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Everything posted by AGL

  1. your test is successful, I don't know why. Can you test my build? Project1.rar
  2. sorry, attach test case test.rar
  3. Click mouse to controls on the TUniForm UniEdit1 and enter text UniEdit2 and enter text UniEdit3 and enter text Click mouse to controls on the TUniTabSheet UniEdit4 and enter text UniEdit5 and enter text UniEdit6 and enter text
  4. No, I checked. This is text fragment from online demo, about-form ... 2) ExtJS Version 3.3.0 (http://www.extjs.com) ... but UniGui used ExtJS Version 3.4.0
  5. The problem with TUniTabSheet in web-mode. If the component TUniEdit (TUniDBEdit) drop on the TUniTabSheet, then mouse can't set focus to the TUniEdit and enter text. The problem in versions UniGui and, but version problem did not exist. This is problem only for IE8, IE9 browser. In Google chrome and Mozilla - always all right.
  6. Я конечно догадался, что они тут не причем. Вопрос решил сюда запостить т.к. в унигуи сейчас вожусь. Вдруг укого были грабли такие. Thanks, I know, how to use TUniFileUpload. D2010 I know, what the problem is not unigui, in intraveb-components present a similar problem, but maybe someone know how to fix it. Now, I see two possible solutions. - transliterate file names. - create ftp-server and create download-links in TUniMemo to ftp-server.
  7. Hi. Thanks for your work. The problem occurs when working with the server IIS5, IIS7. In the server standalone mode - file is downloaded successfully. In brouser, i see error message: "File C:\WebIIS\cache\Start\IotspPxPNzKtXGn\?????.txt not found". verify is possible by modifying the example in a folder: "Demos\DownloadDemo\" procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var FName : string; begin // FName:='demo'+FormatDateTime('hhnnss', Time)+'.txt'; FName:='текст.txt'; UniMemo1.Lines.SaveToFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+FName); UniLabel1.Caption:='<a href="'+UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL+FName+'" target=new>Click here to download: ('+FName+')</a>'; end; how can I fix this?
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