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Everything posted by joriolm

  1. Hi everyone. Unistalled pre version Installed version on TurboDelphi 2006. Old UNIGUI versions working good. started a new project wth Wizard in VCL mode/Standalone Server option Pressed my beloved F9 key uh ... and got this: [Pascal Error] Main.pas(33): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'RegisterAppFormClass' This comes from last part of code on Main.pas: initialization RegisterAppFormClass(TMainForm); I compiled MDI Forms demo and everything run ok. It is something bad with project generation? what I'm doing wrong? Any help appreciated in advanced. Thanks. Just found some about this here in 0.93 post: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2937-version-0930/page-3&do=findComment&comment=14767 Thanks.
  2. 1) Standard Version 2) Pro Version + Source 3) Support pack This sound good for me, but can we have more details or an initial features comparative? Long life to UG !!!
  3. Hi Farshad, I have migrated my little project from postgres to SQL Lite, database connection with ZeosLib 7. Master-Detail sync problem stills happens with SQL Lite, this can be some ZeosLib issue? I have been developing for a few years and some medium sized projects with Zeos and Master-Detail runs very well. Do you guys recommend some other connection tool?, I can do some additional test before sending you a test case project. Thanks. Long life to UG !!
  4. Hi Farshad, Yes, I'm sure, this project was running ok in 0.90 version, I uninstalled it, then installed 0.91 and started detail syncing problem. There are some additional tests I can do? Thanks.
  5. I updated to version, UDBGrid summary, grouping and ClicksToEdit features rocks!!! But I encountered a problem with Master-Detail sync, according to my observation: 1- If Detail rows number is different than next record, detail is refreshed 2- If Detail rows number is equal than next record, detail doesn't. I have to click refresh button. This same project in 0.90 is running ok. Some ideas? Attached some screenshots to explain my poor words.
  6. Thanks Farshad, we will be unpatiently waiting for the next version, because in Android browser a doble click seems to execute a zoom. Out of topic, how's going licensing matter with UniGui? Do you have some estimated price? Thanks Asiaapollo, I tried your solution and worked in my browser, rarely times It throws an error of UDBGrid row mismatch, but then It runs very well, as soon as I can test it on android, I let you know. Long life to UG !!!
  7. I'm having the same problem in web browser with 0.90 version. And in my android device, I'd never can edit a cell. What are we missing Farshad, please?
  8. Hi, I stupidly deleted my 0.88 and 0.89 downloaded versions, would you send me UniGUI and ExtJS, please?
  9. Hi Farshad, Any idea of license prices? Should I begin adjusting my belt? Thanks. J. Oriol Mujica F. MasterData
  10. Hi Farshad, In private message with Monica, we resolved her problem. Linux Centos server, running UniGui app with wine, did'nt has Arial.ttf installed in /usr/shared/fonts/, that's why report, generated with FastReport in PDF format, showed all that data in "strange" characters. Thanks by your help, anyway. J. Oriol M.
  11. This is my part of code to fill in the UniStringGrid: while not(table.Eof) do begin for j:=Low(fields) to High(fields) do begin sg.Cells[j,i] := table.Fields[fields[j]].AsString; end; i:=i+1; if table.RecNo < table.RecordCount then sg.RowCount:=sg.RowCount+1; table.Next; end; I can make a test case, would you guide me with this? please? I've seen the FishFacts demo with a ClientDataset, but how can I create two tables in cds format? I don't use paradox.
  12. I have this config: Postgres 9 in localhost ZeosDBO 7 using a ZTable dataset for Master table. I fill in the detail data from another ZTable to the UniStringGrid by code. The filling time is not the problem, neither pass from 1 row to another row, time spend is when I scroll the UniDBNavigator to next or prior master record.
  13. Thanks by your reply, Farshad, It seems I commited a newbie mistake with ExtJS version folder, this config runs like a charm: Centos 5.7 Wine 1.2.3 PostgreSQL 9.0 ExtRoot = .\ext-3.4.0\ Setting [ext] didn´t work for me. Regards, J. Oriol Mujica.
