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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hello Ario.Paxaz, Can we run this on Mobile without SSL ? Thx.
  2. Hello, 1. Try the update release 2020 of the : - libeay32.dll - ssleay32.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\SSL\dll 1. Get right version 32/64 : C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\SSL\dll\x86 or dll\x64 3. Try : sslvTLSv1_2 4. Put all your 05 files near your exe file : - Project1.exe (your Start.exe) - libeay32.dll - ssleay32.dll - cert.pem - key.pem - root.pem and let all by default in SSL Options FilePath (as the fig) 5. Check your 3 .pem files bloc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. Today when opening General unigui topics, I found all topics hacked: something like : AMERICAN AIRLINES.....,❤️💕✔️ and after closing and opening then retored naturally. What's wrong with the site ?
  4. Hello, If you are working on local network, As unigui is Server Side, you can install all your printers on the server and share them in your local network. Then your Client side browser will detect them.
  5. How are you Andyhill ? Hoping you feel good... Did you try http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/getting-a-ssl-certificate-from.htm Maybe the copy/past of the 2 .pem files is confused or change them : root.pem = gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt cert.pem = 98d81da6dfe2095b.crt
  6. Yes it is possible Solution : 1. Edit the host file : c:\windows\system32\driver\ets\host 2. Add this line for example: mysite.com save it ( is your local server) 3. Do the same on all your PC local machines. 4. Create on your server a p12 Certificate for mysite.com (as described above step3 + 4) powershell > mkcert -pkcs12 mysite.com 5. Install it on both : your server and client PC 6. Run your app from all local pc : https://mysite.com is secure ____ PS: don't ask me for mobile device (android). I don't know...
  7. No, if it is possible in UniString, it's not for DBGrid : UnidbGrid1 is attached to a DataSet. So you have to work with DataSet.
  8. Don't forget to Refresh Record : It reqires 3 things: MyDataSet.RefreshOptions:=[roAfterUpdate]; MyDataSet.RefreshRecord; UniDBGrid.RefreshCurrentRow();
  9. Hello, At the position on the UniDBGrid; 1. Not recommended method : MyDataSet.Edit; MyDataSet.FieldByName('myField_1').AsString:='Hello'; MyDataSet.Post; 2. Recommended Method : Use Transaction (as Unigui is a mult-Users application) : var Trans: TIBCTransaction; MyQuery:TIBCSQL; begin Trans := TIBCTransaction.Create(NIL); try Trans.DefaultConnection := C_Current; Trans.IsolationLevel := iblReadCommitted; Trans.StartTransaction; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //======================== MyQuery:=TIBCSQL.Create(NIL); try MyQuery.Connection:=C_Current; MyQuery.Transaction:=Trans; txtSQL:='Update MyTable Set ' + ' MyField_1 = :MyField_1' + ' Where (ID = :ID)'; MyQuery.SQL.Clear; MyQuery.SQL.Add(txtSQL); if not MyQuery.Prepared then MyQuery.Prepare; With MyQuery do begin ParamByName('MyField_1').DataType :=ftWideString; ParamByName('MyField_1').AsWideString:='Hello'; ParamByName('ID').DataType :=ftinteger; ParamByName('ID').AsInteger :=MyDataSet.RecNo; end; MyQuery.Execute; finally MyQuery.Free; end; //======================== Trans.Commit; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Except on E: Exception do begin erreur:=True; Trans.Rollback; ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; finally Trans.Free; end; end;
  10. We win the first half of the match. Remains the second half : Using our SSL on Android via wifi. All google topics say that it's enough to import this p12 Certificat on the Mobile (Android device). I tried....But steel the cadet no Secure appears As i launch the app from my Mobile like : and not https://localhost:8077 - So, I created a new p12 Certificat (only on server) - And test it first, on my others windows PC (local network) : just import it as described on step 4 above : Touche Win + R key: mmc ) Then Open browser with : And....Yes the cadet is Secure. - But when i did the same on Android....Humm......Not secure I saw many google search : "importing trust certificate on android phone" No result Any help is welcome Thx
  11. Dears, I was finally able to do something: If one day, you will have to develop an Unigui app: - Under local network, - Without Internet, - Which requires an SSL (example Scann Camera) Then read the following: I thought, wrongly to create "Self Signed Certificate". Today, most of browsers reject them. So, after 3 days search, I understood that it was necessary to use another technic : Create a localhost Certificate by mkcert This is inspired by (thx to the Author) : https://technixleo.com/create-locally-trusted-ssl-certificates-with-mkcert-on-windows OK...Step by Step : 1. Installing mkcert on Windows 1.1 mkcert can be installed by Chocolatey To install Chocolatey, you must first ensure the Policy AllSigned Open PowerShell as Admin Get-ExecutionPolicy if Restricted then : Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned 1.2 To install Chocolatey see https://chocolatey.org/install In PowerSehlle type (in a single line): Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) 1.3 install mkcert In PowerSehlle type: choco install mkcert The mkCert Directory (by default) is: C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\mkcert 2. Generate my 2 pem files In PowerSehlle type: mkcert -install This will generate 2 files in C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\mkcert: rootCA.pem rootCA-key.pem 3. Generate a localhost.p12 Certificate In PowerSehlle type: mkcert -pkcs12 localhost This will generate localhost.p12 certificate which will be in the PowerShell directory, ie: ..