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Darth Florus

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Everything posted by Darth Florus

  1. Mr. Farshad: I update to the UniGui versión I identify that my problem is with visual inherited forms and combo box that are custom items on the child form. For some reason UniGui does not like to touch inherited combobox items. Best Regards
  2. Topic Update!!! Mr. Farshad: I made that I was saying here. I use a paralled UniMainModule object list in the UniServerModule. When a Session inits (MainModule.Create) I add it to the SessionList and the index is copied to my MainModule property Index. When sessión is gone (MainModule.Destroy) I find the index on the SessionList and destroy it. All this operations is maded inside a CriticalSection. Now I can use the new version of ReportBuilder! All now work very well!. Best Regards
  3. Seems you know about that Mr. Adragan!. Thats all true!
  4. Thanks ChefDackel for your recomendations. To update the topic I says you the next: There are a councilor of the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) involved on the project. They says that we are to use ASP.NET with C#. They develop Us the same example program maded on C# and we test it. We reach at startup 3.000 concurrent user operations in the same server where we make our test with UniGui + ISAPI + IIS. The server can support more users, but 3.000 is more than we need. Obviusly the project manager decide to use ASP.NET with C#. Its a shame, sorry pals, maybe next project! Thanks for all your recomendation. Best Regards
  5. Thanks for Your recomendations!!! To update the topic I find that the antivirus is slowing down network traffic. I add a port exception to it and then UPs to 250 concurrent user request!!!. Its a shame that a Windows server need a antivirus to work securelly. On Linux servers that kind of issue does not exists. In my case; when I put it in production environment; can't disable indexes because other types of users (police mans, hospitals, etc) need to check I a car have credentials to "rool over the street", at the same time of inserts occurs. Because the inserts will be made from a lot of users every post must have its own transaction. Will be catastrofic if a row is not present on the table because are certifications of cars. I will care so much every row. Forced writes is disabled because a UPS is present. I use prepared queries with parameters. The garbage collection recomendation is good I will try it! A technician says me to use servers on a cluster, maybe I use it. I see that use in service mode is bether than IIS + ISAPI, reacts more rapidly. So Is needed to implement a Guardian to start up when its down! Best Regards
  6. If You use ADO to stablish the connection there are Asynconous update mode avaliable you cant use it as a workarround of a Timer. Or just simply use ADO, work very well with SQLServer. But still mandatory to not use DataAware framework to update data, only to show data on a grid. This is bassed on my experience of use Delphi with SQLServer. Best Regards
  7. I experiment this kind of problem with SQL Server because of dataaware. My solutions is to use StoredProcedure to manipulate data. They are so many ways to do that. Just pick one.
  8. Thanks for your opinions pals, I appreciate it!
  9. I don't use DataAware components in this project, I use TSQLQuery without ClientDataSet or TDataSource components. This project only insert random rows on a tabla to test concurrency performance. If I use a Bussiness Object class (like Java), internally I need to use a TSQLQuery is the same sittuation.
  10. All the logs files says "Session Timeout". In the ServerModule: Ajax Timeout: 60.000 Session Timeout: 600.000 Is Win64 and Win32 y try both of them. I configure the IIS to execute WOW64\isapi.dll or System32\isapi.dll where is needed. I try with IE, Firefox and Chrome. In differents computers. The server managers says me that the Windows Server 2012 SP1 is the Standard Version.
  11. Ja, ja, ja, TTable!. horror! Nop I use a raw TSQLQuery (no ClientDataSets) with a parametrized Insert/SQL statement inside. The server reach about 500MB and normally does not increment when user initiate new session. Practically the server capacity is not used. The proccessor not pass over 30%. And the net card es about of 25% of mean. I think is a configuration of IIS but I not find tunning information of this issue. Some people says to me that ISAPI is a very bad and old technology election to use. They recomends me ASP.NET.
  12. I have the same application on a Win32 environment and with it I can reach 300 concurrent users. Obviusly.
  13. The application used to try concurrent performance have not information on memory. Only inserts rows on a table using a UniTimer to simulate user input. I setup the timer to perform inserts between 30 and 60 secs.
  14. Mr. Farshad: I initiate the process to upgrade from UniGui to UniGui But I need to stop the process because some Ajax Errors Windows appear when I use the application. The same program using the previuos UniGui have not problem, but with the new version some errors stop me, because the application is in a production environment I can't release the new version. To provide You some test code turns very difficult because You will need our database and our program to solve it. Now I have not all the time needed to retest UniGui and find new bugs because I have in production. But I try to do. Meanwhile I continue use the old version. Best Regards
