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Everything posted by codeb

  1. Hi! I have one question. My application use base of this project like framework to call another project (module-app) to run in separate windows. My additional module-app need parameters i need to run with that parameters. When modules-app session was close, I get link to run module-app again and I cant, because I don't have parameters anymore. How question: Have I can close new created window in main app (framework) when module-app session get close; Sorry on bad English
  2. Hi! Is there solution to add custom title for Grouping title? I made UniDBGrid with grouping by date and there I get like grouping title : Date: 6/8/2015 I need to put day name in grouping title like Date: Monday, 6/8/2015 Is there some solution? Thanks!
  3. How to limit time on DayView scheduler like from 7:00 to 18:00. Thanks!
  4. codeb


    Pozdrav svima. Hajde da probamo zajedno napraviti neku aplikaciju? Dajte ideje šta bi to moglo da bude?
  5. How to setup regional setting for UniCalendar component or change time display (1pm = 13h)? Also how to limit calendar panel from 8h-17h?
  6. Thanks for answer I have new question about component. How to change format time from AM-PM to 24 hour format and how to limit time on DayView scheduler like from 7:00 to 18:00. Thanks!
  7. Hello, I have one question about setting up UniCalendarPanel to see WeekView events when start application?(by default is on MonthView ). How I do that? Thanks
  8. Hello, Is there some solution to store events from UniCalendarPanel in some DB like MySQL? Thanks!
  9. Slažem se sa A.Z. malo je teško i objasniti više i šta je Delphi, uglavnom je sve otišlo na neke druge programske jezike (C++, java...= i na sve popularnije programiranje za android. Koliko vidim,bar za mobil platformu nema ni beta verzije iako je Farshad Mohajeri najavio istu samo u komercijalnoj verziji. Nešto nisam primjetio da se nazire vrijeme izlaska?
  10. Ma odlično je, ja radim sa ovim komponentama već dugo. Perfektna stvar na net aplikacije ali na lokalnu jer veliki broj hostinga ne dozvoljava dll handler. Mislim da će ovaj dio za mobile biti pun pogodak, po prvi put razmišljam da kupim neku komponentu .
  11. I have MainForm with uniToolBar (with few unitoolbutton). When I click on first UniToolButton to show another form frmInputData.showmodal; I get error Ajax Error Cannot read property "isComponent" of undefined like on picture in attach. I work on Delphi XE 3, UniGui 0.95 Please help!
  12. Hi! I need help to setup background behind login form on screen. All we know, when login form is showing, background on screen is white. I want to change background behind login form and setup same backgroung like on Main form. Thanks!
  13. Jbg izlega samo bosanci , Novi Grad,RS, BiH... Radiš li na kakvom projektu?
  14. Ima li bilo ko da govori ExYu jezikom?
  15. Is same error on both components like on attached image... I use DelphiXE4
  16. I'm try that but no success... same error, like on atach... but I cant get where to change _setBounds to UniSetBounds?
  17. I find it solution... Just put UniImage align:alClient, and set UniImageClick procedure TMainForm.UniImage1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if frmStart.Visible then begin frmStart.Hide; end; end; Now I have another question.... In demo is few Uni Image and Label below them (like desktop icon) , is there some solution to dynamically add "desktop icons"???
  18. Is there solution to hide StartMenu form when cursor live it? I try to setup procedure on mouse leave form and unipanel (on StartMenu form) mouse leave, but no success.
  19. New problems after update UniGUI to 0.95... I do everything to install Gmap on UniGUI version 0.95, after start Install get error like you can see in atach... Any solution for this?
  20. Hi! After download new 0.95 version of UniGUI , I try to compile my project maded with version 0.94. But when I try to call form with procedure showmoda() , I get this message on screen: Ajax Error Cannot read property 'isComponent' of undefined Picture in attach
  21. Hi! I use Delphi XE4 Ext 4.2 last UniGui comps and I have problem with compiling project in part: Name := StringReplace(Form.WebForm.JSWindow.Id,'_id','',[rfReplaceAll] +[rfIgnoreCase]); Form.Script.Add(Name +'.on('+#39+'minimize'+#39+',function(w){w.toggleCollapse();w.setVisible(!w.isVisible());});'); I got error 'TUniJSForm' doest not contain a member named 'ExtWindow' How I can fix it to compile project?
  22. First I put Gmap on MainForm on pagecontrol, after that I put it to separate form, but same thing, Gmap is displayed every second or third time after starting the main application form (refresh browser). I setup some line on Map form - onShow begin UniGMap1.InitializeMap; UniGMap1.Geocoding('Novi Grad, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina',true); if (unimainmodule.glavnaknjigalang.asstring<>'') then begin frmSingleMap.makemarker(strtofloat(unimainmodule.glavnaknjigalang.value),strtofloat(unimainmodule.glavnaknjigalong.value)); frmSingleMap.UniGMap1.PanToMarkerEx(0); end; then I get app crash... When I delete Geocoding part of code application start but component UniGMap1 is blank. Any solution?
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