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nyy216 last won the day on May 7 2016

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  1. greate work, thank you for share
  2. I would like to purchase the components, could you please send me a link?
  3. hi , if i buy , can you provide the source code of component?
  4. Mr. Farshad, when I do export unigrid to excel or search from database , if take too long time and do the same thing, the website will can't not access , sometime need reflash the website, sometime need restart the website service(I had try apache and iis, the same problem). server pc: win2008_64bit+apache, win2003_64bit+iis6.0 developer pc:win7_64bit+unigui 0.99.80+delphi xe10 please add add Action property on Tunibutton, TUniBitBtn, TUniSpeedButton,TuniToolBar... control ,it is very userfull to set these control to disabled or not I want to change my probject to unigui, but most of my project use TactionList, so.... thank you this is a demo that I add to my projectGroup unit UniButtonEx; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.UITypes,uniButton, System.Types, Vcl.ActnList, System.TypInfo; type TUniButtonEx = class(TUniButton) protected procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); override; published property Action; end; implementation { TUniButtonEx } procedure TUniButtonEx.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); begin inherited ActionChange(Sender, CheckDefaults); if Sender is TCustomAction then with TCustomAction(Sender) do if not CheckDefaults or (Self.HelpContext = 0) then begin Self.Caption:=TCustomAction(Sender).Caption; Self.HelpContext := HelpContext; OnClick:= TAction(Sender).OnExecute; end; end; end.
  5. hi everyone can you tell me how to add summany panel to the bottom of the gird ? thank you
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