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Everything posted by Volk65

  1. Hello dears! Session has the SessionTimeout property:=3600000 (60min) In my main window there is a timer (UniTimer (2 min)). The timer requests a value from the database and, depending on this, displays the desired icon. The session timeout never comes!!!! I understand because the timer is running. Tell me how to do it right? I need 60 minutes from the last user activity to close the session. But this periodically triggered a timer.
  2. This is weird. Then so.: Test11.rar
  3. Thank you, that's what I need. But. When I change the picture, the image is cropped. As if the picture is new, and the size of the canvas from the previous image. Test11.rar
  4. move an image inside UniDbImage.
  5. Thanks, but it's about Grid, and I need uniDBImage.
  6. Hi! I have UniDBImage which displays only part of the image. How do I implement dragging an image with the mouse?
  7. Thank you DD, it came in handy for me too.
  8. Hi No. Datamodule is Delphi unit (file).
  9. In a small project-you can use both DataModule and components on the form (frame). And in a large project, each form contains its own Dataset. The additional advantage is becoming less dependent form (Datamodule). I quickly wrote a small program that considers the components of data access in the project. And here's what happened: Units (*.pas) - 273 TFDStoredProc - 253 TFDQuery - 29 TFDMemTable - 104 If all these components are placed in the datamodule, I will be lost... UPD. Of course, you can create a datamodule for each form, then 200 data modules are needed for 200 forms
  10. Volk65

    UniDBGrid color

    Evet! Çok teşekkür ederim!
  11. Volk65

    UniDBGrid color

    Yes! That's right. And if I could change the color of the group title , I would be happy
  12. Volk65

    UniDBGrid color

    How to change the DBGrid background. Not cells with data (it's simple) namely data+and free space? I did not find the answer on the forum...
  13. Hi! I now have the alignment of text and icons on the center for Speedbutton (see attachment). How do I align to the left (icon and text)?
  14. Oh! Sorry. It work. CheckItem or RadioItem
  15. I have this code: procedure Tfrm_Angro_Post_Invoice_DocView.act_Image_Change_TypeExecute(Sender: TObject); begin pmGrp.Items[0].Checked:=True; pmGrp.Popup(0, btnChangeGrp.Height, btnChangeGrp); end; after Popup i have error (see attach). What am I doing wrong?
  16. Good. I uploaded the image to the UniURLFrame. I can see it, but how to print it? Or need another component to use?
  17. Hi, everybody. I saved the jpg file from DB to Local cache (server side). File exists. How can I print (or preview and print) this file now?
  18. Как-то так: uses uniGUIApplication; .... // Поиск во входных папаремтрах по имени параметра function FindParam(ParamName: String; var Val: String; var ParamIndex: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result:=False; Val:=''; for I := 0 to UniApplication.Parameters.Count-1 do begin if SameText(ParamName, UniApplication.Parameters.Names[I]) then begin Result:=True; ParamIndex:=I; Val:=UniApplication.Parameters.Values[UniApplication.Parameters.Names[I]]; Break; end; end; end; И вообще... На форуме есть ответы на 80% всех вопросов, а искать в Яндексе нужно так: site:forums.unigui.com здесь_слова_поиска
  19. Hi all! How good of an idea it is to put UniNativeImageList in ServerModule so that frequently used icons are available to all forms and not duplicated in each form? Or MainModule?
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