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Everything posted by pro_imaj

  1. @Farshad MohajeriCan't unigui be used as the world's standard RestFull server?
  2. I think you are using an old unigui version, so I cannot view it with your exe. I don't want to write a URL this is a solution that won't be right for the other party RestFull logic is fixed all over the world.
  3. Hi, Thanks. I was able to compile the project. But I can not get any results, what I'm doing wrong, I added the project sample. REST Server.zip
  4. Hello, Thank you for the answer. I implemented your answer, but rest debugger does not return the correct result. I added the code you wrote into a small project, you can find the example in the attachment. While sending the data, I want to send it as below with rest debugger. URL : http://localhost:8077/JSON Conten Type : { "Username": "test01", "Password": "test01"} Rest_Full.zip
  5. I can do this myself. What I can't do is read the incoming JSON value. I can't see the incoming Json value.
  6. I have prevented the error from occurring as follows, but I cannot see the JSON value sent with CustomBody in ARequestInfo. How can I get the incoming CustomBody value. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand( ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); begin if ARequestInfo.URI = '/user' then begin AResponseInfo.ContentText := '{"Name": "bbbb","Mission": "pppppp" }' ; AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200; AResponseInfo.WriteContent; Handled := True; end; end;
  7. Hi, Can I use it as Unigui Rest Full. So like this; I will send the following 1.json format as Post method to http://localhost:8077/user link. 2. I will send it as a response in json format, can this be done? 1. Json { "username": "a", "Password": "123" } 2.Json { "Name": "bbbb", "Mission": "pppppp" } *I tried to do a lot of reasoning and examples but as a general problem. When I type http://localhost:8077/user I see the following error on the screen. Invalid session or session Timeout. (Invalid URI: /user ) Is there a solution Thanks
  8. @Marlon Nardi Greetings Marlon, Are you able to look into this matter? Thanks.
  9. Hi @Marlon Nardi Attached is your Kendo example, when you compile please open the pie chart because there is a problem there. I want to show the "Isler" field and "Amount" field information when the mouse is hovered over the chart in the pie chart.The data structure is as follows. with ClientDataSet1 do begin CreateDataSet; // Works, Quantity AppendRecord(['a ISI',1 ]); AppendRecord(['b ISI',3 ]); AppendRecord(['c ISI',5 ]); AppendRecord(['d ISI',7 ]); AppendRecord(['e ISI',9 ]); end; For example, I want to see the following result when Pie is hovered over the chart with the mouse. "a HEAT :1 " It should be with the code below, but "{0} field returns "Amount" information, while {1} field does not return "Works" information. Do you have a suggestion about this? Chart.ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "{0} :{1} "}'; *The sample project is attached. FSKendoUI_Test.zip
  10. Hi, PivotGrid gives the following error even when I compile the Unigui demo. This error existed in the past, then it was fixed, now it still persists. Could not set cell position: row: [0], column:[0] :Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'style') Unigui v1.90.0.1564
  11. Hi @Sherzod I solved the problem with item 3. Thank you very much. This error occurred because I couldn't make edtOfferYuzde.BlankValue := 0; These standards should be added to the component specifications. @Farshad Mohajeri
  12. The example is attached. Value should be 0 when there are no values. test02.zip
  13. @Sherzod I am sending you an example. When you delete all the values in the above component, you will see the value of -1. * If the onchange feature is -1, do not say 0, after all, the user can give a value of -1. test02.zip
  14. @Sherzod None of these solutions worked. I just couldn't try this; There is no blur in the ExtEvents event of the TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit component, so I couldn't test it. UniNumberEdit -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> blur
  15. @Sherzod Hi Add 1 TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit to the screen and connect any datasource. The default value is 0. When you delete the 0 value, it becomes -1, so if there is no data on the screen, it becomes -1, I have to make it 0.
  16. Hi, The TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit component does not have a property where I can change the blankvalue. Calculations are wrong because it returns -1 if there is no value in the field. How do I make the value 0, which is -1 in case of blankvalue, when there is no data? When there is a blankvalue in the TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit component, it solves this problem by setting it to 0. What is the solution in DB component?
  17. Thank you very much for your attention, I discovered that the problem is in the database structure. This error occurs when decimal in MSSQL. It gets fixed when you make the field type float. This is very interesting. Since there is a database problem, I cannot send it directly, but this is how I solved the problem for now.
  18. Hi, There is a UniDBLookupCombobox object inside the Hidden panel on Unigui Grid. I cannot access the information of the selected record with this object. I have been struggling for 3 hours. Methods I have tried. When I try to get data with UniDBLookupCombobox =>Onselected it shows wrong data. When I try to get data with Unigrid=>SetCellValue, the value that comes with valu does not work for me. What I want to do. Being able to get the ID of the selected record with the UniDBLookupCombobox I am not able to do that.
  19. Merhaba, Unigui ile veri tabanı yazılımları geliştirmiş (MSSQL). Delphi konusunda deneyimli. Zaman sorunu olmayan, proje bazlı çalışacak arkadaş varsa özelden yazmasını rica ederim.
  20. @Hayri ASLAN When I translate the field type as text, it gets fixed, but when the field type is date on the mssql side, the following error occurs.
  21. @Hayri ASLAN It worked fine when I used it, thanks.
  22. I can't conclude this issue, what is the solution? @Farshad Mohajeri
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