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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. I am using this information yet this same zeroed After the login form, and show mainform
  2. I found out what it was. Was accessing a property in mainform, when accessed, it automatically processes the already show the form.
  3. I do not want mainform to run while not pass the login
  4. FormLogin - How to avoid onshow event mainform if login fails I have the following problem. In onshow the mainform have some events. What happens is that if the login fails, this running these events. What I see is that even before validating the result of FormLogin the mainshow is already running. Is that so? procedure TfrLogin.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := mrNone; if not DataModel.link.Util.ValidaSenha(edtsenha.Text,qryUsuario.FieldByname('senha').AsString) then begin inc(Tentativas); DataModel.link.Mensagem.Alerta('Acesso inválido, verifique a senha digitada.'); edtSenha.text := ''; edtSenha.SetFocus; exit; end; UniMainModule.Usuario.Codigo := qryUsuario.FieldByName('codigo').AsInteger; UniMainModule.Usuario.Nome := qryUsuario.FieldByName('nome').AsString; UniMainModule.Empresa.Codigo := qryEmpresa.FieldByName('codigo').AsInteger; UniMainModule.Empresa.Nome := qryEmpresa.FieldByName('nome').AsString; UniMainModule.Empresa.Fantasia := qryEmpresa.FieldByName('nomefantasia').AsString; ModalResult := mrOK; end;
  5. If anyone can help me. I do not know what can be. Ammyy Admin 62350011
  6. Anyone have any guide, or know tell me what resources extamente I have to install the IIS for the UNIGUI applications to work. I'm a full day headbanging and I can not make it work. Have remade a thousand times this tutorial uniGUI.pdf more here speaks only configuration. And a time of error error "404 - File or directory not found" just another time the IIS does not run. Desisntalei already installed and that shit a lot of times. Aff tired
  7. Every now and then I get messages in this regard. What causes this? Another thing: When for some reason try to close one form in keydow event of any component, I get similar message. How could solve this?
  8. ok I posted on the other, please disregard this
  9. Version: Even with the properties of zero, which, as the post http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4529-minus-value-for-tuninumberedit/?hl=minvalue should not do validation, getting error. How to get around this?
  10. You too use the word impossible. Impossible is something that does not exist. For everything there is a solution. https://qz.io/
  11. Got it, let's see if you can understand me. How do I communicate with a balance of weight, a printer COM port, LTP, POS, in a client station? The server does not have access to such equipment, which are installed on the client station. My need is just to communicate with the client station, preferably via the browser / unigui aplication. As yet encontrie a response to this, the solution I'm finding is developing a HPP server that is the client stations, which uses time being the user accessing the client in the browser, send requests (intranet) to the HTTP server on the client for it to process the task. I have no different idea, but accepted practical examples.
  12. The truth is I need to interact with devices on the client machine. As via browser got nothing so far, the solution I'm finding is via HTTP between client / server and browser / http in client / desktop. So the client / desktop will perform the task of communicating with the device / port / read I need
  13. What I do, it is to have one server on the local machine that will receive the web client (unigui) commands to perform something. As I can not eg print direct a POS through door, send the command to the server on the local machine and this would do what I want.
  14. Yes, to the application server understand. I plan on using indyTCP. But how it is that by unigui application I communicate with this application on the client machine?
  15. something I could interact with the local machine and not the server
  16. Would have some way of interacting with an application on the client machine? For example, an application that was waiting for commands to be executed.
  17. How do I get the grid autoedit the current record? From what I understand the examples the issue has to be giving double click in the cell, or button to edit. Is there any way of not having to go through this? That is, when the cursor into the célual already enable editing?
  18. an application would be possible to work for the two environments? Or necessarily have to have one for mobile and one for desktop?
  19. After breaking a lot of head, I found the damn reference. A component that I use for issuing invoices. Please close the topic
  20. unigui for some reason uses midas.dll ??? I'm having a midas signature in my dll, and has swept all my source in search of any reference to midas, dbclient, and find nothing.
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