  14. Hi, Jason, I'm trying to deploy another app in Centos, this 0.88 version come with Ext JS Runtime Installer v0.88.1.943 (1.18 MB 2012-03-14) This changes something with path of ext-x.y.z ? My app shows first icon and loading, but then page becomes blank. Some tips? please, thanks. Oriol Mujica
  15. Hi, I'm still working with UniStringGrid, for some reasons not a UniDBGrid: I used OnDrawCell for coloring some columns (USG_drawed_col.png) but it takes 6 secs to navigate to another record. If I remove coloring columns in OnDrawCell, this takes less than a sec, just a blink of an eye.(USG_not_drawed_col.png) Would be good have a nice presentation with a good speed on this. Can be this fixed, please? Regards, J. Oriol M.
  16. Hi Farshad. I did it like this, in case somebody needs it too. (Someone as newbie as me). Inside the DrawCell of the UniStringGrid: if (ACol = 4) and (ARow > 0) then begin Value := IntToStr(StrToIntDef(Value,0)); end;
  17. You'll need to be more specific, DataSet is on dsEditing or dsInsert states, nor both at same time.
  18. Hi Farshad, Some plans to add ButtonStyle to TUniDBGrid in future releases? It will be great can show an cbsEllipsis in a column. Thanks.
  19. Hi, Farshad, Well.......yes, too newbiest my request? sorry, jeje. I would like to control in a UniStringGrid cell only numbers, like in Delphi: if Key in ['0','1','2','3',.....] but this is controled by OnKeyDown and OnKeyPress of the SG, right ? Thanks by your reply. J. Oriol M.
  20. Hi everyone, I'm trying to validate a UniStringGrid's Cell content with a number. Would be great to have OnKeyPress or OnKeyDown. Some plans to add this in next versions ? There is another workaround to do this? Thanks.
  21. Hi, Jason, thanks by your comments. My application is running well on CentOS, as in VCL as web mode. Finally, I used ExtRoot like this: ".\ext-3.3.0" because I have my exe into another folder, I think was something wrong with my path or my ext folder, replace it, check paths and voilá. Still having some problems with window's size, but I think is matter of screen resolution. Thanks again, J. Oriol M.
  22. Thanks by your reply, Jason. I have been modifying ExtRoot UniServerModule's property: 1- Tryed to assign it in OnCreate event with Linux path to folder: "/PATH/PATH/ext-3.3.0" but UNIGUI added "\" to string. I published in a showmessage and the path was this: "/PATH/PATH/ext-3.3.0\". Result: Dark blue color page with "Loading..." 2- Set it to "ext-3.3.0" ,UNIGUI puts a final "\" in the string. Result: dark blue page without "Loading..." label. ext-3.3.0 folder is beside the .exe file. Some tips about this will be great. Thanks, J. Oriol M.
  23. Hi everyone, I´m testing a simple VCL 0.86 app with Zeos connecting to PostgreSQL 9 In win environment, as VCL as web app runs ok, but in linux: 1- I installed wine succesfully on Centos 5.6 2- Copied my UniGUI app to a folder in linux 3- Copied some libpqx.dlls at same level than the app. (after some error alerts) 4- In root's console: wine UniGUIApp.exe 5- UniGUI app in VCL mode finally runs ok 6- In the browser (Mozilla Firefox): the page becomes UniGUI's dark blue color, and the word "Loading..." up in the left, but It never loads my MainForm. I copied ext-3.3.0 folder beside the app, but nothing, something I'm missing from wine's config ? Something Mozilla's related ? Regards, J. Oriol M.
  24. Thank you very much.....Farshad. By the way, where is your name from ?
  25. Thank Jason, Dionel and Farshad. I fear I saw manuals but developer's, sorry by that. Options to build and deploy are clear. Something unexpected is the $ 329 Sencha's license price to develop not in GPL mode, I think that info may be more "visible", however, UNIGUI deserves that investment for us, It really does !!!. Thank you all again. J. Oriol M.
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