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David Oliveira

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by David Oliveira

  1. //disable f5 of browser in one edit procedure DesabilitaF5(AObject: TObject); var PropInfoPtr: PPropInfo; begin PropInfoPtr := GetPropInfo(AObject, 'ClientEvents'); if PropInfoPtr = nil then exit; AObject := GetObjectProp(AObject, PropInfoPtr); if AObject = nil then Exit; TUniClientEvents(AObject).ExtEvents.Values['keydown'] := //FbeforeInit; 'function (sender, e, eOpts)' + sLineBreak + '{' + sLineBreak + ' if(e.keyCode == ' + IntToStr(VK_F5) +')' + sLineBreak + ' {' + sLineBreak + ' e.preventDefault();' + sLineBreak + ' }' + sLineBreak + '}'; end; //To use DesabilitaF5(EdtCodigo);
  2. Checkbox triggering and change value on focus (when navigation with enter), like that he just received the focus without changing the value. Does anyone have any suggestions? attached example Test Focus Checkbox.rar
  3. Checkbox triggering and change value on focus (when navigation with enter), like that he just received the focus without changing the value. Does anyone have any suggestions? attached example
  4. hi mr., I noticed that the license has start date and end date of subscription. What was that date? No longer be able to compile with the version you purchased? After the end, we need to buy another license?
  5. Code to Pascal, good luck! UniCalendarioPanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['eventsrendered'] := 'function (sender, eOpts)' + '{ var curView = sender;' + ' var evtElements = Ext.select(''.ext-cal-evt'', true);' + ' if (evtElements)' + ' {' + ' Ext.each(evtElements.elements, function(eachEl) {' + ' var evtId = curView.getEventIdFromEl(eachEl);' + ' var rec = sender.getEventRecord(evtId);' + ' if (!Ext.isEmpty(rec)) {' + ' if (!Ext.isEmpty(evtId)){' + ' var pop_content = "<div id=''popup-data''><p><b>Detalles: </b>" +rec.data.Notes.replace(/\n/g, "<br />")+"</p></div>";' + ' new Ext.ToolTip({' + ' target: eachEl' + ' ,title: rec.data.Title' + // ' ,dismissDelay: 2000 // auto hide after 2 seconds' + // ' ,anchor: ''top''' + // ' ,anchorOffset: 85' + ' ,trackMouse: true' + ' ,html: pop_content' + ' }); ' + ' }' + ' }' + ' }, this);' + ' }' + '}';
  6. When we have a UNIGUI for Delphi XE7?
  7. Hi Stas, Add another component (Edit number) that will work perfectly Forgot to add, but is attached UniDBButtonNumberEdit.rar
  8. Hi, Are there any plans of integrating Unigui with Extjs 5?
  9. hi man, to use the JS events is not what intrigues me, what makes me intrigued is not possible to change the TOP and / or LEFT even if runtime
  10. I'm trying to create a new component where a DBEdit (Edit of ID) is glued to one another DBEdit (Edit of Description), but not working, the second DBEdit is not positioned correctly, In vcl works, but when I migrated to this Unigui not working. can someone help me? Attached Thumbnails UniDBButtonNumberEditDescricao.rar
  11. I'm trying to create a new component where a DBEdit (Edit of ID) is glued to one another DBEdit (Edit of Description), but not working, the second DBEdit is not positioned correctly, In vcl works, but when I migrated to this Unigui not working. can someone help me? UniDBButtonNumberEditDescricao.rar
  12. does not work in version, and now batman?
  13. Hi, Very cool, In unigui beta version not work, so based on that, I made a small adjustment to function properly: In the Form ClientEvents.UniEvents Create a beforeInit event, the contents of this event should look like this: function window.beforeInit(sender) { Ext.apply (sender, { tools: [{ type: 'pin', tooltip: 'tooltip of pin', handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){ ajaxRequest(sender, 'tool', [ 'btn=pin' ] ); } }, { type: 'refresh', tooltip: 'tooltip of refresh', handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){ ajaxRequest(sender, 'tool', [ 'btn=refresh' ] ); } },{ type: 'search', tooltip: 'tooltip of search', handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){ ajaxRequest(sender, 'tool', [ 'btn=search' ] ); } },{ type: 'save', tooltip: 'tooltip of save', handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){ ajaxRequest(sender, 'tool', [ 'btn=save' ] ); } }] }); } And OnAjaxEvent event look like this: procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName='tool' then ShowMessage('Button '+Params.Values['btn']+' pressed'); end; I have helped those who had the same problem I had. Hugs!
  14. Problem to set UniEvents runtime, example: procedure TFmeCadastroMestre.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); ... uniGUIClientEvents.TUniClientEvents(EdtCodigo.ClientEvents).UniEvents.Add('afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts)'); uniGUIClientEvents.TUniClientEvents(EdtCodigo.ClientEvents).UniEvents.Add('{'); uniGUIClientEvents.TUniClientEvents(EdtCodigo.ClientEvents).UniEvents.Add(' sender.emptyText = "123";'); uniGUIClientEvents.TUniClientEvents(EdtCodigo.ClientEvents).UniEvents.Add('}'); or EdtCodigo.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Text := 'afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.e' + 'mptyText = "123";'#13#10'}'; ... end;
  15. what is the unit uses with the TUniEventStrings class to set runtime unievents?
  16. Hi Bruno! Change the Theme property in your MainModule for: azzurra
  17. Hi! You need to include the "azzurra.js" to ServerModule in custom files, such as: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniServerModule.CustomFiles.Add('ext-' + ExtJSVersion + '/resources/ext-theme-azzurra/js/azzurra.js'); end;
  18. Configuration is always easy extjs-theme-bootstrap-master.zip
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