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mikromundo last won the day on August 28 2023

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  1. @Sherzod I observed that in debug the error cited in previous posts( "There is no Default JavaScript Object" ) but in release does not occur, and the CSS class can be applied. That said, it would not be possible for you to review and try to adapt this to TunidateTimePicker
  2. Put this: PnP.Left := i * PnP.width; PnP.Align := alRight; PnP.Align := alLeft; It will also be very useful for you to study Unigui's own alignment resources (see the demos). Unfortunately, I do not use them, because I needed to apply responsiveness (far beyond what exists natively) in Unigui and then I created "Radcore Project" to solve this and several other inconveniences.
  3. the suggestion was precisely to observe whether there really is a problem with the unigui or just an "unwanted effect" of the alignment.
  4. Take a test: Comment the lines with alLeft and alRight and check if it persists. Then comment only the line with alright.
  5. Ainda não.Aguardando resposta da FMSOFT.
  6. as it had been resolved, I decided to open a new continuing this topic: @Sherzod I noticed that when you add a file that already exists in the destination folder, the new file receives a numerical sequence. Ex: Existing file: File.pdf New upload of the same file: File1.pdf If I check the "overwrite" property, an exception is generated warning that the file is being used by another process. Is it possible to check this Sherzod? Thanks for help.
  7. @Sherzod I noticed that when you add a file that already exists in the destination folder, the new file receives a numerical sequence. Ex: Existing file: File.pdf New upload of the same file: File1.pdf If I check the "overwrite" property, an exception is generated warning that the file is being used by another process. Is it possible to check this Sherzod?
  8. There's no need to apologize... after all, you're here to help and you're always kind to everyone. I apologize... I need Google translate to write in English and sometimes I think there may be an error in the translation.
  9. Sorry Sherzod, I can't clarify more than what was said in the original post (I don't know if it's being translated wrong). I just need (and other users) that the data export through UniDBGrid works on a cell phone.
  10. I would like to use this feature with standard components and not using hybrid mobile. I think that, just as it is possible to download PDF files (unipdfframe), it would also be possible to download the grid export files. It's possible?
  11. Accessing the application by a mobile phone, and exporting the grid (CSV for example) is opened a second screen and is not exported. Could this be resolved? https://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/desktop/mdemo.dll
  12. ok my friend and many thanks for your ( attention always available ) help.
  13. thanks again. I didn't really understand how to use your model. What I need is to apply css to any component at any time in the application, just as it is possible to do with edits, buttons....I came across this message because I hadn't had the need to apply it to a unitetimepicker before. I just imagined it would be easy like other components.
  14. thanks for the feedback @Sherzod sorry but I did not understand. I'm wanting to add a css class dynamically and not call a method.
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