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Lahrach Hakim

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  1. HI Mohajeri, Thank you for your express reply. I have make serach in http://docs.sencha.c...t.button.Button and no propertie color is nassifned to button. So what doing. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I try to learn fast how create unigui web component , so I have get from samples -control1- and I try to add property like changing color button. The component that I have modified can not change color, I don't know why I have try to attach the modified code but there is error when uploading file (Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file) Can you help me please. This is the code below : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit UniCustomControl1; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, extctrls,Graphics; type // TUniControl is base for all visual controls // TuniControl is not a container and can not be a parent for other TUniControls TUniMyButton = class(TUniControl) private { Private declarations } FHrefTarget : string; FHref : string; FPressed : Boolean; fLedColor : TColor; fIsLedOn : boolean; protected function GetLedColor : TColor; procedure SetLedColor (LedColor : TColor); procedure ConfigJSClasses(ALoading: Boolean); override; function VCLControlClassName: string; override; function GetHref: string; procedure SetHref(const Value: string); procedure InternalSetCaption(Value: string); override; function GetHrefTarget: string; procedure SetHrefTarget(const Value: string); procedure WebCreate; override; procedure LoadCompleted; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Href: string read GetHref write SetHref; property HrefTarget: string read GetHrefTarget write SetHrefTarget; property Pressed: Boolean read FPressed write FPressed default False; property LedColor : TColor read GetLedColor write SetLedColor; property Caption; property RTL; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure TUniMyButton.SetLedColor (LedColor : TColor); begin if FLedColor<>LedColor then begin FLedColor:=LedColor; JSProperty('LedColor', [fLedColor], 'SetLedColor'); end; end; function TUniMyButton.GetLedColor : TColor; begin Result := fLedColor; end; procedure TUniMyButton.ConfigJSClasses(ALoading: Boolean); begin JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName:='Ext.button.Button'; end; function TUniMyButton.VCLControlClassName: string; begin Result:=''; end; constructor TUniMyButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; Width:=85; Height:=25; FHrefTarget := '_blank'; end; procedure TUniMyButton.WebCreate; begin inherited; JSConfig('border', [5]); JSConfig('LedColor', [GetLedColor]); end; procedure TUniMyButton.LoadCompleted; begin inherited; JSConfig('pressed', [FPressed]); end; function TUniMyButton.GetHref: string; begin Result:=FHref; end; procedure TUniMyButton.SetHref(const Value: string); begin if FHref<>Value then begin FHref:=Value; JSProperty('href', [FHref], 'setHref'); end; end; function TUniMyButton.GetHrefTarget: string; begin Result:=FHrefTarget; end; procedure TUniMyButton.SetHrefTarget(const Value: string); begin if FHrefTarget<>Value then begin FHrefTarget:=Value; JSProperty('hrefTarget', [FHrefTarget]); end; end; procedure TUniMyButton.InternalSetCaption(Value: string); begin inherited; JSProperty('text', [Value], 'setText'); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('uniSamples', [TUniMyButton]); end; end. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you
  3. yes I have adopt way to create event in javascript, have you idea how to get event in uniurlframe. Thank's
  4. Hi, I have build web page with menu application, I want to capture each choice from menu and execute module reagarding each sub menu. Thank"s
  5. Hi, Thank's for ypur express reply. UniUrlframe ClientEvts ExtEvts Click (java script). If not, is there is way to communicate with uniUrlFrame Thank's
  6. Hi, I have try using the UniURLFrame, the click event does not work, I have only put alert('XXXX'); but nothing it comes. Thank's for helping. Hakim
  7. Hi, I have build form with Unidac connection in web uni application. But when loading the form i get the follow error : OLE DB error occured. Code 800401F0h. CoInitialize has not been called. Thank you.
  8. Ok, I will download the last version. Thank you so much for your help. Have a good night. Hakim
  9. Hi, Unigui version is V0.93.1.1000 Thank you VersionUnigui.doc
  10. Salam Farshad, Thank you for your express relpay. But I have not found the four folders in path that you have indicated I send you in attachement, the folder list insite E:\Delphi\Unigui\D2009\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos Thank you so much for your help. Hakim Folder_unigui_Demos.doc
  11. HI, Have you resolve your deployement problem. I can help you if you need help. Bye
  12. Salam Farshad, What do you mean about Four sample projects. I have search in demo folder. My question is about what is the similair of TCustomControl (VCL application) in UNIGUI WEB APPLICATION. ND :If you want I can send you the source of the component. Thank you so much for your help.
  13. HI, I have create VCL component, I want to convert it and used in unigui web environment, but the problem is what is the similar of ancestor TCustomControl can i use in unigui. If there is no similair how can you use it with other ancestor. Thank's for your help. Hakim
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