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  1. Great! Thanks your answer!! Thank you!
  2. My VCL code: DBGrid1.SelectedField := ClientDataSetSaleID; Could TUniDBGrid to do it? How to?
  3. My Teechart version is 2010 Pro. When I want to install uniGUI15Chartdcl.bpl. I get the Error message: Not found Tee9150.bpl... UniGui not support Teechart Pro? p.s.:UniGui can install teechart in Standard(DelphiXE).
  4. Yes! You are right! This test project can running in my PC! Very nice!!! Just because "ServerModule.AutoCoInitialize = True"? I will try it! Thank you!
  5. My original workflow (Win32): 1. Client open excel file. 2. Import the excel file to database(dbx). 3. over. I want convert the project to Unigui. My Unigui workflow: 1. Client upload Excel file to Server. 2. Server will prcess excel import to Database(dbx); 3. Delete the Excel file in Server Below my simple code: procedure TfmMain.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var DestName : string; DestFolder : string; begin DestFolder:=UniServerModule.StartPath+'UploadFolder\'; DestName:=DestFolder+ExtractFileName(UniFileUpload1.FileName); CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); edtFilePath.Text := DestFolder + UniFileUpload1.FileName; end; procedure TfmMain.UniBtnFileUpload(Sender:TObject); begin UniFileUpload1.Filter := 'Excel files (*.xls)|*.xls'; UniFileUpload1.Execute; end; procedure TfmMain.UniBtnFileProcessClick(Sender: TObject); var MsExcel, MsExcelWorkBook, MsExcelWorkSheet: Variant; begin try MsExcel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except ShowMessage('Not Found Excel'); Exit; end; MsExcelWorkBook := msExcel.Workbooks.Open(edtFilePath.Text,0,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam, EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,1,0); MsExcelWorkSheet := MsExcelWorkBook.WorkSheets[5]; ProcedureExcel(MsExcelWorkSheet); end; >>You can embebbed Excel into your application... I try embebbed Excel(NativeExcel) in my project. But, it don't work. My workflow is abnormal? Please, Help me! Thank you!
  6. My sample code in TUniButton.OnClick: var ExcelApp: Variant; try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except ShowMessage('Not Found Excel!'); end; I have install Excel in my PC. But, always show except in Run-Time. Why?
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