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Everything posted by lxpbuaa

  1. Hi, How to select a range in the uniDBGrid? e.g. 1、SelectRange(row1, col1, row2, col2 ) 2、Or select the range by mouse-dragging. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I config a icon in the css, for example: .di-add {background-image: url(/dlzIcons/add.png);} How can I use the icon for the uniButton? Set the iconCls property of the UniButton with "di-add", the result is "pictos pictos-add". Thanks!
  3. Thanks very much! Yes, I has purchased your theme pack.
  4. Hi Sherzod, .x-panel-body-default only effects label, and .x-form-text-default only effects edit, combox ect. Others such as menu, button, grid, treeview, pagecontrol, panel.title, form.caption, don't change their fontsize. I set *{font-size:12px} , it can effects many components, but not contains button, grid.pagebar, panle.title, tabsheet.title ect. How to change default fontsize with all components? Or, how to get their css style classnames, so I can set these css classes one by one . Thanks! (uni-
  5. Hi, The default fontsize of classic theme is 11px. In IE 9, the font is smaller, and Chrome is normal. How can I change the default fontsize of classic theme from 11px to 12px。 On 12px, IE and Chrome text is same size. I replace all 11px to 12px in uni-xtheme-uni_classic.css、ext-theme-uni_classic-all_1.css、ext-theme-uni_classic-all_2.css、ext-theme-uni_classic-all-rtl_1.css、ext-theme-uni_classic-all-rtl_2.css(unipackages-6.5.3) and uni-xtheme-classic.css(uni-, but nothing changed.
  6. Hi, I need to set a uniDBGrid as the picker of a uniComboBox. procedure TUniComboBoxEx.WebCreate; begin inherited; JSInterface.JSConfig('picker', [GridJSControl]); end; The page raise the error "d.setSelectionModel is not a function". What should I do? Thanks!
  7. HI, I need a monthpicker, can I modify the uniDateTimePicker to achieve this demand? Or use the ExtJS component monthpicker, but, how can I insert the component into uniGUI application? Ext.create({ xtype: 'monthpicker', renderTo: document.body, value: new Date(), onSelect: function() { Ext.Msg.alert('Selected', this.getValue()); }, listeners: { okclick: 'onSelect', monthdblclick: 'onSelect', yeardblclick: 'onSelect', cancelclick: function () { this.setValue(new Date()); } } });
  8. I asked myself: FComboPageSize.Parent must be set, otherwise ItemIndex not updated.
  9. I asked myself: 1. FireDAC deals all date/time field as SQLTimeStamp field, and uniDateTimePicker ignores the prolem. To solve this prolem as: FConnection.FormatOptions.OwnMapRules := True; with FConnection.FormatOptions.MapRules.Add do begin SourceDataType := dtDateTimeStamp; TargetDataType := dtDateTime; end; 2. Another prolem, uniDateTimePicker raises "xxxx-xx-xx" is not valid date time. uniDBGrid.pas has codes as below: SetFldValue…… D := StrToDateTime(AVal, FmtSettings); --FmtSettings is a new global var in uniGUIApplication, why don't use SysUtils.FormatSettings? Change values of FmtSettings and the prolem solved.
  10. Hi, I uses a uniDateTimePicker to edit a datetime column of a DBGrid. The field type is TSQLTimeStampField. There are 2 problems: 1. When enter the editor and leave it, the date (e.g "2018-01-11") always changes to a GMT datetime text. 2. Atfer change the date value, the error "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string" raises. Thanks!
  11. Hi, I create a combobox at runtime, and insert into DBGird.pagingBar: FComboPageSize := TUniComboBox.Create(Self.Owner); FComboPageSize.Items.Add('每页25条'); FComboPageSize.Items.Add('每页50条'); FComboPageSize.Items.Add('每页100条'); FComboPageSize.Items.Add('每页200条'); FComboPageSize.Style := csDropDownList; FComboPageSize.ItemIndex := 0; FComboPageSize.OnChange := DoCombPageSizeChange; procedure TdlzUniDBGrid.DoOnAfterLoad; begin if WebOptions.Paged then JSInterface.JSCall('pagingBar.insert', [1, FComboPageSize.JSControl]); inherited; end; FComboPageSize.ItemIndex always equals 0, why, thanks! procedure TdlzUniDBGrid.DoCombPageSizeChange(Sender: TObject); begin if WebOptions.Paged then WebOptions.PageSize := Round(25 * Power(2, FComboPageSize.ItemIndex)); end;
  12. Hi, I create a TUniCustomContainerPanel at runtime, when it's owner is not a uniform , then panel.BeforeLoadCompleted will not raises? Thanks!
  13. Hi. How i dropdown/close a uniDateTimePicker by coding at runtime? Thanks!
  14. Thanks for your answer. Yes, column.ReadOnly or Editor.Enabled can controls the column editable or not. But , i need know the time point to set readonly or enabled. If i set readonly/enabled in the method BeforeCellEdit , the editor's state changes from enabled to not enabled in the UI, user experiences are terrible. Exists a earlier method before BeforeCellEdit ?
  15. Hi, I need set dbgrid.column editable or not at runtime, and two ways are currently found, but there are still problems. 1. Overrid dbgrid.BeforeCellEdit method, change Column.Editor.Enabled. But the editor's state changes from enabled to not enabled in the UI, user experiences are terrible. 2. Set Column.Editor.OnEnter, in the event set editor.Enabled. If i create the ediotrs at design, it's ok, bu at runtime, the OnEnter event don't fires. Is there any other way? Can you help me? Thanks!
  16. Oh, sorry ,unfortunately, the memo created at runtime doesnt work. UniMemo1 is ok, but Memo doesnt work. Can you help me? procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); const KeyDownText = 'function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) {if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {e.stopPropagation()}}'; var Memo: TUniMemo; begin Memo := TUniMemo.Create(self); Memo.Parent := self; Memo.Left := 50; Memo.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['keydown'] := KeyDownText; UniMemo1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['keydown'] := KeyDownText; end;
  17. HI, I can't set the clienevent at runtime? Because the Memo editor is created dynamicly. e.g. TUniMemo(Editor).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('keydown=function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) {if (e.getKey()== e.ENTER) {e.stopPropagation();}}');
  18. At runtime, change Form.NavigateKeys.Enabled or Form.NavigateKeys.Nex.Key, it doesnt work. e.g. procedure TEditDataForm.OnMemoEnter(Sender: TObject); begin NavigateKeys.Next.Key := 0; NavigateKeys.Enabled := False; end; procedure TEditDataForm.OnMemoExit(Sender: TObject); begin NavigateKeys.Next.Key := 13; NavigateKeys.Enabled := True; end; It means when the focus is in Memo editor, I can enter RETURN key as a line feed. How can I do it? Thanks!
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