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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. The Correct place to put FormatSetting is on ServerModule Initialization Section : procedure TUniServerModule.FirstInit; begin InitServerModule(Self); end; initialization // correct place to initialize global FormatSettings parameters //******************************************** UniGuiApplication.PFmtSettings.CurrencyString := '€'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.CurrencyFormat:=3; // See F1 CurrencyFormat 0 = €1 1 = 1€ 2 = € 1 3 = 1 € UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.DecimalSeparator :='.'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.ThousandSeparator:=' '; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.DateSeparator := '/'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.ShortDateFormat:='dd/MM/yyyy'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.TimeSeparator :=':'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.LongTimeFormat :='hh:nn:ss'; UniGuiApplication.PfmtSettings.ShortTimeFormat:='hh:nn:ss'; //******************************************** // IMPORTANT !!! // AFTER in the code for all functions : StrToFloat, FloatToSrt, DateToStr, ... // Must have FmSetting : // StrToFloat(ch, UniGuiApplication.FmtSettings) , ... // DateToStr(madate, UniGuiApplication.FmtSettings) // Example : v:=StrToFloat(St, UniGuiApplication.FmtSettings); RegisterServerModuleClass(TUniServerModule); end.
  2. Hello Wilton, i see many unigui developers in forum who are working with NGINX but : - they don't comunicate yet !!! - they not share yet !!! - they are not generous yet !!! That is a SHAME.
  3. @vlkc, From your title request, for monitoring COM port, you have an excellent library http://nrcommlib.com/nrcomm/index.html it contains a huge of components. Some of them work fine with unigui (as they are not GUI). That said, this will work only in server side !
  4. Hello, You can alternatively save local data (10 Mo) with local storage technic. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/12306-how-can-i-access-local-storage/&do=findComment&comment=65734
  5. @Mehmet, Your idea is great ! Since the begining of unigui project (2010), many users have asked Farshad to do it. Today, as i see the succes of unigui linux deployment..., i think FmSoft can do the same On Android platform. That means, the server will be an android System. But this is a long story ...maybe our magician (Farshad) has an idea...
  6. Hello Peter, Why don't use TDateTime ? 22/09/2020 : 02:00:00 - 21/09/2020 : 22:00:00 should give the correct result.
  7. Hello, Linux is not yet deploy on Trial version. You can ask our Magician Farshad to do it. it shoul be a good idea. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14751-configuring-linux-development-environment/&do=findComment&comment=82135
  8. Hi Eric, IMHO, ZeosLib is not the good choice for hight production. With Devart DBComponent, you shouldn'nt get surprise.
  9. Excellent Peter, Very good initiative. The structure seems to be well. The main idea i like is the possibility to upload example on their places (like the memorial Delphi 7 Help) BRAVO
  10. Hi, After installing Delphi 10.4.1, give your shortCut Admin Rights. That ovoid Flag : "Operation Required Elevation ..." Regards
  11. Hello, I get the same problem this week (Build 1535) and solved it by genrating a screenMask after Tap event. This is due to a slow internet.
  12. Maybe this can help you. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/15011-sweetalertexecute/&do=findComment&comment=81931
  13. Hello, Try to put the UniSweetAlerte on the MainForm. (For info, on mobile, it raises an AV if it is on a Frame : when putting it on the MainmForm it works like a sharm ! )
  14. Hi, Sorry i misunderstood you. Unigui works like that, without doing anything On an UniDBGrid all what you see and changes are made by server side. This is the big challenge have done by FMSOFT. No need Rest technologies or DataSnap, or XML or Html export or....here. Just connect you UniDBGrid to a DataSource wich is connected to your DB (server side) and apply .post or run a query. Think all what you do are on you Server. Regards
  15. Hello, http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14556-one-server-two-applications-one-calls-the-other/&do=findComment&comment=79018 You can use our Easy Installer Service : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14896-a-windows-service-installer/
  16. Hello, http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14772-how-can-i-receive-database-table-updates-periodically/&do=findComment&comment=81897
  17. Oh...i should boost my mind thank you maestro
  18. Hello, Anyone know : how to add click Event ? UnimButton1.OnClick (Delphi Event) is slow when internet is low (as it is executed on Server side). I would like to fire fastly client side. Thx.
  19. Abaksoft

    ComboBox Style

    Hello, UniLabel11.Caption:=UniComboBox1.Items[UniComboBox1.itemIndex] ?
  20. Hello Sherzod, If you don't mind, i can't return to the top of a MainmForm after scrolling (bottom). Settings : procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // to Get a vertical Scroll (without UnimScrollBox) MainmForm.AutoHeight:=False; MainmForm.Scrollable:=True; end; procedure TMainmForm.UnimButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Raise AV MainmForm.VertScrollBar.Position:=0; // Maybe something like ? // UniMemo1.JSInterface.JSCall('inputEl.scrollTo', ['top']); end; Build 1535 Thx. Project1.7z
  21. It seems that UnimDBListGrid1.Options.dgColumnResize is Locked by default in Unigui ! For this raison, i am using UnimDBGrid instead. Build 1535 Project1.7z
  22. Perfect Maestro, Finally your JSCall is a good replacement of autosize methode, wich should be improved. I Opened a Ticket FSD-2381 Resume : A. Problem : UnimLabel.Autosize := True not works, if caption change at Runtime. B. Solution : UnimLabel1.JSInterface.JSCall('setWidth', ['auto']); UnimLabel1.Caption:='111111 2222222222222 3333333333333333';
  23. There is a better way to design a login screen with css and layout technics from Muhammed :
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