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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hello Experts, I have an UniCalendarPanel, with too many Events in the same day ( OK, we choose IsallDays=True). In actual UniCalendarPanel, we can'nt see all Events (about 50 Appointment per Day !!! ). Is it possible to add a ScrollBar as shown below ? Or is there an other Solution ? Big Thx.
  2. Solved Sorry for any inconvenience procedure TMainForm.UniCalendarPanel1EventMove(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; AEventId: Integer; AEvent: TUniCalendarEvent; AStartDate, AEndDate: TDateTime; var Handled: Boolean); begin // This is False : // Uniedit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(AEvent.StartDate); // Uniedit2.Text:=DateTimeToStr(AEvent.EndDate); // This is True : Uniedit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(AStartDate); Uniedit2.Text:=DateTimeToStr(AEndDate); end; FSD-2124 Deleted.
  3. Hello, The reason is that : Not all CSS are compatible with old theme used in (Sencha Touch 4.2) See New Themes in MainModule TouchTheme. You can Ask our Maestro SHERZOD : How to translate your old CSS on Sencha 7.0 (if he can ???) And for your MainmForm Change your Design with simple Layout Config : -> ServerModule : MainFormaDisplayMode : mfPage -> Mainm : AlignmentControl : uniAlignmentClient Test.7z
  4. Hello Canestraro, Beautifull Design : Congratulation ! Can you check your Teste.7z It's empty as your Main.pas is at the Location : C:\Users\Canestraro\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Project1 Can you try to Save it on a separate Folder and Upload it again... Thx.
  5. Yes problem in Build (1531). TMainForm.UniFormAfterShow is called 2 times when UniServerModule.MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage
  6. Oh Sorry, I read quickly ! DisplayMemo is for the rows Field.obviously
  7. You can also set your UniDBGrid1.Colums[x] property : DisplayMemo = True
  8. Good morning Sherzod, Any news ? Do I have to create a Ticket Support ? Maybe it's a simple JS Refresh who is missing.
  9. While waiting for ServerFarm, you can use pooling technic. This inhance drastically the connexion ressources and time. For Pooling, each DBAware has its setting, here is an example for IBDAC (Devart) / FireBird : function TUniMainModule.fct_Connexion_Pool(DB_Path:string; var error:boolean):TIBCConnection; begin //1. Result := TIBCConnection.Create(nil); Result.Username:='sysdba'; Result.Password:='masterkey'; Result.ConnectString:='Port=3050; User ID=sysdba; Password=masterkey; Use Unicode=True; Login Prompt=False'; Result.Port:='3050'; Result.AutoCommit := False; Result.ClientLibrary:=WindowsNewDirectory.GetProgramFilesDir + '\FireBird\FireBird_3_0\fbclient.dll'; //2. Pooling Technic //==================================================== Result.PoolingOptions.MinPoolSize:=0; Result.PoolingOptions.MaxPoolSize:=100; Result.PoolingOptions.ConnectionLifetime:=10000; //ms Result.PoolingOptions.Validate:=True; Result.Pooling:=True; //==================================================== //3. Result.Options.EnableMemos :=False; Result.Options.EnableFMTBCD :=True; Result.Options.UseUnicode :=True; Result.Options.Charset :='UTF8'; Result.Options.KeepDesignConnected :=False; //4. try error:=False; Result.Database:=DB_Path; Result.Connect; except on E: Exception do begin Result.Free; error:=True; showMessage('Problem DB : ' + E.Message); end; end; end;
  10. Bonjour Delagoutte, Ca a l'air très intéressant. j'adhère à l'idée
  11. Hi, When moving an Event or Resizing it, the schedule is not correct. Here is a testCase. Project1.zip
  12. Hello Experts, Since Build 1530, Farshad integrated the free pack FontAwsome in Unigui. So, it is now very easy to use them : in the Object Inspector : 1. Choose your Font version : ServerModule > FontAwsomeVersion : fontAws5 2. set the TextConversion property of your (caption, uniEdit, etc...) : txtHTML 3. Copy / Paste the text of your icons (obtained from the siteweb) : https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=solid&m=free Best regards
  13. I remember not too long ago, we had HTML5 Builder, offer on a Delphi version (not sur XE2 or XE3). The idea is to copy / paste the code generated by HTML5 Builder into an UnimHTMLFrame. Did someone use this tip ? Thx.
  14. Hi Experts, Delphi Pro at : 1699€ -25% 1274.25 € https://www.barnsten.com/product-category/embarcadero-tools/delphi-10-3-rio/
  15. Hi Experts, https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/get-ready-for-the-10-4-beta-with-update-subscription Also download the last Blaise Pascal Magazine https://www.blaisepascalmagazine.eu/9634-2/ Good read.
  16. Hello JarekZ Youc can have a look here : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/13475-one-page-back-one-page-forward/&do=findComment&comment=72262
  17. To all Sisters and Brothers, Hoping you feel good. God bless Humanity.
  18. Thank you for sharing, Here is More simple : Using ClientSide Layout 1. ServerModule : mfPage 2. MainForm : AlignmentControl : uniAlignmentClient Layout : vbox Align : center Pack : center Centering_Panel.zip
  19. Hi, Resume : ServerModule > SessionTimeOut is enough for closing a session. If the sessions could'nt close, that mean two possibilities : - an UniTimer is working on the MainForm - or Your MainModule has an extendTimeOut procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleSessionTimeout(ASession: TObject; var ExtendTimeOut: Integer); begin ExtendTimeOut:=60000; // This will extend the Session for an other 60 sec end; // See Demo : C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\SessionTimeout
  20. Abaksoft


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