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Michal Tabery

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Michal Tabery

  1. Hello, I didn't find any limitations of the free version.
  2. Hello, I am currently testing this editor. I like the ability to insert a picture and edit it. I don't know how to set the size according to unihtmlframe. I can't set the font size for the cursor. It works fine for marked text. Otherwise I like it. Looks like I'll be buying it. It does not use the cloud. It also communicates with images using getHTMLCode() and setHTMLCode(). Other functions: pdf export, fullscreen... (google translate)
  3. Hi, I have the same problem. If I don't have data at startup, only one column will show. After add data columns "B", "C", "D" not show. UniGui, Delphi 10.4, Chrome 985 - Grid.zip
  4. Hi, it works ok. I have added a scroll not shown on the header ScrollBox. function afterrender (sender, eOpts) { sender.getEl (). dom.style ["overflow-x"] = "hidden"; }
  5. Hi, I created the function UniSession.AddJS( ' '+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().addListener(''scroll'' ' +' ,function(sender) {'+UniScrollBox2.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo(''left'', '+UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().getScrollLeft(), false);})' );
  6. Hi, i have a two TUniScrollBox onto which rows of dynamically generated controls are placed. As Header and data. I need to sync the horizontal scroll. I would appreciate any help on this.
  7. I need a component to manage the rooms in the hotel. For example, a timeline planner with drag and drop. Lines like rooms. Columns as date. I will be glad if we agree to create a component. (My English is google translator).
  8. If you use the SQL Server Native Client OLE DB provider (SQLNCLI11), you need to make sure to set the DataTypeCompatibility keyword to "80" so that the new data types will map correctly to the ADO data types.
  9. Sorry, the problem is not in unigui. When using TAdoDataset and SQL Native Client 11.0 I have a problem with time, when using Mictosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server it is OK. I'll investigate.
  10. Hello, I have a MS SQL database with fields of the type time. These items can not see the UnidbGrid columns field name. Thanks.
  11. Hello, supports DBGrid type of time? Field is not in the list of fields, during the manual entry reports an error when editing. Thanks.
  12. It is possible place more menus on one side? Or only one menu on one side = four menu for aplication? Thanks.
  13. Hi, sorry for my English. If insert menu on mainform, then show ok. If created next form with menu, then show menu from mainform. If delete menu from mainform, then do not show any menu from next form. Is it possible to place the menu at more form? Thanks. Unigui ExtJS Delphi XE4
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