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Posts posted by rtalmeida

  1. In some components does the color property not work? For example in a UniEdit component I do in the OnEnter CompName.Color: = clInfoBk; And it changes color but in components like: TUniNumberEdit and TUniDateTimePicker and TUniComboBox does not work, how can I proceed?

  2. The problem is that the message may vary, however I did so by doing so:

    UniApplication.Terminate (vMessage);

    Using the above statement works, is there any problem doing this?

  3. In UniMainModule how do I dynamically change the message

    I want to change the contents of TerminateMessage

    I tried like this:

    UniMainModule.ServerMessages.TerminateMessage: = vMessage;

    But always displays the message that is fixed in TerminateMessage.

  4. When clicking on the second option the form opens normally, but if I click the first option the form opens twice, the reason is my routine that passes the form as a parameter, how do I stop the form from opening twice?


  5. I am trying to generate a uniform as follows:

                  Form: = TUniFormClass (FindClass ('TFormUsers')). Create (UniApplication);

    Do I need to register 'TFormUsers'? If so, how do I do it?

  6. When I do the routine below on the local machine saves the pdf, but when I run on the server it does not generate the pdf file, is there anything that can be done?


      Exp.Background := True;
      Exp.ShowProgress := False;
      Exp.ShowDialog := False;

      Exp.FileName := 'Files/Docs/Rta-' +FormatDateTime('hhmmsszzz', Now()) +'.pdf';

      Exp.DefaultPath := '';

      Report.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False;


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