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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by acms

  1. I am running the example on the Desktop version, but using the mouse holding the left button, nothing happens. I can't draw anything. What may be happening?
  2. Estou rodando o exemplo na versão Desktop mas ao utilizar o mouse segurando o botão esquerdo, nada acontece. Não consigo desenhar nada. O que pode estar acontecendo?
  3. Parabéns pelo exemplo! Adaptei para que não seja solicitado o diálogo de salvamento do pdf e para que o arquivo gerado seja aberto automaticamente. Obs. Adicionar ShellApi no uses. try mUniquePDfName := UniServerModule.TempFolderPath + unisession.SessionId+'.pdf'; mLocalURL := UniServerModule.TempFolderURL + unisession.SessionId+'.pdf'; aPDF := TQRPDFDocumentFilter.Create(mUniquePDfName); Report.QuickRep1.Prepare; Report.QuickRep1.ExportToFilter( aPDF); try ShellExecute(0, 'OPEN', PChar(mUniquePDfName), '', '', SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); except end; finally aPDF.Free; Report.Free; end;
  4. DataBase mySQL: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/mycartmysql.sql NOT FOUND!
  5. Hello everyone! Whenever I enter a topic that has a download link, the message below appears: Sorry, there is a problem This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location. Error code: 2C171/1
  6. Hi, uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition -, Member ID 01215.
  7. Where should I put this code to make rounded edits?
  8. [dcc32 Error] Main.pas(18): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TUniPDFFrame' But i have TUniPDFFrame component on the UniGUI Additioonal toolbar... what's wrong ?
  9. How can i translate the incitial message "Loading..." ? Como eu posso traduzir a mensagem "Loading.." ?
  10. Hi! Error : [dcc32 Fatal Error] SimpleDesktop.dpr(13): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ServerModule.pas' i am using Delphi XE8 with unigui v. What is happening ?
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