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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. I am facing a difficulty with the organization issues of the columns of a unidbgrid. My grids are created in runtime, and I can not find an organization pattern that is being used for unidbgrid. In the attached image, the grid was created in the following column sequence: 1) GroupHeader "Movimento" (columns: empresa,código,data) 2) Cliente (columns: pessoa,nome pessoa,cnpj/cpf) 3) nota (columns: modelo,serie,nota,chave) After the exhibition was: 1) Movimento (columns: empresa,codigo,data) 2) Nota (columns: chave,modelo,serie,nota) 3) caixa (caixa,data faturamento, nome caixa) Etc. When the grid is mounted the layout always differs from the creation order. I have not located any field or control index for this. How can I solve this, so that the columns remain in position as I create them?
  2. I am facing a difficulty with the organization issues of the columns of a unidbgrid. My grids are created in runtime, and I can not find an organization pattern that is being used for unidbgrid. In the attached image, the grid was created in the following column sequence: 1) GroupHeader "Movimento" (columns: empresa,código,data) 2) Cliente (columns: pessoa,nome pessoa,cnpj/cpf) 3) nota (columns: modelo,serie,nota,chave) After the exhibition was: 1) Movimento (columns: empresa,codigo,data) 2) Nota (columns: chave,modelo,serie,nota) 3) caixa (caixa,data faturamento, nome caixa) Etc. When the grid is mounted the layout always differs from the creation order. I have not located any field or control index for this. How can I solve this, so that the columns remain in position as I create them?
  3. Taking advantage of the topic, how can we turn off that the theme affects certain components. The theme menconado is very beautiful, but it has very dark colas for the backs of forms, panels, pagecontrols, etc. How can we make sure that themes do not affect the controls. It would be interesting to have a property in this sense, which would allow that in certain components we could point out that it was not affected by the theme.
  4. The only possible solution is to have to redo the entire stringgrid
  5. Everything I've discussed here in relation to peripherals comes up against the issue of browser security. I've heard of inconvess: impossible here. Direct printing on equipment is the greatest gymnastics. Interassion with ratchets, bluetooth, etc. At least here the suggestions are communications through local services in the client interacting with the server (which will run into a series of issues of network security topology, firewall, proxy, etc.) which makes it unfeasible. I honestly still could not find or have an answer to something that is really plausible.
  6. For more than 1 year I have debated this here in the forum, but without significant advances. I have to deal with many peripherals on clients, and today I have had too many problems. To just print I have to put the unigui service to upload with user with aministrador privileges. Turn and move to stop working, and you have to go there and restart the service. To access a balance, a biometric reader, I had to make a client stay running at the local station and exchange messages via the websocket. However, this is costly, not practical. I'm analyzing the go-global/graphon virtualization solution. At least usb peripherals you have access as well as printers.
  7. What I have noticed is that migrating applications to the clouds is still something that needs more maturing technologies, especially in the case of interaction with hardware. We have to make many ganbiarras just to make an impression. Imagine more complex things like integration with electronic ratchets, electronic point, etc. You can forget. I think I will abandon the project in unigui and return to firemonkey or vcl. As it is said: Our customers do not want to know what technology we use, they want to know that the thing works efficiently. And I have been facing great problems with the interaction with periphery. I have tried numerous approaches, and in all cases there is always some laughter when put to the test.
  8. Does anyone have any component, or do you know any practical resources for communicating with peripherals on client stations. The big problem we face, and there are numerous posts in this regard are related to interaction with peripherals in the client. Printers, scales, digital scanners, etc. The portability for web applications has been occurring, however what is the solution to these questions?
