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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hi all, In your VPS you want best performances with your unigui application : I know that in a classical client server desktop application, the good practice is to use store procedures and let the DB server do its job. What about an unigui application wich is executed in a server. Does the dynamic query works faster on each cession or same logic (store procedure is prefered) ? Any expertise ? Thx...
  2. good reading http://www.extjs-tutorial.com Now i understand the big work Farshad is doing !
  3. Many developers disagreed with embarcadero's political marketing. No free service pack for correcting bugs was offert. I signaled this last year on Quality central with others peaple and no thing ... It's a logical equation.
  4. Hello Alessandro, Yes, working wtith Frames is a good choice for Web Application. see sample below. it's inspired by Farshad's DEMO. Best Regards. Frame_TreeView.zip
  5. Hello PhxTecno if you have a big data, the best practice is to - Close DataSet after using them - Don'nt use FetchAll = True On your Dataset - Also very important Set : UniDBGrid.WebOptions.FetchAll = False; - Free all Objects you created on Destroy's form event. Best regards.
  6. اهلا اهلا اهلا ....بالاحباء الاخلاء .لكم البهجة والسرور من الجزائر عيدكم مبروك. And all the Best for unigui members
  7. Hi, Did anyone tried it ? I read good things about it. Any feedback is welcome... Thx
  8. Thank you Bresler I will try it... All the Best.
  9. Good morning Friends, After coding with many dialogs messages and modal forms, i discover that it's a quite difficult to write a nice code, with separated unit's class. The big problem here, is the CallBack procedure. i used Often, forms from my Class object unit that is supposed to be totally independent. Any feedback is welcome. Thx...
  10. Hello DelphiDude, Oh...great, it seems a nice park management soft. Yes, the same problem apears on library 1185, XE3. Solutions: 1. alter the bmp (white space on the left side). 2. Use instead image (what i am doing well) and load them on form.Create event. Regards.
  11. Thx Farshad, I find finally a way : Puting the next Test2 in DCallBack1 it's a little disturbing in terms of development method but get used to it. procedure TMainForm.DCallBack1(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer); begin if Res=mrYes then begin Obj_Animal.Name:='Name 1'; Obj_Animal.Weight :=100; Display; end; if (2=2) then begin mes:=' Change 2 ?'; MessageDlg(mes, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo,DCallBack2); end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Obj_Animal:=TAnimal.Create; try // init Obj_Animal.Name:='Name 0'; Obj_Animal.Weight:=0; // Test1 if (1=1) then begin mes:=' Change 1 ?'; MessageDlg(mes, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo,DCallBack1); end; finally // Obj_Animal.Free; end; // showmessage('free'); end; And with your suggestion, all is OK. Thank you very much.
  12. About DCallBack (wich never stop thread). Here is a portion of code (in attachement) : procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Obj_Animal:=TAnimal.Create; try // init Obj_Animal.Name:='Name 0'; Obj_Animal.Weight:=0; // Test1 if (1=1) then begin mes:=' Change 1 ?'; MessageDlg(mes, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo,DCallBack1); end // Test2 else if (2=2) then begin mes:=' Change 2 ?'; MessageDlg(mes, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo,DCallBack2); end; finally Obj_Animal.Free; end; // showmessage('free'); end; Question : - First problem : Why Test2 is never executed ? - Second problem : as i use oriented object methode, i have to free my Object instance at the end. the big problem is that DCallBack never Stop the thread, so, my Obj_Animal is Free before it show Dialog. (sometime it raise an exception, somtimes no !?). I didn't find a way to write this simple code !? Anyone has an idea ? thx... DCallBack.zip
  13. - For the Edition Plus, i don't know. - For the Complete Edition : There is no problem, it's automatically installed by the runtime package 1185. Regards.
  14. Abaksoft

    Eid Mubarak

    الف الشكر shweppes To all brothers and sisters. فرسة ثمينة ان نكون من عتقاء النار و الفائزين بالجنة. محمد ياسين من الجزائر رمضان مقبول و عيد مبارك
  15. Hello Rav, Localhost is the server ! Do you mean two cession (= 2 Thread) ? Can you give more details... Regards.
  16. Hi Farshad, Here is a classical exemple (like AllFeatures Unigui DEMO): One TreeView on the MainForm, where onClick event gives Frames (parent = mainForm). My question is : By the simple fact that all these Frames have mainForm as Parent, the code inside these Frames will be Thread Safe (without global variable ofcourse) ? Thank you again... Frames.zip
  17. Oh !!! ...un grand merci zigzig I will use now DB controls instead. All the best !
  18. Ok, i will send you an exemple tomorrow ان شاء الله. Thank you Farshad.
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