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Everything posted by tony0228

  1. resolve.... function click(sender, e, eOpts) { MainForm.UniScrollBox1.scrollBy(10,10,true); }
  2. Hi! learning from this topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3214-scrolling-the-scroll-box/?hl=scrollbox&do=findComment&comment=14919 ClientEvents control uniScrollbox's scrolling faile... need solution. ThankX! ScrollBox.rar
  3. eh...This could be a bigger problem... It seems like the effect I want is not to be realized. 是的,菜单是会自动消失了,但它也无法进行选取操作了……两全齐美不容易啊 Thank you very much for your help !
  4. in unigui my browser get this error message: O209.setBodyStyle is not a function
  5. I know,but, how? please... I think , it can be writing some script at a button's client side ExtEvents like these: Ext.button.Button function mousemove(sender, x, y, eOpts) { Mainform.UniPopupMenu1.popup; } function mouseout(sender, e, eOpts) { mainform.UniPopupMenu1.close; } ---------------------------------- but don't work...
  6. 谢谢您的回复,不过我想得到的是自动弹出和自动隐藏的popupmenu效果。 Thanks for your reply Farshad ! But what I want is a auto-popup and auto-hide popupmenu, by check out mouse over event.
  7. //菜单能正常弹出 procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1MouseEnter(Sender: TObject); begin PM_contEdu.Popup(0,28,UniBitBtn1); end; //无法自动关闭 procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1MouseLeave(Sender: TObject); begin PM_contEdu.CloseMenu; end;
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