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Wilton Ergon

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Everything posted by Wilton Ergon

  1. I suggest creating filter mechanisms so that your user really looks for what is needed, throwing a huge mass of data in a grid doesn't make much sense, your user will be scrolling the grid for hours looking for the desired information. still, try to use Grid's BufferedStore option
  2. as already expected, our friend Farshad, always has solutions to our problems, thank you.
  3. @Farshad Mohajeriyou have been following my case.. server master url gepweb.mydomain.com url slave1 gepweb01.mydomain.com url slave2 gepweb02.mydomain.com I'm using the url redirect feature in hyperserver cookies are saved based on the site url, so when you save the cookie to slave1, it is not retrieved on slave2 in some places I could replace cookies with information recorded in the database, but on the login screen I need to retrieve information before connecting to the database.
  4. found the problem, elsewhere on the system, this script was removed, when the system was accessed by support, it was not necessary to adjust the variables as you suggested.
  5. after this change in variable declaration my main form is no longer displayed
  6. I have a script in the main form, and I need to change it at runtime, because the value of a variable is defined by a parameter, I tried to make this change in the create of the main form, but there was no effect procedure TFrmPrincipal.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); var tempoTimeOut:integer; begin tempoTimeOut := i'm getparameter..... if tempoTimeOut>0 then self.script.Text :=StringReplace(script.Text,'var IDLE_TIMEOUT = 1800;','var IDLE_TIMEOUT = '+inttostr(tempoTimeOut*60)+';',[rfIgnoreCase,rfReplaceAll]); my script... in form create, change var IDLE_TIMEOUT var IDLE_TIMEOUT = 1800; var _idleSecondsCounter = 0; document.onclick = function() { _idleSecondsCounter = 0; }; document.onmousemove = function() { _idleSecondsCounter = 0; }; document.onkeypress = function() { _idleSecondsCounter = 0; }; window.setInterval(CheckIdleTime, 1000); function CheckIdleTime() { _idleSecondsCounter++; var oPanel = document.getElementById("SecondsUntilExpire"); if (oPanel) oPanel.innerHTML = (IDLE_TIMEOUT - _idleSecondsCounter) + ""; if (_idleSecondsCounter >= IDLE_TIMEOUT) { ajaxRequest(FrmPrincipal.form, '_idle_timeout', []); } } the objective, and that it is possible to configure the application timeout time
  7. this chrome option, do an analysis on the site, and one of the points that caught my attention was also referring to the jquery libraries, which are outdated, and have critical vulnerabilities, it would be great if unigui already came with these latest libraries .
  8. the use of url redirection generates problems with the use of cookies, if you use a lot to store information in cookies, you will have a problem if you use this feature. as cookies are stored depending on the server address, every time you connect, a new url is loaded from another server, so it is not possible to retrieve the last saved value. @farahad what do you suggest as an alternative to this situation?
  9. I also noticed this, but at runtime the problem doesn't occur, so don't panic, I'm using the 1558 without problems..
  10. @irigsoft url time out, there is still no property in the servermodule to configure this message in a personalized way, as it was introduced now in this latest version
  11. my 2 cents contribution. when accessing the main address, the redirection is done, and some parameters are added to the url the first parameter indicates the date and time that the site was loaded, this link has a useful life of 5 minutes, that means that if it is copied, it cannot be used after that time. ----------------------------------------- if after 5 minutes, the user decides to refresh the browser, a new connection will be made directly to the slave server, the time has already been exceeded, and with that the website will not be loaded. ---------------------------------------- I still haven't found a place to set a custom html for that page. when clicking on the restart application link, it redirects to the main server, which in turn redirects to one of the slave servers. if the application is already able to mount the link from the main server, in my understanding, this redirection should be automatic, if the site is loaded using a url with a timeout, it already does the redirection, if that is not possible, at least we can create a more user-friendly screen, my users panic, with messages in English. ---------------------------- if the user tries to directly access a slave server, he without the url parameters, he displays a server unavailable message, I believe that if he is able to display this message, he might be able to already do automatic redirection to the main server, which in turn would forward to one of the slave servers. here at this point I understand that if this slave server is down, a browser error will be generated, this is acceptable. Of course, if this is not possible, at least we can configure our message to our user as clearly as possible, a message like this will always generate support calls. ----------------------------- our friend @farahadis already aware of this, I'm just posting it here, so everyone can follow the evolution of this amazing new feature
  12. in production, I'll follow up tomorrow, and see the result. I just hope my users don't panic due to the url parameters
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spa#Origins_of_the_term unigui apps, uses SPA apps concept you can open forms in tabs within a pagecontrol, the usability is much better than having multiple browser tabs open. the way you want, each tab opened, a new session will be created on the server, and be sure this is a bad idea.
  14. my certificate is installed and configured in IIS, in the manual it says a folder that does not exist would these files be?
  15. I'll try this at night.. because this change needs to stop the services. where do I indicate that if the user tries to access https://gepweb01.mydomain.com.br/gepweb_d.dll it will not open the system. because as I configured in iis this address on the slave server, it is visible on the internet and can be opened.
  16. I tried yesterday to change to mode 2 without success, I updated the version and kept the mode 0. my previous configuration is like this: master server gepweb_d.dll (hyperserver dll) configured in IIS gepweb_d.cfg contains the list of slave servers. using in the url field only the iplocal ex: [server-0] enabled=1 url= name=APP1 token=ydhtkz211022170003821 on slave servers I have there I have the hyper_service.exe (service running on windows) hyper_service.cfg that contains the settings with their respective token (same as the master server) basically on main server, configuration in IIS needed to keep my environment working, I still kept the previous configuration. I had reported this problem, and it is in the log that it had been fixed, but it still continues. on slave servers, hyper_service service running --------------- now, I create a public url for each slave server, so that it is used on the master server, in the global_url field [server-0] enabled=1 url= name=APP1 token=xxxxxxxxxxxx global_url=https://gepweb01.mydomain.com.br/gepweb_d.dll cluster_mode=2 avoid_direct_access=1 url_timeout_secs=300 in this case on the slave server, I configured my application in IIS, so that it is publicly visible. I believe that is what is wrong. when I access the address gepweb.mydomain.com.br it does the wrong redirect and does not load the application on the slave servers will I still keep the same operation, just running the hyperserver service?
  17. I'll try to set up the production environment tonight, but I still have some doubts.
  18. yes, that was off, and back to default as I had to reinstall delphi recently, sorry for the confusion.
  19. I discovered the problem by chance, yesterday I created a new form in the project, and I don't know why delphi added it to this line, I hadn't done any tests, and I updated the component.. fate things...
  20. Tentei fazer isso, não inicia. Fiz uma nova instalação limpa do componente, mas sem sucesso. Video_1643716345.wmv
  21. I updated the version, recompiled my project, and it doesn't start anymore, It doesn't show anything in the log. only that GepWeb_E.exe: 000005AC: 11:18:37 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. GepWeb_E.exe: 000005AC: 11:18:37 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = C:\GEPWEB\PREFEITURATESTE\ GepWeb_E.exe: 000005AC: 11:18:48 [Terminated]:Exit Code: 1 local test, using localhost:8077 in debug mode or realese mode I enabled all log options, to display more details, but to no avail. old version 1552 delphi 10.4 the executable starts, and immediately ends I removed all the custom css, custometa in the servermodule, and it still doesn't load anything
  22. it would be good to release the information on how to configure the new scenario in the user manual, even before the version.
  23. exactly what I do here, I roll the dice and a TVirtualTable, and generate the content of the columns using HTML
  24. you must export the file in xlsx format which supports more lines than xls
  25. πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ
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