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Everything posted by dryphon

  1. Hi Farsah Yes this my declaration problem Thanks
  2. Hi I am new, testing framework. Get error on Fr := TFrm1Class(FrC).Create [dcc32 Error] Main.pas(339): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Create' that can be called with these arguments var Nd : TUniTreeNode; Ts : TUniTabSheet; FrC : TFrm1Class; Fr : TUniForm; FClassName, iconfile: string; index: Integer; keyvalue:Real; begin Nd := NavTree.Selected; if Nd.Count = 0 then begin Ts := Nd.Data; if not Assigned(Ts) then begin FClassName := 'T'+FormNames.Values[IntToStr(NativeInt(Nd))]; if UniMainModule.qMenus.Locate('FORMNAME',FClassName,[loPartialKey]) then begin try keyvalue:=UniMainModule.qMenus.FieldValues['KEYVALUE']; if keyvalue=999 then keyvalue:=UniMainModule.UserOid; FrC := TFrm1Class(FindClass('T' + FormNames.Values[IntToStr(NativeInt(Nd))])); if not FrC.InheritsFrom(TFrm1) then exit; Ts := TUniTabSheet.Create(Self); Ts.PageControl := UniPageControl1; Ts.Closable := True; Ts.OnClose := TabSheetClose; Ts.Tag := NativeInt(Nd); Ts.Caption := Nd.Text; Ts.ImageIndex := Nd.ImageIndex; Fr := TFrm1Class(FrC).Create(UniApplication,UniMainModule.qMenus.FieldValues['OBJECTMODE'],keyvalue,False,0,'','',''); Fr.Align := alClient; Fr.Parent := Ts; Nd.Data := Ts; except ShowMessage('Bilinmeyen Hata!!!'); end; end; end; UniPageControl1.ActivePage := Ts; end; end; form code TFrm1Class = class of TFrm1; TFrm1 = class(TFrm) ilaMain: TUniImageListAdapter; aclMain: TActionList; actClose: TAction; cpToolbar: TUniContainerPanel; UniToolBar1: TUniToolBar; tbClose: TUniToolButton; procedure actCloseExecute(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FArgs: TErgoVariantList; FIsModal: Boolean; FKeyValue: integer; FObjectState: TKBObjectState; FNewState: Integer; FWhereSql: string; FSearchField: string; FSearchText: string; FServiceName: string; FServiceVersion: string; public { Public declarations } LinkedFrameClass: TFrm1Class; constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent; AObjectState: TKBObjectState = osBrowse; AKeyValue: Integer = -1; AIsModal: Boolean = False; ANewState: Integer = 0; AWhereSql: string = ''; ASearchField: string = ''; ASearchText: string = ''); overload; constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent; AArgs: array of variant); overload; destructor Destroy; override; property IsModal: Boolean read FIsModal; property KeyValue: integer read FKeyValue write FKeyValue; property ObjectState: TKBObjectState read FObjectState write FObjectState; property NewState: integer read FNewState write FNewState; property WhereSql: string read FWhereSql; property SearchField: string read FSearchField; property SearchText: string read FSearchText; property Args: TErgoVariantList read FArgs; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses MainModule, uniGUIApplication,uniPageControl,uException; constructor TFrm1.Create( AOwner: TComponent; AObjectState: TKBObjectState = osBrowse; AKeyValue: Integer = -1; AIsModal: Boolean = False; ANewState: Integer = 0; AWhereSql: string = ''; ASearchField: string = ''; ASearchText: string = ''); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FObjectState := AObjectState; FKeyValue := AKeyValue; FIsModal := AIsModal; FNewState := ANewState; FWhereSql := AWhereSql; FSearchField := ASearchField; FSearchText := ASearchText; { if AIsModal then FormStyle := fsNormal else FormStyle := fsMDIChild; } end; constructor TFrm1.Create( AOwner: TComponent; AArgs: array of variant); begin // Check parameters. if length(AArgs) < 7 then ErgoRaiseException('Invalid number of arguments'); inherited Create(AOwner); FArgs := TErgoVariantList.Create(AArgs); FObjectState := AArgs[0]; FKeyValue := AArgs[1]; FIsModal := AArgs[2]; FNewState := AArgs[3]; FWhereSql := AArgs[4]; FSearchField := AArgs[5]; FSearchText := AArgs[6]; { if FIsModal then FormStyle := fsNormal else FormStyle := fsMDIChild; } end; destructor TFrm1.Destroy; begin FArgs.Free; inherited; end; procedure TFrm1.actCloseExecute(Sender: TObject); var Ts : TUniTabSheet; begin inherited; if not IsModal then begin Ts := Parent as TUniTabSheet; Ts.Close; end; end; initialization RegisterClass(TFrm1); end.
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