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Everything posted by Ulugbek

  1. fill like this q:=TMyQuery.Create(Self); try q.Connection:=UniMainModule.mycon; q.Close; q.SQL.Clear; q.SQL.Text:='select id,name_point from points where is_active<>0 order by id'; q.Prepare; q.open; maintab.Tabs.Clear; i:=0; while not q.Eof do begin maintab.Tabs.Insert(i,q.FieldByName('name_point').AsString); Inc(i); q.Next; end; finally q.Free; end; Not work procedure THomeFrame.maintabChange(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(maintab.Tabs.ValueFromIndex[maintab.TabIndex]); end;
  2. Who can open for me test free Amazon EC2 because I already registred but not working EC2 reason I use fake Visa Card Number i haven't card number so I use fake Maybe problem this fake credit number Who can help me..
  3. This code not work for me procedure THomeFrame.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fillgoods; treegoods.selected; treegoods.Selected := Treegoods.Items.GetFirstNode; treegoods.Items[0].MakeVisible; end On Frame place tabcontrol. on tabcontrol place treeview
  4. Hi I want find or stay on the new childitem after add How I can do?
  5. Problem solved Solution: Remove panel which stay UniDbgrid after then worked normal
  6. procedure THomeFrame.UniBitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.qryGoodsDT.Close; UniMainModule.qryGoodsDT.Active:=false; UniMainModule.qryGoodsDT.SQL.Clear; UniMainModule.qryGoodsDT.SQL.Add('select * from goods'); UniDBGrid1.Refresh; UniDBGrid1.DataSource:=UniMainModule.DataSource1; UniMainModule.qryGoodsDT.Active:=True; end Unidbgrid Freezes why i cannot understand..
  7. Thank's can you show full example? or sample demo with database thank;s advance
  8. Hi ALL Help me how add node or child nod in runtime I want add group or subgroup some like as EhlibTree or DevexpressTree in runtime
  9. Help UniDbgrid slow and does not work when query open on treevew change when first open normally open when second or third open not work i Use Mydac and Myquery and Mydatasource How fix this problem?
  10. Help How to use AMAZON EC2 step by step? I signed up..
  11. can you sample share treeview with data?
  12. I want to add by TreeView but how.. I want new group and I stay in Treeview and add node or childnode after then refresh node or reopen or itemsearch can stay new node some like But How?
  13. how about add group delete edit edit add subgroup in runtime
  14. Hi All Who can help me How work or how fill treeview from database.. I need this for items table structure Items CREATE TABLE [goods] ( [id] integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [description] varchar(255), [parentid] integer, [isgroup] integer, [code] VARCHAR(25), [note] VARCHAR(2048), All Items TV LCD LED VIDEO
  15. HI All Why some demo not work for example xviewport and etc I set this ServerModule->ExtJSVersion = '4.1.1a' ; ServerModule->ExtRoot = 'Your Full ExtJS Path Or [ext]\' ; some work some not work I Installed last version UNIGUI ..
  16. 10x Mohammad How with button click get not cell click .. I try this but this work only first column procedure TMainForm.est1Click(Sender: TObject); var val1:string; clmn_name1:string; begin val1:=UniDBGrid1.Columns[0].Field.AsString; clmn_name1:=UniDBGrid1.Columns[0].Field.FieldName; ShowMessage(Concat(val1,' ',clmn_name1)); end;
  17. Hi All can you help me TUniDbgrid how get cell value and column name from cell?
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