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Everything posted by Ulugbek

  1. check cell editor examples
  2. How change color UniSpeedButton on down set?
  3. Ok I undertstand if i set webfocus EditControl then send barcode string into editContorl and onkeyevent or onchange event i will be select from database..... But how detect if webfocus setting on other control like button or unidbgrid i need before scanning set web focus editcontrol
  4. What news feature in 4 version? not realsed 3 version
  5. I need change blue to gray tabs panel
  6. Hi all guru unigui I have question how change neptune theme like this? I need change blue color panel tabs pagecontrol like this? I asked the author but he is not answered
  7. Thank you for you reply Can you share example code or source? For sample On web form i have 1) UniEditFindBarcode 2) UniNumberAmount 3) UniNumberQty 4) UniDbGrid Basket List Item 5) BigButton Pay 6) BigButton Clear But how set cursor to UniEditFindBarcode when start reading or before reading scanner If cursor not setting on UniEditFindBarcode cursor staying other controls grid or uniamt
  8. Hi All First Thank you Farshad for give permission for create topic.. Is it posible work with barcode read scanner? I developing now mini POS system
  9. How change row color in Unidbgrid like if fieild values =1 then color red else yellow
  10. Hi All How set background default image UNIDBImage from source folder?
  11. How about msgdlg ? Confirmation or Warning
  12. Delphi developer 10x work but 2 . UniLoginForm1.AlignmentControl -> uniAlignmentClient where to insert? on create or on show?
  13. HI all help How set center login form when resize browser?
  14. Hello all Not Work hover effect UniPanel.. If I set color in design time clBlack and add document.getElementById(sender.body.id).className += " hoverpanel" Not work for me. If I place UniPanel and don't change color and add document.getElementById(sender.body.id).className += " hoverpanel" Work Fine Custom CSS .hoverpanel:hover { background-color: #3D3E3F; } I found answer myself .hoverpanel{ background-color: #1B1C1D; .hoverpanel:hover { background-color: #3D3E3F; }
  15. See demo login I try set property backgrondimage but i see image only mainform not login form
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