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Everything posted by rtalmeida

  1. rtalmeida


    Thanks again!
  2. rtalmeida


    But is there a solution?
  3. rtalmeida


    I noticed that if using the default theme the problem does not occur, it is occurring on the theme I chose for my system which is: uni_mac color.zip
  4. rtalmeida


    In some components does the color property not work? For example in a UniEdit component I do in the OnEnter CompName.Color: = clInfoBk; And it changes color but in components like: TUniNumberEdit and TUniDateTimePicker and TUniComboBox does not work, how can I proceed?
  5. The problem is that the message may vary, however I did so by doing so: UniApplication.Terminate (vMessage); Using the above statement works, is there any problem doing this?
  6. In UniMainModule how do I dynamically change the message I want to change the contents of TerminateMessage I tried like this: UniMainModule.ServerMessages.TerminateMessage: = vMessage; But always displays the message that is fixed in TerminateMessage.
  7. rtalmeida

    Open Form

    thank you so much!
  8. rtalmeida

    Open Form

    When clicking on the second option the form opens normally, but if I click the first option the form opens twice, the reason is my routine that passes the form as a parameter, how do I stop the form from opening twice? openform.zip
  9. Hello, this way I can now check who is arriving or not, thank you very much one more time.
  10. Hello using the way you oriented it works visually, but how do I know it is checked? I made a small example that I'm sending. treeview.zip
  11. Where can I find a manual with functions and procedures for ExtEvents and UniEvents?
  12. Thank you very much, it worked.
  13. rtalmeida


    How can I do in a unitreeview, when the user select the parent automatically select the children? I'm using UseCheckBox = True.
  14. How do I translate message header? Note in the picture the word Warning
  15. rtalmeida


    I already met, please disregard.
  16. rtalmeida


    I am trying to generate a uniform as follows: Form: = TUniFormClass (FindClass ('TFormUsers')). Create (UniApplication); Do I need to register 'TFormUsers'? If so, how do I do it?
  17. rtalmeida


    Thanks for the answer, unfortunately did not solve, on the local machine saves the PDF, but not on the server.
  18. rtalmeida


    When I do the routine below on the local machine saves the pdf, but when I run on the server it does not generate the pdf file, is there anything that can be done? Exp.Background := True; Exp.ShowProgress := False; Exp.ShowDialog := False; Exp.FileName := 'Files/Docs/Rta-' +FormatDateTime('hhmmsszzz', Now()) +'.pdf'; Exp.DefaultPath := ''; Report.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; Report.PrepareReport; Report.Export(Exp);
  19. Do I need to configure on each form the MonitoredKeys property by setting the Keys property or is there a way to set this up for the entire project?
  20. How can I do to format numeric fields in unidbgrid?
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