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Everything posted by rtalmeida

  1. How to highlight the selected record in uniDBTreeGrid when using the uni_mac theme? example image with this theme.
  2. onGetText Text: = FormatFloat ('###, ###, ## 0.00', TField (Sender) .AsFloat);
  3. very good, gave the expected result, thank you.
  4. I Try and send the result
  5. How to change the font of the FieldLabel property of the UniDbEdit component?
  6. the TUniDateTimePicker component does not have the SelectAll property, how can I simulate this?
  7. caixa.rtalmeida.com.br a sua opinião é muito importante. Obrigado
  8. avoid double-clicking, not to run two or more times the same statement.
  9. Hi, does anyone have any idea what would be the best practice to avoid two clicks on a uniBitBtn? Thank you.
  10. Thank you, now it's okay.
  11. Unfortunately did not work, always show .00
  12. Just one detail, it works only for integers? I changed parseInt to parsefloat but it made no difference.
  13. Perfect! thank you so much again.
  14. I need to consider in UniDBGrid1ColumnSummary only the selected rows in an unidbgrid that is with the property dgMultiSelect = True and dgCheckSelect = True, how can I do?
  15. rtalmeida


    How to save and restore unidbgrid settings?
  16. rtalmeida

    Error h:\

    --------------------------- Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project rtacontabil.exe raised exception class EAssertionFailed with message 'Worker is not assigned. (H:\Framework\uniGUI\Source\Core\uniGUIApplication.pas, line 1114)'. --------------------------- Break Continue Help ---------------------------
  17. I'm creating unidbgrid and it's partially working, I'm not able to set the Filtering.editor property to below the code I'm doing. Grade.Columns.Clear; Grade.Columns.BeginUpdate; tmpCons.first; while not tmpCons.eof do begin with Grade do begin with Columns.Add do begin FieldName := tmpCons.fieldbyname('campo').asstring; Title.Caption := tmpCons.fieldbyname('titulo').asstring; Width := tmpCons.fieldbyname('tamanho').asinteger; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Name := 'Verdana'; DisplayMemo := True; Sortable := True; if tmpCons.fieldbyname('tipo').asstring = 'TUniEdit' then begin with TUniEdit.Create(Self) as TUniEdit do begin Left := 10; Top := 10; Parent := UniHiddenPanel1; Text := ''; Name := 'Edit'+tmpCons.fieldbyname('campo').asstring; end; Filtering.Enabled := True; Filtering.editor := TUniEdit(FindComponent('Edit'+tmpCons.fieldbyname('campo').asstring)); end; end; end; tmpCons.next; end; Grade.Columns.EndUpdate; what am I doing wrong?
  18. Hello, I'm having difficulty when I use a datasource that is linked to another form, whenever I close the project and then when I reopen, the datasource binding disappears, what am I doing wrong? Attached an example the datasource of UniForm1 is bound to the dataset of the MainForm. ligacao.zip
  19. rtalmeida


    It worked perfectly, thank you very much.
  20. rtalmeida


    Is the command below possible? Or how can I download the image. UniSession.SendFile (UniImage1.CurrImgUrl);
  21. rtalmeida


    Solved, thank you
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