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Everything posted by valadi

  1. valadi

    Happy Eid

    عید سعید فطر مبارک
  2. عید سعید فطر مبارک
  3. thanks how do add function in UniHTMLFrame1.HTML OR add function use unibutton
  4. plz upload sample code Office Viewer Component with Unigui
  5. valadi

    Crop image

    thanks delphidude
  6. valadi

    Jalali Calendar

    Can do add all Datepicker Renderers in unigui There are many different calendars used throughout the world. This plugin aims to make them accessible in JavaScript in a consistent manner. The basic modules provide the underlying calendar support, while the picker module builds a generic datepicker on top of this functionality.
  7. valadi

    Jalali Calendar

    Thanks Delphi Developer Can do add all Datepicker Renderers in unigui There are many different calendars used throughout the world. This plugin aims to make them accessible in JavaScript in a consistent manner. The basic modules provide the underlying calendar support, while the picker module builds a generic datepicker on top of this functionality.
  8. valadi

    Jalali Calendar

    not work loop loading .... plz make sample code
  9. thanks but no view image file plz make movie and upload youtube
  10. how add charter star in edit box in site https://prime.fmsoft.net/userv/mportal.dll plz view Image file
  11. How user connect to application online (IP , count user,etc )?
  12. how change caption UniDBGrid Menu for example Sort Ascending Sort Descending Columns plz View Attach Files
  13. How change Height & Width Header mainmenu plz view Attach Files
  14. in form1 in Unigui component procedure TUniLoginForm1.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin .... UniForm6.UniComboBox1.Text:=UniServerModule.MSQuery1.FieldValues['Device']; UniForm6.UniEdit1.Text:=UniServerModule.MSQuery1.FieldValues['ip']; .... end; when click UniButton3 Appointment 1) Erorr show massage from must be shown after its is created , 2) UniForm6 show model two problem Now vcl application delphi show not show massage , not show model not problem
  15. how change show massage delete record caption in dbgrid 1 . delete record 2. button Yes 3. button no
  16. Yes i have Now I using trial edition
  17. thanks Delphi Developer now how change caption button ok in show massage ??
  18. how change font Header mainmenu ?
  19. thanks but not work code plz check
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