\System32 4. Import the localhost Certificate Touche Win + R key: mmc File > Add > Certificates > Add Computer account local computer OK Right click / on WEB Hosting Certificates > All Tasks Machine Room Select localhost.p12 Certificate Next specify the password (default): changeit Check: Key Exportable Place of the Certificate on : Web Hosting (dépend on your windows langage : example for french : Hébergement Web) This will create 2 Certificates (in Web Hosting): - localhost - mkcert myDESKTOP-xxx 5. Project Unigui Requires 3 files: cert.pem key.pem root.pem Do not use root.pem = rootCA.pem ( C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\mkcert ) key.pem = rootCA-key.pem ( C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\mkcert ) wich are generated by mkcert. Use instead the new 3 files, obtained online (by converting the p12 file in a new global pem file) 5.1 Split localhost.p12 into 3 Files You can obtain the 3 files via a conversion of the Certificate: localhost.p12 Use Online: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-converter.html - Upload the Certificate File: localhost.p12 - indicate the type: PFX/PCKC#12 - Convert To: Standard PEM - Password: changeit You will get global File, containing 3 blocks : start ...end Separate them with Notebook, and save them into 3 files: The first = cert.pem The second = root.pem The third = key.pem 5.2 Compile your project and run it : https://localhost:8077/ is Secure Have fun... ___________________ PS: if you are interesting by an easy way to scan BareCode via your Android device (wich requires an SSL url) you can use Falcon Store - Components Delphi from our Friend Marlon. Very fast and light ! http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/11359-falcon-store-components-delphi-httpsstorefalconsistemascombr/#comment-60260
  12. Thank you Sherzod. On customer Server, with OpenSSL as describe on unigui developer manual, and SSL Demo, No more. In other words, how can we run an SSL unigui app in local network (without internet) ? Thx.
  13. Dears, I am developping an intranet Unigui application for SuperMarket : The purpose is to Scan BarCode from manager Smartphone Camera, in real time for Inventory. As the camera requires SSL, the URL will be a classical local Server IP adress like : ( Customer server = ) OK, we can buy Certificate from authority or get a free one, but in this case, supermarket customers have no internet. So, it's not possible to attribute a Domaine Name in intranet https://www.mysupermarket.com So, I give up ... The solution will be a Self Signed Certificate (with IPAdress). But all browsers reject this certificate. I googled and found how to export / import for accepting Certificate, but not work with the Unigui Farshad DEMO SSL. Any idea ? Thx.
  14. Don't lost your time. M2M sim card not work in a classical Modem 4g. There is no signal, no internet ! M2M Sim Card is only for specific devices like GPS, camera,... Conclusion : Stay with your classical ADSL line for a home server.
  15. Did you try: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/13864-unimemo-overlap-lines/
  16. Many thx for the great document. I will have a look in details...
  17. The best way with Unigui is to create a welcome web site (referenced optimized) with any tool you know (with wordpress you can create it in one hour). and Inside this welcome page put a button or menu wich redirect url to your unigui application. This is the easiest way i found.
  18. Thank you Ron, Can you please explain with more details ?
  19. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14772-how-can-i-receive-database-table-updates-periodically/&do=findComment&comment=81897 Or http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/12063-access-validation-when-calling-unimainmodule-via-fdeventalerter onalert/&do=findComment&comment=64375
  20. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/23163-about-the-new-websockets/&do=findComment&comment=130912
  21. Many thx IrigSoft. Really appreciate your help I finally contact my ISP, and they suggest me a solution. "You need a Static IP adress and for this if you want to use your 4g Router, we have an Offer named : M2M" Oh Yes, i said....Machine to Machine (M2M). Today all ISP have this offer. The only Cons, is the speed (lower Upload, lower donwload) it's only for communicating with machines over internet (Camera, watering tap, Robots, ...) I will buy a SIM Card M2M tomorrow and will give you feedback to communicate with my Unigui App. Best Regards
  22. Thank you IrigSoft. Humm.... I know these technics (even DNS embeded on router, also listning no-ip company and dynu.net ). The problem with the 4g routers sim card is you can get this public ip but it's not yours. It's a shared ip for 250 users. You can read : https://h685.co.uk/port-forwarding-doesnt-work/
  23. Dears, 1. To manage an unigui home server, it can easily do like this : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5019-a-smart-home-server-100-free/ It is possible as far as your company ISP (Interner Service Provider) provide you a private IP adresse. This adresse is when you ping for example : myipadresse.com Note that major ADSL provide you a 24h private ip adresse. 2. Now, what about a 4g Router with SIM card. Pros : • These rooters are faster in upload and download then adsl line classical routers. Yes, they get internet from a SIM card, just like a mobile phone. • No need a fixe line phone. Take your rooter anywhere. Cons : The problem is on ip adress. The mobile internet method gives you a shared public IP adresse wich is not yours. Even if you find an other private IP adresse on your router, you can not access your home server. https://h685.co.uk/port-forwarding-doesnt-work/ Question : Has anyone find a workround to ping these 4g sim card rooters ? Thx
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