  9. Build The UniStringGrid is changed in this procedure. Yet by no means ondrawcell is being fired. It is triggered only once when the procedure is first performed. a) Stringgrid tuning procedure procedure TfrmAgendamento.UpdateCalendar; var AYear, AMonth, ADay: Word; FirstDate: TDateTime; ACol,ARow:integer; begin FUpdating := True; try sgCalendario.ColCount := 7; sgCalendario.RowCount := 7; DecodeDate(FDate, AYear, AMonth, ADay); FirstDate := EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, 1); { day of week for 1st of month } FMonthOffset := 2 - ((DayOfWeek(FirstDate) - FStartOfWeek + 7) mod 7); for ACol := 0 to 6 do for ARow := 0 to 6 do sgCalendario.Cells[ACol,ARow] := GetCellText(Acol,Arow); sgCalendario.HeaderTitle := IntToStr(day)+' de '+MonthText+'/'+IntToStr(Year)+' ('+formatdatetime('dddd',CalendarDate)+')'; DrawEvents; sgCalendario.Repaint; Invalidate; { trigger OnDateChange and all HookEvents } if Assigned(FDateChange) then FDateChange(Self, FDate); finally FUpdating := False; end; end; OnDrawCell (procedure) procedure TfrmAgendamento.sgCalendarioDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: string; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); var DayNumStr : string; wOutStr : String; wYear : Word; wMonth : Word; wDay : Word; wLeft : Integer; i,f: integer; ADate: TDateTime; begin DayNumStr:=CellText[ACol, ARow]; Attribs.Font.Color := clBlack; Attribs.Color := clWhite; if ((ACol = 0) or (ACol = 6)) and FBlockWeekends and (DayNumStr<>'') and (ARow <> 0) then Attribs.Color := BlockedColor; If (ARow=0) Then Begin Attribs.Color := sgCalendario.FixedColor; Attribs.Font.Color := clBlack; Attribs.Font.Style := [fsBold]; End; if (FHiliteSunday) And (ACol=0) And (ARow<>0) then Attribs.font.color:=clRED; If (ARow>0) Then Begin IF DayNumStr<>'' Then Begin DecodeDate(Now,wYear,wMonth,wDay); If (wYear=Year) and (wMonth=Month) and (wDay=StrToInt(DayNumStr)) Then Begin Attribs.Font.Style:=Attribs.Font.Style+[fsBold]; Attribs.Font.Color := clWhite; Attribs.Color := clNavy; End; End; if (Events.Count > 0) and (CellText[ACol, ARow] <> '') then begin DayNumStr := CellText[ACol, ARow]; i := GetDayEvent(StrToInt(DayNumStr),Month,Year); if (i <> -1) and (Events.Count >= I) then begin Attribs.Color := clyellow; Attribs.Font.Color := clred; end; end; end; end;
  10. I am facing problematic with the onDrwaCell event of UniStrigGrid. This event is only triggered once when the StringGrid is mounted. After even manipulating the values of the grid this event does not fire any more. What is the solution to this?
  11. Giving up using the component. The way it can not use
  12. I tried to work around the problem by creating multiple unimcarousel, so I came across another bug Even though the UnimCarousel property is visible = false, the unimcarouselpages are still displayed.
  13. UnimCarousel1.RemoveControl "uniguiclasses.pas" >> Will it trigger the existing event in unit unimCarousel? If this does not fire, the list is apparently not updated unit unimCarousel; procedure TUnimCarousel.RemovePage(APage: TUnimCarouselPage); begin APage.FCarousel := nil; FPages.Remove(APage); if FPages.Count=0 then FPageIndex := -1 else if FPageIndex>=FPages.Count then begin // if (not IsDestroying) and (not IsLoading) then // SetTabIndex(FPages.Count-1); end; end;
  14. The problem with hiding and removing pages from UnimCarousel persist. In the example there are 5 pages, of which 4 should be hidden because they will be accessed through the option in the code. Even though using the carousel control removal code, pages are still being counted. for i: = UnimCarousel1.PageCount - 1 downto 0 of begin if UnimCarousel1.Pages .Tag <0 then begin UnimCarousel1.Pages .Visible: = false; UnimCarousel1.RemoveControl (UnimCarousel1.Pages ); end; end; UnimCarousel1.Refresh; This does not seem to work either What can we do to solve the problem?
  15. Could you give us some examples of how to use it?
  16. + 1 The part of components for mobile is quite complicated.
  17. UnimNumberEdit has a problem that is the default value 0, which disturbs and confuses the user. I only need a field that only enters integer, I do not need a default value in the field. Is there any way to disable this default value of UnimNumberEdit?
  18. How can I hide the clean content icon from a unimedit. For many times this further disturbs what helps. On most devices there is already an option on keyboards to handle this. And such an icon occupies too much space Again the suggestion is that the components for mobile have more options.
  19. Would there be any way to break in several lines the hint that is illustrated in the day as well as put a background color in it?
  20. Would there be any way to break in several lines the hint that is illustrated in the day as well as put a background color in it?
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