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Everything posted by fiorilli

  1. Hello, it didn't work, I put it in my login form, but after logging in and closing the tab the event is not called
  2. Hello, I need to detect when the browser or my site's tab is closed, but I couldn't find an effective way. Currently I use procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'bclose' then statement end; With this I can detect the closing of the browser, but not the closing of the tab. What would be the best way to solve this case? Also, I would like to know if there is any documentation on unigui's event triggers such as "bclose". Some topics I've already consulted are: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/12182-browser-or-tab-close/ http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2967-kill-a-session-when-browser-is-closed/
  3. Hello, I have found the problem. It was not related to the hyperserver.
  4. Hello, would anyone have any tips? My application has been in production with this problem for a few days and I still can't find it.
  5. Hello, I am facing an access violation problem in my application and I can't find the reason. The problem happens randomly and analyzing the case I realized that the cause is access to a non-existent element or memory leaks, which are usually the cause of such problems. Probably it would be related to hyperserver nodes, because the problem happens only in some sessions and all sessions that enter the same node will have this problem. Even when relogging in the application the problem persists and is only solved when you recycle the node. The problem when giving show in forms and the most intriguing is that some of these forms don't even execute code in the show, create or any initialization event. The application's .cfg file is attached. Any questions I am available. Administrator.cfg
  6. Hello, I am using unisweetalert and want to use the execute method to indicate a response, however I am creating the unisweet alert at runtime in a class responsible for generating message boxes, my code is as follows: class function function TMessageUtils.UniSweetAlertQuestion(msg: string): boolean; var sweetAlert: TUniSweetAlert; begin sweetAlert := TUniSweetAlert.Create(nil); with sweetAlert do begin AlertType := atQuestion; html := msg; ConfirmButtonText := 'yes CancelButtonText := 'no'; ShowConfirmButton := true; ShowCancelButton := true; title := string.Empty; AllowEscapeKey := false; AllowOutsideClick := false; InputType := ItNone; end; if sweetAlert.Execute then result := true else result := false end; at no moment the function enters if. I did some tests and found out that the problem happens because you are passing nil when creating the component, is there any way around this?
  7. Hello, I used JSInterface.JSCallDefer('getSelectionModel().deselect', [0],10); to deselect the first row. Thanks for your help
  8. It worked for selecting the rows by js, but the first record still always comes selected. Could you not select the row when calling DataSet.first?
  9. Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.
  10. GridMultiSelect - Checkbox.rarIf you disable the property dgDontShowSelected js row select will work fine.
  11. This case was solved with dgCheckSelectCheckOnly, but when I activate the dgDontShowSelected property the first record is still always selected and the selection I make in the loop stops working.
  12. Hello, Is there any way to allow selecting the row only when clicking on the checkbox?Currently the first row is always selected, and whenever I click on a row all other rows are deselected Hello, Is there any way to allow selecting the row only when clicking on the checkbox?Currently the first row is always selected, and whenever I click on a row all selected rows are unselected.
  13. When i call de method with button click it works, but when i use other triggers not. Examples: UniDBGrid.AfterLoad, Form.Aftershow.
  14. ok, I will implement it this way. One question, by selecting the row this way will I be able to find it through UniDBGrid.SelectedRows.Count
  15. I have this uniDBGrid, and i want to select the rows with this highlited codes
  16. Hello, I have a case where I need to select certain rows according to the value of a column in a unidbgrid. Do you have a demo or functionality for these cases? Obs. I looked at this topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6309-multiselect-unidbgrid-select-rows-programmatically/&_fromLogin=1, but I couldn't solve my case.
  17. Hello, it didn't work. I am sending you a new testcase where you can see that when you click on subtab2(2) where the frames will be cleaned and click on subtab2(1) the size will be correct. PageControlTeste.rar
  18. Hello, I was able to do a simple testcase where it is possible to see that on the first page load the size of the tabsheet is not loaded correctly, however, when switching to tab2 and back to tab1 the size is correct. PageControlTeste.rar
  19. Hello, I am using build 1545. Making the test case will take a while. This screen has a lot of css tweaks and other things to be responsive. Can't you just tell me which calculation event is called when activating or deactivating a tabsheet?
  20. Hello, I would like to ask a question about the page control component, I have a case here where even with all the properties set to height auto when loading images inside the page control component it "cuts" some parts. However, if I switch to another page control tab and go back to the previous one, the height calculation is redone and the image is not cut anymore. I tried to find the trigger for this size calculation, but could not. Is there any way I could make this call manually?
  21. Hello, I have replicated the settings as informed and consulted the documents available in the manual through the link: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?using-a-different-account-for-.htm I made tests with strees test tool available and got the following logs. Note: Log1 was made with settings: total sessions per run: 50 max worker theads: 100 total numbers of runs: 1 delay between runs: 60 playback speed: max speed paralel requests: 1 Log2 was made with settings: total sessions per run: 30 max worker theads: 50 total numbers of runs: 1 delay between runs: 60 playback speed: real time paralel requests: 1 Log1.log Log2.log
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