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Everything posted by rasaliad

  1. Hi, Same here, I have a CONTABO server if you want to deploy to the web. Liriano
  2. Hi elGringo, yes, it is "Automagically"!!! pd: this word is not my, is from Eliax dot com
  3. Hi Uniguier!!! I know almost everyone here know TMS-Software and its new product MyCloudData, then I wonder if some of you know if MyCloudData can be used with UniGui ?. This would be the scenario: I have an application developed in Delphi with a local database, this application would be updating with statistical data and specific data, another database in MyCloudData, then I would be developing an application in UniGui which would be accessing information that are stored in MyCloudData for customers, vendors, suppliers and Managers, via desktop and mobile!! It is this scenario possible and at the same time would be a good idea to be implemented? Thanks in advance for your opinions and advice? regards Rafael Liriano
  4. Wow you are lucky. Here in my country the change is $1 -> $45.78. What i did was to charge the unigui cost to a project.
  5. Hi, Is there a way to execute a server side function from a href tag? What i need to do is display a html in a html frame with html < a > Tag and when the user click the link, then execute a procedure or function server side to populate a unidbgrid. Is this posible, if not what can i do?, Thanks in advanced Rafael
  6. Hola Le he estado dando seguimiento y probando desde el 2011. Ya compre la Licencia Pro, para el 2014 y 2015 he desarrollado dos proyectos para control de stock en almacenes ( Recepción, Ubicación, Movimientos, Procesos y Despacho de mercaderías) hasta hora todo ha ido de maravilla tanto en la app web y movil.
  7. Hi Uniguier, It is posible to use the parse or kinvey services within unigui, if it is posible, what's the best approach, REST or Delphi BaaS componet at the server side. Liriano
  8. Hi Farshad thank you for your time, I finally found the solution to the problem. Months before i was trying to implement the following: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4147-progress-bar-pager-extension/?hl=progressbarpager.js and i put this (files/ProgressBarPager.js) in the CustomFiles property in ServerModule, then now, after remove it, my Hybrid app works fine. Thank you again, now let me continue with my Hybrid project.
  9. Hi, I only create a Mobile Login Form with two TUnimEdit and Two TUnimButton, the main Mobile form is empty by now. Remember I'm trying to do a Hybrid App with and existing one... I used to have a progressbar in the Unigui App, but I remove it and all the uses references from the source. Note that I had compiled the Hybrid example and it run successfully, I also create a mobile app from scratch With mobile Login form and a Main Mobile form and it run successfully too. the problem is with my Hybrid app and only with the /m, it only say Loading.... and the log file show that progressbar.js not found. thanks for your time,
  10. Yes, it is installed in: C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\touch-2.4.1 I download it from the sencha page. I'm Using: Delphi XE6 Unigui Thanks
  11. Hi, I'm adding a mobile module to an existing unigui app. I add a Mobile Login Form and a Mobile Main Form, then when run app with localhost:8077/m it only show the loading... message. In the log file is the following message: myApp: 00154F30: 12:34:55 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\touch-2.4.1\src\ProgressBar.js How to solve the problem. Thansk Liriano
  12. Hi uniguier, I have the following problem: I have a simple Unigui Web App running in a Contabo VPS, this form has a query selecting data from a table in a Firebird database, this display some text and numeric data in TUniDBText, then I have a delphi vcl application that remote connect to the same database to the VPS and make some changes in the underline table, then after changes are done, I press the refresh button in the unigui app, the onclick event close and open the query, but the data display in the DBText stay unchanged, I wait for a time and then click the refresh button again and the information still display unchanged. I'm afraid if this is because ajax technology, I don't know about ajax and javascript... how can i get the data display correctly when refreshing the query in the unigui app, after the delphi vcl app update it in the background. I hope you understand my problem. Thanks in advanced. Using: Delphi Xe6 Unigui 0.98 FireDac FireBird Contabo VPS Rafael Liriano
  13. Ok, I found the answer here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4166-move-and-resize-panels-on-a-form/?hl=move nice!!!
  14. +1 Hi is this possible I want to create component at runtime, then move component in desired position saving this position in database, then when i open the form and create the component again use that saved positions. What i want is how to move component at runtime. Thanks in advanced
  15. Hi, Please can somebody help me, how can i use Open San Font with Unigui. ( http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/open-sans ) Thanks in advanced...
  16. John, Try to send a sample project, to see what we can do, i my case, fast report is working fine. Liriano
  17. Hi Marlon, I try to do what you said, using Open San font in my Application. What I did: 1. Add MimeTable.AddMimeType('ttf', 'ventas/font', False); in the servermodule OnCreate event. 2. Create the folder font in my application folder ventas. 2. Install Open San Windows/Font (this allow me to use the font within Unigui (Labels, panels, etc...) 3. Copy Fonts files to ventas/Font directory, as i understood you explain. 4. Compile the app. 5. Run it local and remote. And the font is not Open San, is something like Roman.... What did i did wrong. Thanks in advanced. Rafael Liriano
  18. Hola Por acá Rafael Liriano, de Republica Dominicana también... también a la orden en cualquier aporte... Programo en Delphi XE6, UniGUI Plus, FireBird, FastReport. Saludos
  19. My Comment on point 2 is that you have unnecessary code, i will do it in this way: Var iRecNumbers: Integer; begin DM.qrWaybill.Close; DM.qrWaybill.SQL.Text := 'SELECT Route ' + ' , Serv_type ' + ' , ShipmentId ' + ' , Custcode ' + ' , Ref ' + ' , PCE ' + ' , WGT ' + ' , Receiver ' + ' , ShipAddress1 ' + ' , ShipAddress2 ' + ' , ShipCity ' + ' , ShipState ' + ' , ShipPostalCode ' + ' , SpecialInstructions ' + ' , Origin ' + ' , OriginAddress ' + ' , OriginCity ' + ' , OriginPostal ' + ' , Status ' + ' , cast(Orderdate as date) ' + ' FROM shiporders ' + ' WHERE custcode = ' + quotedstr(UniLabelCustcode.Text) + ' AND orderdate >= :FirstDate ' + ' AND orderdate <= :LastDate ' + ' AND Extract(Hour from orderdate) BETWEEN 0 AND 24 '; DM.qrWaybill.Prepare; DM.qrWaybill.ParamByName ( 'FirstDate' ).Asdate := Date; DM.qrWaybill.ParamByName ( 'LastDate' ).Asdate := Date + 1; DM.qrWaybill.Open; iRecNumbers := DM.qrWaybill.recordcount; UniLabelRecords.text := Format( '%d records found for today',[iRecNumbers]); end; it will not help in your problem, but i will help in future maintenance and to other programer understand your code. BTW the datasource are all assigned correctly?.
  20. Schweppes, what I use to admin my VPS is a Remote Desktop Connection to the server IP. They have the options to use several Control Panel, but in my case i do not use any.
  21. Well schweppes What i did was, buy a year subscription for the VPS L plan (Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition (64 bit) ). Then when it was ready, I think a day after, I install: - Firebird - Dropbox (to transfer my files to deploy) - Setup IIS and done, running with out problem.
  22. hi, i'm using contabo too, no problem here.
  23. rasaliad


    Lendel As Delphi Developer said you can find the source at: rasaliad
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