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Everything posted by jlmontes@rauroszm.com

  1. Hello Farshad, this code is 6/8 times slower than windows version, The code is a loop reading data from dbf database (Polygons) and painting with gdi+ on a bitmap. I'm in testing in developing mode, only one session executing. recs := Lyr.SearchShape(R, moAreaIntersect, Capa.Filtro); recs.MoveFirst; ir := 0; while (not recs.EOF) do begin flds := recs.Fields; shp := IMoPolygon(IDispatch(flds.Item('Shape').Value)); if shp <> nil then begin if (Capa.TipoRender <> trnormal) then render:=Capa.DameRender(flds.Item(Capa.RenderField).ValueAsString) else Render:=(Capa.DefaultRender); if Capa.SymbolType=moFillSymbol then Path := TGPGraphicsPath.Create; for i := 0 to shp.Parts.Count - 1 do begin Points_a_GDI(view,imopoints(shp.Parts.Item(i)),@apoints); if Capa.SymbolType=moFillSymbol then Path.AddPolygon(aPoints) else begin PintaGDILine(aPoints,Render,Graph); end; end; if Capa.SymbolType=moFillSymbol then PintaGDIPath(path,Render,Graph,Capa.SymbolType); end; recs.MoveNext; end; If you think it is strange, I can put the proyect in a virtual machine and send us. Thanks.
  2. The problem is coming when comunicate with external DLL, but the external dll only access to dbf file. This is the line that access to dbf IMoPolygon(IDispatch(flds.Item('Shape').Value)); Any sugestion?
  3. Thanks, I'll try find code that can produce exchange between client side an server side.
  4. Hello, I want use OmniThreadLibrary in UNIGUI, but I don't get it working, this simple code never execute Await, if this code run in windows application it works fine. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Async( procedure begin Sleep(2000); end). Await( procedure begin showMessage('End'); end); end; someone is using OmniThreadLibrary ??? Thanks
  5. The procedure don't have any interaction with UI, is a backgroud process.
  6. Hello, I Have a procedure to generate a bitmap (render GIS layers) , if execute this procedure in UNIGUI (web) it takes 12 seconds, If I execute this procedure in windows32 normal program it takes only 1.2 seconds. this is normal? my question is, In general, code executed inside unigui enviroment is more slow??? I can't send source code because external libraries are necesary to run. I' am using the last UNIGUI version and DElphi Tokyo. Thanks.
  7. Hello, How I can add a splitter to the dashboard form? Thks.
  8. Hello, I did it several times and the error is always the same.
  9. Hello, I am trying install version FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_1.0.0.1394_RC in Delphi Tokyo and I get this error: [dcc32 Fatal Error] DDetours.pas(1097): F2051 Unit uniGUIServer was compiled with a different version of DDetours.InterceptCreate
  10. All changes in source code are marked with //JLMM
  11. Hello, I have made a version of TreeView with CheckBox, when You release a new version I must rewrite the changes in source code again. Is posible you implement this funcionality in TreeView's sources. I think is very usefull and important have this funcionality in UNIGUI, I my application I use this for map layers visibility and to show selections of elements in hierachy mode I send you my sources, as you can see the changes are very small, a few lines Thanks.
  12. Hello, I have uniGUI_Professional_0.99.96.1329. I have one TuniURLFrame with this HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height:95%"> <head> <script src="/files/TeeChart/teechart.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Chart1; function draw() { Chart1=new Tee.Chart("canvas"); Chart1.panel.transparent=true; Chart1.walls.back.format.shadow.visible=true; Chart1.title.text=""; Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000); resize(Chart1); }; function resize(chart) { if (!chart) return; var canvas = chart.canvas; var w=800; canvas.width=w; canvas.setAttribute('width', ""+w+"px"); var h=800; canvas.height=h; canvas.setAttribute('height', ""+h+"px"); canvas.style.width=""+w+"px"; canvas.style.height=""+h+"px"; chart.bounds.width=w; chart.bounds.height=h; chart.draw(); }; </script> </head> <body onload="draw()" onresize="resize(Chart1)" style="margin:0; padding:0; min-height:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden"> <br><canvas id="canvas" style="height:400; width:800; align: center;"> </canvas> </body></html> This html works wel. When in the delphi source code execute this command: UniSession.AddJS( 'Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000);') I get one error: "Chart1 is not defined" How I can access to Chart1 var?? Thanks
  13. Hello, I have uniGUI_Professional_0.99.96.1329. I have one TuniURLFrame with this HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height:95%"> <head> <script src="/files/TeeChart/teechart.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Chart1; function draw() { Chart1=new Tee.Chart("canvas"); Chart1.panel.transparent=true; Chart1.walls.back.format.shadow.visible=true; Chart1.title.text=""; Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000); resize(Chart1); }; function resize(chart) { if (!chart) return; var canvas = chart.canvas; var w=800; canvas.width=w; canvas.setAttribute('width', ""+w+"px"); var h=800; canvas.height=h; canvas.setAttribute('height', ""+h+"px"); canvas.style.width=""+w+"px"; canvas.style.height=""+h+"px"; chart.bounds.width=w; chart.bounds.height=h; chart.draw(); }; </script> </head> <body onload="draw()" onresize="resize(Chart1)" style="margin:0; padding:0; min-height:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden"> <br><canvas id="canvas" style="height:400; width:800; align: center;"> </canvas> </body></html> This html works wel. When in the delphi source code execute this command: UniSession.AddJS( 'Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000);') I get one error: "Chart1 is not defined" How I can access to Chart1 var?? Thanks
  14. Hello, I have one TuniURLFrame with this HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height:95%"> <head> <script src="/files/TeeChart/teechart.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Chart1; function draw() { Chart1=new Tee.Chart("canvas"); Chart1.panel.transparent=true; Chart1.walls.back.format.shadow.visible=true; Chart1.title.text=""; Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000); resize(Chart1); }; function resize(chart) { if (!chart) return; var canvas = chart.canvas; var w=800; canvas.width=w; canvas.setAttribute('width', ""+w+"px"); var h=800; canvas.height=h; canvas.setAttribute('height', ""+h+"px"); canvas.style.width=""+w+"px"; canvas.style.height=""+h+"px"; chart.bounds.width=w; chart.bounds.height=h; chart.draw(); }; </script> </head> <body onload="draw()" onresize="resize(Chart1)" style="margin:0; padding:0; min-height:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden"> <br><canvas id="canvas" style="height:400; width:800; align: center;"> </canvas> </body></html> This html works wel. When in the delphi source code execute this command: UniSession.AddJS( 'Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line()).addRandom(1000);') I get one error: "Chart1 is not defined" How I can access to Chart1 var?? Thanks
  15. Hello, I can't find the uHighCharts.pas file, Do you can upload it ?. Thanks
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