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Everything posted by SergioGarcia

  1. Hi, I have found the problem, the first time it saves the image in black and then save well
  2. Sorry, your example save 3 times image and now save again in black. I have no idea why it happens
  3. Sorry, yes work but I do not understand i save the image i another place than AfterSubmit or not work?
  4. Only in Canvas Movile TUNIMCANVAS in TUniCanvas work fine. I Attach a simple Project with a mobile Canvas and a button to save. Project1F.rar
  5. Hello, I have a problem with TUnimCanvas, I use for a customer signature , when I save to an image (jpeg,gif,png,etc...), allways save with background black(see image attached), The Unigui Demo Canvas movileTouch also does the same. I have tried to save the image with savetostream and savetofile. My version of UniGui is
  6. Hi, how did you do it? You can help me, I need something similar. Thank you
  7. I am programming a timeline, with dates. If 2 days are 2 cells, 3 days 3 cells .... etc
  8. I would like to put a button like in the image, that takes 3 cells from the stringgrid.
  9. Hi, is it possible to put a button in a cell of a stringgrid? Thank you!
  10. can you give the complete example? I can not get it to work thk!
  11. Hi What do I need to have permission? I have the pro version
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