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    Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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  1. znaci ima nas jos Ovo vec sad vrijedi da se kupi. Jedino je malo tesko dobiti veliki posao sa frameworkom koji je jos uvijek u beta fazi i daleko od popularnog. Kako nekome objasniti da u "tamo nekom davno zaboravljenom Delphiju" mozes napraviti web aplikaciju? Kada ovo postane komercijalno i bude postojala prava podrska, bice to sigurno druga prica. A sto se tice hostinga, pa standardni hosting paketi i nisu namijenjeni za ovako nesto. Ako zelis aplikaciju da hostas negdje van svojih lokalnih servera, onda ti je najbolje uzeti virtuelnu masinu na nekom cloud servisu (npr. Amazon).
  2. Some of us paid even more (depending on license type), but there is no component set or framework written for Delphi that is even close to unigui capability + it is very easy to use. Web development is one of the main reasons why Delphi lost his position on the market and a huge part of it's community. I agree that Embarcadero should support this project as it is in their best interest, but that is a different story. We know that unigui cannot cost less than 329$, which is a price of ExtJS license. I agree that paying 700$ to 1000$ is a fair price for a commercial product. I don't mind paying that price as I expect immediate return of investment from the first unigui project. I have only one suggestion that is maybe worth to consider. ExtJS has opensource license, but only if you are using it for opensource projects. Maybe unigui should have the same? This can help popularizing unigui framework. So my suggestion is two types of license 1) opensource license only for opensource projects 2) commercial license for commercial projects p.s. Congratulations Farshad, you are doing a great job
  3. Evo jos jedan od neki dan, jos uvijek listam po primjerima. Ovo izgleda odlicno. p.s. fiki dobio sam i ja pristup
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