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Everything posted by Anthoni

  1. Never mind, got it Just removed the designide from the package and it worked fine. Built 64Bit first then compiled and installed under 32bit.
  2. When I try and load the package into Delphi, the IDE itself crashes with delphicore.bpl Access Violation. However when I then try and create a new package with just the Pascal file and then build under 64 I get :- [dcc64 Fatal Error] BMUniDBGrid64.dpk(33): E2202 Required package 'designide' not found Any ideas ?
  3. I don't have that demo listed. I have DBDemo but that is from a Datasource and Blobs Can you send me it please, or attach it here.
  4. OK, so I might not fully understand, or explained myself properly. I am grabbing the Youtube information via their API system, performing some calculations and then storing the results in a Generic List. The list contains TYoutubeResults class and in that class I have a property called ThumbURL which is a string to the thumbnail of said video. Now in order to show this in a DBGrid I am aware I need to populate a DBMemTable and then add that as Datasource for the DBGrid, however given that the URL is only a string, how do I tell it to display (fetch the image) instead of displaying a string? Hopefully that's explained it a bit better
  5. Hi, I am trying to display some information to the user (a list of Youtube videos to be precise) and I want to display the Thumbnail as well. How do I get the picture displayed in a UniDBGrid? I thought, originally about creating a Frame and placing a normal UniImage on there and then displaying that BUT then I realized I needed to be able to actually allow the user to sort. Hence the Grid
  6. This won't install for the 64Bit edition. It installs perfectly for the 32Bit, but refuses on 64bit. Any ideas what's going on ? Delphi XE5 Regards Anthoni
  7. That's the current paid version isn't it ? No offense, I am going to definitely get it, just can't commit yet
  8. Excellent Do you have an estimated time frame on this ? (I know don't like giving time frames, but an estimate and I promise not to hold you to it ) BTW: The uniTimer memo refresh now works perfectly. Timer calls a thread function that implements a Critical Section inside to check string data and then updates memo accordingly
  9. Hi Farshad, Thanks..... Developing Web based software requires one to shift paradigm thinking. I am so used to developing for the desktop, this takes a little getting used to. On a side note: I know this is more Client side based and UniGui is all server based, but do you have any demos / examples of using HTML5 WebSockets ? Or even just a quick example of how I use one. For example := the user clicks a button and I want to retrieve a webpage (using WebSockets) from the Client browser and then pass that result into the server.
  10. Hello, I have a Window and in this window I have several Frames with content and it's designed to be a Wizard style interface. On one of these Frames I have a TUniMemo and I want to keep adding content into this dynamically depending on what is happening in the software. However, it's not working. From the Frame I am creating a Thread. This Thread does the main work and I want to keep the user informed. At first I tried standard events, did not update. Next I tried passing in the TUniMemo to my thread and then updating the lines inside a Synchronize method, but still it does not get updated. What is the most reliable / best solution to update a Memo this way ?
  11. Obviously (like quite a lot of people here) I am wanting UniGUI, but I would also like it at the 500USD price as well When does that price change ? You mentioned in the post on the purchase page that it will change before it hits 1.0 (which I understand) but also might be sooner ? Any idea when 1.0 will be released ? I don't want to miss the price change BUT I am not quite finished playing about with it. Regards Anthoni
  12. Hey, I am trying to get an interface similar to this :- https://apiwiki.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/mozscape-attribution.png The left hand side where it has the icons with the labels and the fancy mouseover technique. I am guessing I can do it with a listbox (similar to the MegaDemo menu at the side), but I am not that crash hot with CSS so I might me right Does anyone have an idea, or point me in the right direction to get started please ?
