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Everything posted by njtz2011

  1. I use TUniDBEdit component, and associated with a DataSource but no matter Dataset.state what state the TuniDbEdit components can be edited, not when Dataset.state = dsEdit or dsInsert, TuniDbEdit components before they can edit, similar alsoTuniDBMemo, TUniDBCheckBox, TUniDBComboBox ... Sorry for my English!
  2. I want to manually stop a session,but I can't find ways to achieve,The following code no effect. ASession := TUniGUISession(UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.GetSession(SomeSessionID,SomeRemoteHost)); if ASession <> nil then ASession.UniApplication.Terminate; //or UniServerModule.ClearSessionBusy(ASession);
  3. I Dynamic write a href on clientside page like "'<a href="#" onclick="ajaxRequest(null, 'testvalue', [''param0=A'',''param1=B''])">Test</a>'",when i click the href,on serverside how to catch the ajaxevent?
  4. How can I Sort on UniDBGrid and Display the Sort Arrow Icon on UniDBGrid's Title when I clicked the UniDBGrid's Title?
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