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Everything posted by Mattos

  1. Could you help me how should I do the upgrade using the last version of UniGUI, please ?
  2. Hi Farshad ! The log file is not created and it only shows the message "O servidor não está disponível no momento" (translating=The server is currently unavailable). I use Delphi XE4 + MySQL and fmsoft_unigui_extjs_0.94.0.1020_setup with Report Builder 18. I'm thinking of rewriting the reports with Fast Report, what do you think about ? Thanks a lot. Fernando.
  3. Good afternoon John! All right? Could you give me any tips? This attached report gives no error in host, but when I run the server, it simply the message "The server is not available.". Fails to ask or subsidiaries or enter dates to run the report. Other reports are giving the same problem, but the other registration screens and queries are running smoothly on the local host and server. Shows no error or anything that would indicate a failure and I am more than 30 days trying everything. I've changed the parameters for SesseionTimeOut 6000000 and AjaxTimeout 600000, or put another number "0" in these fields to increase their time, but simply takes longer to give the error. I do not know if I have to change any other parameter ...? Thank you, Fernando Mattos. .
  4. I am trying to change the colors and I did not get it yet...!
  5. in a server of military police SQLconnection Intranet of military police ISAPI MySQL x Linux x IIS7 x Delphi X4 + UniGUI fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.94.0.1020_setup
  6. OK...I am going to check all configurations again step by step. Could It be a problem with firewall or a closed port ? It is my last question, OK?
  7. Could I send you the DLL file and scripts of MySQL to you test in your server ?
  8. in the first case (IIS7 + MySQL / Linux) I had a connection and I had erros with the name where Linux did not find RDAgeral and a change all table names to lowercase like rdageral. After I had this last error. In the second case (IIS8 + MySQL/Windows) it always showed the last error.
  9. I did it in localhost, it´s OK, but when I do with DLL I have this error message.
  10. OK...could you show me how I must do it ? I am not a specialist in MySQL. I can show the data in lines commands in MySQL, PHPAdmin and Navicat. Others DBA of MySQL did all tests about it and I did not see problems.
  11. As I told we used step by step these links and when the DLL runs it shows this erros message and I think It did not connect with MySQL+Linux or MySQL Windows.
  12. Yes, we used the instructions found in links: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?apache_2_2.htm http://delphi.cz/img/vykriky20/unigui_guide_eng.pdf http://chee-yang.blogspot.com.br/2009/10/configure-windows-7-iis7-for-isapi-dll.html
  13. I am reading https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/faisalfareedaxlibrary/archive/2014/05/17/access-denied-while-copying-dll-into-windows-server-2012.aspx Could It be something permission in Windows? Or with IUSR user ?
  14. It did not connect because I tried to save a text files so show me the erro points and they are not created in the DataModule file where I try to connect to MySQL. The error messsage "File acess denied" shows before to do this... procedure TdmRDA.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var sParam: String; begin AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo00.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if SQLConnection.Connected=False then SQLConnection.Connected := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo01.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAopms.Active=False then sdsRDAopms.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo02.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAproxseq.Active=False then sdsRDAproxseq.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo02.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAauditoria.Active=False then sdsRDAauditoria.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo03.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAtextos.Active=False then sdsRDAtextos.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo04.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAgeral.Active=False then sdsRDAgeral.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo05.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAgeral2.Active=False then sdsRDAgeral2.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo06.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); if sdsRDAgeral3.Active=False then sdsRDAgeral3.Active := True; AssignFile(F1, 'Lixo07.Tmp'); ReWrite(F1); WriteLn(F1, 'OK'); CloseFile(F1); end;
  15. PMembers, We logged like administrator of CPU and run the DLL, but it can not connect with MySQL and show this error message only. I am going to receive the log file to send you. Please wait they send me this file.
  16. Hello to all !!! I'm using Delphi + UniGUI fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.94.0.1020_setup XE4 (TSQLConnection) + MySQL / Linux + IIS7 and (try to also use in IIS8 + MySQL / Windows). The application (DLL) is executed and it shows the login screen with the error message "Access Denied" file and do not connect to MySQL. The DLL created folders: asnet_client, cache, ext-, files, js, log, temp, uni. I think the DLL should be needing to create other folders trying to record something else and it is not getting success. We did all the tests and other applications like phpAdmin, Navicat MySQL and comands lines show direct to us the tables and data are listed by select. I would like some help, because I'm trying to solve this problem for 3 weeks without a way to go and my project can be lost if I did not give a solution to that as soon as possible. Greetings and thanks, Fernando Mattos.
  17. Pessoal, estou colocando mais informações sobre o que estou fazendo para gerar a DLL corretamente e os passos para roda-la no IIS. Será que alguém poderia me ajudar a encontrar algum erro nestes passos ? Ou mesmo adicionar alguma outra sugestão para fechar todos os passos e ver o projeto rodando na Web ? Obrigado, Fernando Mattos ................................................................................................... No Delphi IIS segui os passos abaixo: 1) Gerei a DLL apesar do flag "StandAloneServer" do ServerModule onde ficar True, mas gerou a DLL (OK) // {$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module' {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} library {$E dll} {$else} program {$E exe} {$endif} RDA; No servidor IIS segui os passos abaixo: 2) Para acesso externo, substituir o localhost pelo seu IP Externo, exemplo: 3) Se sua internet for uma ADSL não esqueça de fazer um NAT do modem para seu servidor e liberar a porta do Firewall do Windows. 4) Você liberou a porta (8077) no Firewall do Windows Server? 5) Para liberar você tem que criar uma regra de segurança na Porta de Entrada (TCP) no Firewall do Windows Server.
  18. Bom dia ! Estou tendo o problema em mudar o flag "StandAloneServer" do ServerModule onde sempre fica True, não permite mudar para False. Ao executar Shift+F9 gera a DLL sem problemas (OK). Mas quando tentamos publicar no IIS estamos com dificuldades, haveria condições de nos ajudar em um passo a passo para publicar a DLL ? Estamos com 95% do projeto pronto para entregar ao cliente e ao tentar publicar estamos TRAVADOS e nos sentimos sem saída para atender o final de nossos trabalhos que é ver mesmo rodar na Web. Obrigado desde já... Fernando Mattos.
  19. Good morning Support ! I am working with XE2 and It is working OK here, I am happy with UniGUI. Thanks ! But I am going to buy the new version (Delphi XE5) to start a new project, could you give news about UniGUI for it ? Do you have any date to us ? Thanks a lot, and see you later. Fernando Mattos.
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