  15. Mr. Farshad: Our enterprise have the possibility to make (in conjuntion with the goberment) the software to catalog all the vehicles of Paraguay (about 3.000.000 of them). And we want to do it with UniGui. We make some test using UniGui, Internet Information Server (via ISAPI) on Windows Server 2008 and Firebird 2.5. All work very whell until we reach 100 - 110 concurrent users. After this all browsers request down! We test algo with Apache and ISAPI module, but in this case only reach about of 60 - 70 concurrent users. We need to reach almost 300 concurrent users (initialy). My question is: Waht configuration (hardware - software - platform) do You recomend me to make this application with UniGui? Waht kind of information need I provide You to make me the recomendation? I preciate very much some kind of tip! Best Regards
  16. Mr. Farshad: I understand!. Facts: 1) The ImprimirReporte (print report) method (thats execute "ReportBuilder.Print", that inside call custom functions) of UniMainModule is called inside a TUniButton.OnClick event. 2) With the same version of UniGui but previous versión of ReportBuilder works. That I say is a side effect bug. Is like the ReportBuilder execute his work inside a protected trhead that insolate it from "public UniGui variables", even if I put the units in the uses clause. To solve this problem (workarround called in spanish a "Banana"; a not well considerated code), I will create a parallel unisession collection and put inside it all my "public" properties hashed by UniSession.Session variable to identify the collection item and put the call of ReportBuilder.Print inside a CryticalSection (serializate calls) to set a public variable with the session id of the caller to identify it inside the custom Report Builder functions, because all access to "UniGui public variables" is not possible. Personally I don't recomend people to use ReportBuilder with UniGui because RB have so much singularity thath slow down developer work. But is a fact that RB have a advanced layout manager that make complex reports (like sales documents, contracts and statisticals analisis) to be possible without Delphi hard programing. Very Thanks for you time to try to solve this bug.
  17. Mr. Farshad: I call these functions inside a custom method of Report Builder. Excactly into the "OnInitializeParameters" from main report. I call a custom function named "InicializarReporteParametros()". Inside I need the current customer ID. This is a custom property of MainModule called "property Aseguradora : TAseguradora". But when I execute the next: <code> l_titulo := UniMainModule.Aseguradora.IDAseguradora; </code> UniMainModule is Nil. Inside "function UniMainModule" are some like this: <code> if UniApplication <> Nil then Result := <some code> else Result := UniVCL(<some other code>) </code> then UniVCL (whatrever) points to nil because is not a VCL application is Web, but UniApplication point to Nil too, there is the problem. I want to know wath happend on function UniApplication but is hidden to me.
  18. Mr. Farshad: There is a side effect bug when I use Report Builder 15 in combination with UniGui In ReportBuilder we have customized some methods to standarize headers, footers and so on our reports. Until the Report Builder 14.4 there are work wery well. But when we upgrade to RB 15 a bug heads up!. The problems is: The functions UniMainModule and UniApplication point on Nil, only when I execute procedures inside a RB 15 execution of a report. I know that these obviusly is a problem of RB 15, but why the functions UniMainModule and UniApplication point to Null? Its a shame that I can see the hidden code of function UniApplication to peek the probable reason of it. I need of You a advise. What I can do to debug and find the bug considerating I have not the source of UniGui to track and find it? You need a test project with RB 15 components supplied? What I can do? Best Regards Oscar Flor Sebaot
  19. Mr. Farshad: There is a possibility to extend TUniImage to use some Zoom In/Zoom Out capabilities? Best Regards
  20. Friends: There are the begining of the web versión of Sebaot Software Assurance System. This application only coul'd be possible thanks of the high level of Mr. Farshad support and the high quality of the UniGui framework! My congratulations to Mr. Farshad and his team to make the transtition from Delphi Desktop to Web so painless. Thanks to everybody and Best Regards Lic. Oscar Flor Web Developer Sebaot Software www.sebaot.com
  21. Hours? je, je, je nop in the instant! maybe because my "screens" are too complex and full populated of entry fields. I will say to my users to use only Chrome instead of IE. That really is better than IE. I will probe this and will report you the results soon... Thanks a Best Regards
  22. Mr. Farshad: I have some of my users that have a small machines to use my system. They have only 1 gb of ram and use Internet Explorer 8. When my system is used many times, the memory of his machines is out because the browser consumes all the available memory. There is a way to "Free" the browser javascript memory via Unigui or some other way to permit these users to work? Best Regards Oscar Flor Sebaot Software
  23. Darth Florus

    For Farshad

    Is good to see of You again. Best Regards
  24. Yes if you attach the TUniScreenMask to a TUniLabel don't work as spected. But I suppose that You use the TUniLabel as Embedded HTML to do a HTML Link (<a href=""/>) or some else issue. Normally when must to do some special processing when a html link is pressed You need to attach a custom javascript code. There are many examples on the Internet (normally with PHP) of how you can do this.
  25. Darth Florus

    For Farshad

    Anybody knows where is Farshad? Is sick? Are on Holydays? There are a lot of time passed til last response.
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