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Everything posted by stas

  1. Добрый вечер, какая версия унигуи ? Причем даже без проверки видны ошибки в синтаксисе . Это точно правильно ? scaleControl: true; draggable: true; navigationControl: true
  2. http://db.kontora.ua/web/fishfact.dll/m
  3. public property Checked[index:Integer]:boolean; // Set Get Checked Item property Disabled[index:Integer]:boolean // Set Get Disabled Item published property DisplayMode:TListDisplayMode; // Display Names or Values or Both of StringList property CheckBoxes:boolean // Show CheckBoxes property DisClosure:boolean // Show Disclosure property Group:boolean // When Group=true and DisplayMode=Name then Grouped By Values else when DisplayMode=Values then Grouped by Names property OnCheck:TItemEvent // On CheckBox tap property OnDisclose:TItemEvent //On Disclose Tap End; listbox.zip
  4. Yes!!! IgnoreWidth IgnoreHeight IgnoreTop IgnoreLeft IgnorePosition
  5. Hello How to unset config property For Example procedure TMyContainer.LoadCompleted; begin inherited; JsCode('width:undefined'); end; But in generated code a see O35=new Ext.MyContainer({width:undefined,width:200}); Where in my component I write JsCode('width:undefined'); Thank you
  6. http://db.kontora.ua.../leaflet.dll/m/ This is Sencha touch version
  7. problem with the electricity already it works
  8. Hello http://db.kontora.ua/web/leaflet.dll/m/ Solution UniServerModule.CustomFiles http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet.css http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet.js MainMForm.ClientEvents.ExtEvents function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.setHtml('<div id="map" style="width:'+sender.getWidth()+'px; height:'+sender.getHeight()+'px"></div>'); map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' { attribution: '© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' }).addTo(map); }
  9. function OnAfterCreate(sender) { sender.addBodyCls('body_grdnt'); } gradient.zip
  10. UniNumberEdit with calculator by http://vodun5.blogspot.ru/2013/08/extjs-42-calculator.html P.S. I am sorry, i forget attach file. calc.zip
  11. Simple ColorPicker Component by http://www.learnsomethings.com/2012/03/20/extjs4-color-picker-in-a-drop-down-control-for-use-on-forms-and-in-editable-grids/ UniColorPicker.zip
  12. If extract resource from extjs.res and create own resource with other name and attach this resource to uniGUI[XX]dcl.dpk ,that work fine. But it is wrong.
  13. It's sample component. Javascript file sample.js for example Ext.define('Ext.ux.sample.component',{extend: 'Ext.Panel'});
  14. Hello, I'm create sample component with JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName:='Ext.ux.sample.component' and published property ClientEvents; In Design-time, when i call ClientEvents.ExtEvents, i get error "Resource EXTJS_EXT_UX_SAMPLE_COMPONENT not found" When I create resource UniSample.res with resource EXTJS_EXT_UX_SAMPLE_COMPONENT and attach this resource to uniGUI[XX]dcl.dpk design-mode work fine, but it is wrong. What should I do ? Thanks P.s UniGui
  15. Replace In procedure TUniButtonEdit.ConfigJSClasses(ALoading: Boolean); from JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName:='Ext.form.TriggerField'; to JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName:='Ext.form.field.Trigger';
  16. [dcc32 Fatal Error] UniCodigoDescricao.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'UniDBButtonNumberEdit.dcu'
  17. stas

    cant create dll

    {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} library {$E dll} {$else} program {$E exe} {$endif}
  18. You hope that it will work? procedure CMVisiblechanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED; procedure CMEnabledchanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMBidimodechanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED; You can use JS Events
  19. UniDBGrid.LoadMask.Enabled always true in design mode Could not set Enabled=false P.S UniGuiVersion 0.96 Delphi version Xe2,Xe6
  20. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4219-a-pdf-viewer-panel-no-browser-plugin-required-pure-javascript/
  21. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3532-unibuttonedit/
  22. UniServerModule.CustomCSS .x-body {background-color: #dfe8f6;}
  23. Hello Pdf.js very cool product, but FastReport pdf without embedded fonts and russian letters display incorrect.
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