rows? Like show checkbox only for line(row) 1 or 2 etc? This example here is great but when fixed Rows exists then it replace the fixed-rows value with a checkbox function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { var me = sender; //<---------- for (i = sender.fxCols; i < columns.length; i++) { columns[i].rdonly=me.isCheckbox; //<---------- columns[i].align = 'center'; columns[i].renderer = function(value, a) { return ((me.isCheckbox) ? "<input type='checkbox'" + ((value == '1') ? "checked='checked'" : "") + " onclick='"+sender.nm+"._check(+this.checked, "+a.rowIndex+", "+a.columnIndex+")'>" : value); //<---------- }; } }
  16. Awesome. Thank you really very much!!!! +1
  17. Unfortunately i receive me is not defined
  18. Part one was the checkbox filed inside UniStringgrid. Now if you see in the image bellow i would like to activate - shows the checkbox fields only if radiobutton 3 or 4 are checked ( there are 4 chechboxes above the grid on the image, Min Stay, Max Stay, CTA, CTD)
  19. Both for this topic. Before init and reconfigure
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