  13. That's because that target does not actually exist I have Delphi (and thus FastReports) installed on my D Drive not on C So clearly it's picking it up from who ever wrote the demo, but I need to reset the paths, or work out WHY it's trying to re-compile FastReports
  14. Hi, Not sure if this is the right area, so I appologise if not. I am trying to test this demo :- http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2669-fastreport-demo/?p=21044 However I am having trouble with it. I have Delphi XE5 Enterprise with FastReports 4 installed. When I first load up the project it tells me about missing components (something to do with XML) When I try to compile I get this :- Checking project dependencies... Compiling Project1.dproj (Debug, Win32) brcc32 command line for "Project1.vrc" d:\develop\xe5\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 "Project1.vrc" -foProject1.res dcc command line for "Project1.dpr" d:\develop\xe5\bin\dcc32.exe -$O- -$W+ true --no-config -M -Q -TX.exe -AGenerics.Collections=System.Generics.Collections; Generics.Defaults=System.Generics.Defaults;WinTypes=Winapi.Windows;WinProcs=Winapi.Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE -DDEBUG -Id:\develop\xe5\lib\Win32\release;"F:\My Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Imports";d:\develop\xe5\Imports;"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp"; d:\develop\xe5\include;"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\DelphiXE5";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\xlsAdapter"; "D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts";"D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts\DelphiXE5";D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps;D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps\DelphiXE5; D:\Develop\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\Win32\Release;D:\Develop\madshi\madBasic\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madKernel\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madSecurity\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madShell\BDS12\win32;e:\DXE2Addons\rtcSDK\Lib;e:\DXE2Addons\DIHTMLParserv7; e:\DXE2Addons\Utils;e:\DXE2Addons\NativeXML;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\uIndy;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\ExtPascal; D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\CSSParser;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\SynEdit\Source;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2015; D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools;D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2015;"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD19" -LE"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Bpl" -LN"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp" -NSWinapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win; Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Data.Win;Winapi; -Od:\develop\xe5\lib\Win32\release;"F:\My Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Imports";d:\develop\xe5\Imports;"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp"; d:\develop\xe5\include;"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\DelphiXE5";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\xlsAdapter"; "D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts";"D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts\DelphiXE5";D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps;D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps\DelphiXE5; D:\Develop\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\Win32\Release;D:\Develop\madshi\madBasic\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madKernel\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madSecurity\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madShell\BDS12\win32;e:\DXE2Addons\rtcSDK\Lib;e:\DXE2Addons\DIHTMLParserv7; e:\DXE2Addons\Utils;e:\DXE2Addons\NativeXML;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\uIndy;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\ExtPascal; D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\CSSParser;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\SynEdit\Source;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2015; D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools;D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2015;"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD19" -Rd:\develop\xe5\lib\Win32\release;"F:\My Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Imports";d:\develop\xe5\Imports;"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp"; d:\develop\xe5\include;"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\DelphiXE5";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\xlsAdapter"; "D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts";"D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts\DelphiXE5";D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps;D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps\DelphiXE5; D:\Develop\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\Win32\Release;D:\Develop\madshi\madBasic\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madKernel\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madSecurity\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madShell\BDS12\win32;e:\DXE2Addons\rtcSDK\Lib;e:\DXE2Addons\DIHTMLParserv7; e:\DXE2Addons\Utils;e:\DXE2Addons\NativeXML;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\uIndy;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\ExtPascal; D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\CSSParser;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\SynEdit\Source;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2015; D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools;D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2015;"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD19" -Ud:\develop\xe5\lib\Win32\release;"F:\My Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Imports";d:\develop\xe5\Imports;"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp"; d:\develop\xe5\include;"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\DelphiXE5";"D:\Develop\TMS\Component Pack\xlsAdapter"; "D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts";"D:\Develop\TMS\Advanced Charts\DelphiXE5";D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps;D:\Develop\TMS\WebGMaps\DelphiXE5; D:\Develop\TMS\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\Win32\Release;D:\Develop\madshi\madBasic\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madDisAsm\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madExcept\..\Plugins\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madKernel\BDS12\win32; D:\Develop\madshi\madSecurity\BDS12\win32;D:\Develop\madshi\madShell\BDS12\win32;e:\DXE2Addons\rtcSDK\Lib;e:\DXE2Addons\DIHTMLParserv7; e:\DXE2Addons\Utils;e:\DXE2Addons\NativeXML;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\uIndy;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\ExtPascal; D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\CSSParser;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\SynEdit\Source;D:\Develop\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2015; D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools;D:\Develop\Framework\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2015;"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD19" -K00400000 -NB"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\Dcp" -NH"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\hpp" Project1.dpr [dcc32 Warning] W1030 Invalid compiler directive: 'true' [dcc32 Fatal Error] fs_isysrtti.pas(581): F2039 Could not create output file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD19\fs_isysrtti.dcu' Failed Elapsed time: 00:00:03.4 Am I missing something here ? I've never used FastReports before, but when I read that you can export PDF reports I wanted to see what it looked like. Do I need to install something else first ? Regards Anthoni
  15. Hi, So am really new to UniGUI and just going through the demos at the moment and trying to get my head around things. Everything was going great until I reached the Login demo. For the life in me I can not figure out how you have set the Login form to be the first one that is shown, whereas before it was a form called Main. Am i missing something here ? Does it have to have the name Login for the architecture to know it is a login form ? Regards Anthoni
  16. Yay, 0.94 has been released. Happy, happy, joy, joy
  17. Hello, I know that uniGUI is based on Delphi and a vast majority of the code will be in the Delphi language, however after flicking through the board for some time now (whilst I wait for an XE5 version) I have noticed that there is a tendency to use ExtJS specific elements. So my question is, do you think it would be beneficial whilst I wait for XE5 compatibility to lean ExtJS? I know the basics of Javascript and I also know jQuery, so I am guessing the learning curve will not be that steep. Regards Anthoni
  18. Got my license as well Eagerly awaiting 0.94 due to Delphi XE5 version. Have not been able to play with UniGui yet.
  19. +1 to this I would like a Delphi XE5 version
  20. So found out the XE4 version will not work on XE5 at all. Far too many errors, ranging from the UniTools to uIndy and probably beyond because I gave up there. Would love an XE5 version
  21. Hello, Any idea when a Delphi XE5 version will be ready ? Does anyone know if this is compatible with XE5 at all ? Regards Anthoni
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